В самом начале фильма одержимая злым духом женщина совершает убийство. Ее родственники, обеспокоенные случившимся (еще бы не обеспокоиться — женщина выглядит как больная, выпученные глаза, раны на коже, ругается, кусается, летает по комнате, норовит удушить), вызывают священника, который и проводит сеанс экзорцизма. Изгнание Дьявола проходило тяжело, зло никак нехотело покидать тело несчастной женщины, а когда все-таки вышло из нее, далеко не ушло… Спустя годы в индийскую больницу, а точнее в морг, попадает труп священника. С этого момента у молодого врача и его возлюбленной больше не стало спокойной жизни. Злой дух повадился вселяться в тело молодой девушки, отравив жизнь всем ее близким.
The wealthy Malhotra family consists of dad, Vikram, his wife, and son, Raj. They would like Raj to get married to their friend, Ishwarchand Mangatram Gore's only U.S. based daughter, Simran. But Raj is intent on finding his very own soul-mate - which he does in his sister's tutor, Asha, who comes from a poor family, and is refusing to accept any advances from him. On the other hand, Simran too refuses to marry Raj, as she is in love with Sameer, an up-coming singer. When Simran is summoned to India, and introduced to Raj, both plan to get their marriage canceled, and succeed. While both attempt to woo their sweethearts, they find that Sameer is Asha's betrothed. Both Simran and Raj must now come up with a plan so separate the two - and thus marry the partners of their choice.
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Unable to conceive, Thakurain Lajjo enlists the help of her maid, Mahua, and approaches a demon named Nevla, who assures her that she will indeed give birth but if it's a daughter, then she must surrender her to him, to which she agrees. Shortly thereafter, she gives birth to a daughter, Kamya, but refuses to surrender it. Mahua poisons her, abducts Kamya, and takes her to Nevla, but Thakur Pratap Singh intervenes just in time, banishes the former to a coffin in a cavern, and rescues his daughter. 18 years later, Kamya herself will be compelled to approach and resurrect Nevla in order to win the love of Kumar - who she is obsessed with - and will do anything to make him her's forever.