Mumbai Pune Mumbai 3 shows Gautam and Gauri's after marriage life. It is the sequel of the 2015 film Mumbai Pune Mumbai 2 (2015).
The life of a married couple turns upside down after 8 years of marriage as some hard truths between them come to light. The answers to all these questions will be revealed in this psychological thriller based on true events.
Sunanda Deshpande (Gauri's mother)
This is a sequel of Pune Mumbai Pune which fared very well at the box office. It is a romantic drama based marathi movie.
Highway is a film of that escape which all of us yearn for. It is an attempt to see our own reflections in today’s time.
Anita's Mother
Kathir, a jobless youngster, relentlessly pursues Anitha with his love. Anitha's feelings slowly change from contempt to love, but she does not want to reveal it until Kathir discovers his true self.
Radhe's sister-in-law
Радхе Мохан - бездельник, но золотой души человек. Он знакомится с дочерью священника Нирджарой, поступившей в тот же колледж, где учится он. Он очарован ее простотой и невинностью и мечтает жениться на ней. Но Нирджара, узнав об его чувствах, отвергла его. Однажды, не зная, кто она, Радхе спас старшую сестру Нирджары из беды. Ее муж - Рамешвар рассказывает Нирджаре о ее спасителе. Но прежде, чем Нирджара сможет признаться в своей любви к Радхе, происходит непоправимое...
Police Officer (Special Appearance)
Во время беспорядков пропал младший брат Аман. Его не было среди погибших, но и все попытки разыскать его через телевидение и прессу оканчивались безрезультатно. И хотя в течение прошедших семи лет Физа с матерью продолжали надеяться, что он жив, в глубине души они уже смирились с его смертью. Но однажды Физа из окна автомашины отчётливо увидела в толпе его лицо...
The Film revolves around life and struggle of Farmer, who has to pay his electricity bill and is tired of dealing with the corrupt systems in bureaucracy and politics in India.
Shyam returns from London and Rao Saheb hands him all the business.Janradhan and employee of Raosaheb who eyes his chair creates a rift between the the two as Shyam considers his employee at the top.He loves Kiran whose daughter of Bhau Kasbe an old rival of Raosaheb ,Janardhan tells him that she is the reason behind Shyam's change.Kiran and Shyam get married with blessings of her cousin Raja but Raosaheb disowns them and they start living separately and Janardhan takes advantage of the rift and kills Shyam.But Kiran soon delivers a baby boy named Deepak years later Raosaheb comes across him and wants to take his custody.
One night Ashok gets stuck on a giant wheel with a woman. But knowing that his suspicious wife wont believe him, he goofs up the story that he was with his friend Anthony Gonsalves.
Movie starring Smita Talwalkar, Savita Prabhune and is directed Shekhar Navre.
История не по годам наивной девушки по имени Гори, которую выдают замуж, хотя она совершенно ничего не знает о браке. Семья мужа принимает ее как родную дочь, а вот отношения с мужем с самого начала не ладятся, молодые супруги не могут найти подход друг к другу. Смогут ли время, терпение и взаимопонимание наладить их супружескую жизнь, пробудить в Гори любовь и привязанность к своей новой семье?
A party is held in honor of the recipient of a literary prize, which attracts the cultural elite of the town. Missing is Amrit, a writer who left a promising literary career to become an activist among the tribals. His attempt to bridge the chasm between words and deed haunts those at the party. Based on a Marathi play by Mahesh Elkunchwa.
Mr. Khote is a successful businessman. But he has cheated many people in business. When two young guys Dilip and his cousin Vijay wish to start a business, Vijay's father (Mr. Khote's best friend) takes them to Mr. Khote. He wants Mr. Khote to teach these young kids about business. When the training starts, Mr. Khote proves Vijay and Dilip cheating is probably the only way to succeed in business. Whereas the young boy Vijay is trying to prove that only truth would lead you to success.Mr. Khote shows Vijay how to get benefited by cheating others. Many incidences are shown where Mr. Khote proves this fact. But still Vijay is not ready to agree. To prove the sides of Truth and Lie they go for a bet whoever loses would lose 10,000 Rs. Others like Pestan, Dilip join the bet with their own share.