Kim Jong-man


Якша: Суровые методы
Сотрудник южнокорейского ЦРУ под кодовым именем Якша, базирующийся в китайском городе Шэньян, запускает операцию по розыску пропавшего высокопоставленного северокорейского чиновника.
A Korean theater troupe travels to Greece to rehearse a new production of Aeschylus' Agamemnon. The secluded setting offers a stunning backdrop to the tensions mounting between the lead actress, the domineering director, and various members of the company. BAMcinemaFest alum Ougie Pak (Sunrise/Sunset) lays bare the group dynamics of artmaking and patriarchal power structures, transposing the framework of classic Greek tragedy to a thoroughly modern context.
A young man’s budding romance is threatened when he befriends a strange ride share driver.
A deadbeat teacher helps an angry, aimless teenager find direction in life during his final year of high school.
My Brother
Danchu-gumung (uncredited)
The story of two brothers, growing up in 1970s Korea, who each take two completely different paths. One goes to school to become a doctor, the other becomes a gangster. Their story is told through flashbacks after one of them is murdered.