Titina De Filippo

Titina De Filippo

Рождение : 1898-03-27, Napoli, Italy

Смерть : 1963-12-26


Titina De Filippo


Брак по-итальянски
In Memory Of
Нелегкая судьба Филумены Мартурано, героини одноименной пьесы Эдуардо де Филиппо, была близка всем советским женщинам. Ну а жизненным проблемам и устремлениям Доменико сочувствовали все мужчины. Нужда приводит юную Филумену в публичный дом, где она и знакомится с любвеобильным красавцем Доменико. Спустя годы они встречаются вновь и она становится хозяйкой в его доме, но несмотря на их многолетнюю связь, он постоянно отказывается официально оформить их отношения. И вот наступил критический момент — убежденный холостяк Доменико решает жениться… на одной из своих многочисленных пассий. У любящей его Филумены остается последнее средство…
Ferdinand I King of Naples
The story of "King Lazzarone" Ferdinand I of Bourbon whose pastime was to neglect the government and disguise himself as a poor man and turn to the infamous city premises in search of love adventures. With the De Filippo brothers to complete.
Noi siamo due evasi
Ernesta baronessa Holz
Two inmates escape prison changing clothes with a couple of businessmen. They'll be taken by the financiers and find themselves surrounded by wealth and beautiful women.
È arrivata la parigina
An ambitious French girl who moved to Italy to be an actress cannot break through and then opts for a normal life.
Napoli sole mio
Lorella must marry Dr. Matteini, but when she goes to Naples to meet him, she meets Michele, who sings in restaurants. The fateful spark is ignited, and although Michele is poor, Lorella decides to marry him against his mother's wishes.
Napoli sole mio
Lorella must marry Dr. Matteini, but when she goes to Naples to meet him, she meets Michele, who sings in restaurants. The fateful spark is ignited, and although Michele is poor, Lorella decides to marry him against his mother's wishes.
Napoli sole mio
Zia Matilde
Lorella must marry Dr. Matteini, but when she goes to Naples to meet him, she meets Michele, who sings in restaurants. The fateful spark is ignited, and although Michele is poor, Lorella decides to marry him against his mother's wishes.
Totò, Vittorio and the Doctor
Madre del marchese De Vitti
The fake private detective Mike Spillone is hired by two old ladies to find out if Brigitte, the wife of their nephew Otello Bellomo, has a lover. Brigitte is a physician but the two aunts are unaware of the fact. While investigating, Mike and his assistant Johnny discover Brigitte with a prospective patient, the marquis De Vitti who was shot by the husband of the woman he tried to seduce. Afterwards Spillone finds her with her husband who he believes to be her lover.
La canzone del destino
Тото, Пеппино и бандиты
При богатой жене-скряге Антонио вечно без гроша в кармане. Да ещё в округе объявился безжалостный бандит Иньяцио, гроза всех богачей! Как же быть бедняге-подкаблучнику? К счастью, у него есть верный друг Пеппино, которые предлагает инсценировать похищение Антонио бандитом Иньяцио, и получить самим выкуп с Терезы. Всё придумано как нельзя лучше, но... как говориться, что-то пошло не так.
This is an Italian Romance starring Terence Hill
Franco's mother
This is an Italian Romance starring Terence Hill
I vagabondi delle stelle
This is an Italian Comedy-Romance starring Terence Hill
What a Woman!
Antonietta's mother
A photographer named Corrado snaps a picture of Antonietta. When it shows up on the front page of a magazine, she wants to take him to court over it.
I pappagalli
Moglie di Antonio
Sunday is the only day off that house maids use to date the young men who cross their paths: doormen, soldiers, sailors, timid virgins and lurid husbands, or even a doctor.
La vena d'oro
Jealous of his widowed mother's new lover, a boy does everything to separate them. Then, after he realizes their profound feelings for each other, he tries to reunite them.
Flesh and Desire
La Peppa
Giuseppe is accused of killing his employer Matthias who is actually in a hospital with amnesia.
100 Years of Love
Aunt Matilde (segment "Purificazione")
Six episodes (adapted from as many short stories: Gozzano, D'Annunzio, Guido Rocca, Marino Moretti, Alba de Céspedes and Oreste Biancoli), six love stories set in different moments in italian recent history.
Non è vero... ma ci credo!
Donna Teresa
A young man in love with a girl whose father--his employer--does not approve of him, disguises himself as a hunchback to get into the father's good graces.
Ragazze da marito
Oreste is known for his deliberation and caution in handling license forms at his office.But when he needs money to send his 3 girls off to Capri to find rich suitors, he is tempted to take bribes to put a license through more quickly.
The Lucky Five
Four poor fellows win a luxurious car in a lottery but they have not the money to keep it. Therefore they decide to have it a day each and sell it afterwards. Everyone will spend his own day with the car and get some gratification. Some will get it, others will not. And the fifth poor fellow?
The Lucky Five
Mariù Palombella
Four poor fellows win a luxurious car in a lottery but they have not the money to keep it. Therefore they decide to have it a day each and sell it afterwards. Everyone will spend his own day with the car and get some gratification. Some will get it, others will not. And the fifth poor fellow?
Два гроша надежды
История вращается вокруг романа Кармелы, дочери владельца мастерской, и Антонио, бедного молодого человека, который пытается исправить свое финансовое положение…
Marito e Moglie
Two episode about the married life. In the first one a paralyzed man is forced by her wife to brood eggs while the mother hen is gone. In the second episode a good-willed man tries to escpape from the grey of the world that surround him
Dogs and Cats
donna Elvira
I morti non pagano tasse
Filumena Marturano
Filumena Marturano
Filumena, an ex-prostitute and for decades Domenico Soriano's lover, discovers that he intends to get married and so pretends to be on the verge of death in order to get him to marry her instead.
Position Wanted
La padrona di Ermelinda
Maria is a housmaid and she is being engaged to Berto for fifteen years. Berto has not a lasting job so he is waiting for the death of his uncle Matteo to come into an inheritance. In the meantime Maria goes on with her work, first in the house of an unfaithful wife; then for an actor and his wife on the verge of leaving each other and last for Raffaele who wants to marry her. At last uncle Matteo dies...
Неаполь — город миллионеров
Ряд сатирических сцен на фоне военного времени. Фильм рассказывает об обычных людях, живущих в одном неапольском переулке, с 1940 до 1950 под господством фашистов, нацистов и затем и союзников.
Assunta Spina
Emilia Forcinelli
Assunta, a commoner of Naples, is scarred by her lover Michele for jealousy.
Ti conosco, mascherina!
An unscrupulous theatrical agent introduces his latest "discovery" to an elderly baron who becomes infatuated with her.
Gli assi della risata
An anthology of several segments about everyday Italian life.
I Do Not Move
Olimpia Squeglia
Former batsman Carlo Mezzetti, who has been left homeless with his daughter Annuccia, takes advantage of favorable situations and legal loopholes to find temporary accommodation, illegally occupying vacant houses.
Non ti pago!
Concetta Quagliolo
The owner of a lottery store refuses to pay a large sum won by one of his workers that he hates, because that man received the winning numbers in a dream.
Una volta alla settimana
La direttrice del collegio
San Giovanni decollato
Concetta Miciacio
Mastr'Antonio Miciaccio caretaker and shoemaker is devoted to Saint John Beheaded and is trying to find out who has been stealing the oil that keeps the candle to the saint burning. He also does not approve of his daughter's boy friend and he does not want him to marry her.
I Was to Blame
Donna Rosa
A comedy about an unemployed fellow who goes to live with his brother and runs into trouble with his brother's overbearing wife.