Andreas Gutuen Aaser


Original Music Composer
In the midst of a searing heatwave twos little kids find the way to cool everyone down.
Beyond the North Winds: A Post Nuclear Reverie
Original Music Composer
On the northern coast of Scotland, Dounreay is a nuclear research site built at the end of the 1950s and whose reactors have been gradually shut down. Following in the footsteps of Walter Glass—a fictional researcher who disappeared during his investigation into the decommissioning of the site—Beyond the North Winds: A Post Nuclear Reverieexplores the inhospitable landscape of this coast and offers a reflection on the links between myth, technology and scenery. It focuses on what has disappeared—the researcher, a cottage that mysteriously went up in flames—to talk about what will remain of us, be it the ruins of a Neolithic shelter, abandoned nuclear infrastructures, or stories, myths and legends, transmitted from generation to generation.
Jeg ser deg
Original Music Composer
Each year, around 30 people disappear in Norway. When the police stop looking, some relatives turn to Michael Winger to find their missing family members. Winger does not call himself a clairvoyant, but believes that he has a strong intuition. Although he has helped to find several missing people, his unconventional means of investigation are still met with suspicion.
Ready to Assemble
Rune and Pernille suddenly find their living room table unexplainably broken. On the look for a new table at IKEA, their relationship runs into bigger ordeals than they ever would have imagined. Is this really how a relationship works, or are they the subjects of a conspiracy?
Råeste mann
Original Music Composer
John is an ex-professional cyclist and as a sports celebrity he is Norway's most high-profile motivator. With his anecdotes and technical expressions from top sport, he is very successful as a speaker in the financial industry. But John is about to discover how hard it is to be "the best version of himself" every second of the day. One day, his teenage daughter launches a new, extreme goal, and John is put to his greatest test yet as a father and motivator.
Добро пожаловать в Норвегию
Boom Operator
Примус — малоуспешный владелец отеля с большими замыслами и ещё большей нетерпимостью к иностранцам. Несмотря на всё это, поток эмигрантов для него — горячо приветствуемый подарок, потому что, благодаря ему Примус может из своей разорившейся гостиницы на севере Норвегии выжать ещё какой-то доход. Предприимчивый норвежец предлагает приют беженцам и за счёт этого получает деньги от государства. Жена Примуса, Ханни, и их дочь, Ода, немало удивляются, когда несмотря на нехватку комнат, дверей, отопления и электричества незнакомые люди прибывают целыми автобусами. Межличностные проблемы конечно же присутствуют тоже. Вопрос в том, хватит ли у Примуса сил стать настоящим хозяином при таком хаотическом положении дел?
The Pole
Original Music Composer
Three guys are fighting over a lottery ticket.
Women in Oversized Men's Shirts
Boom Operator
The dorkiest thing in the world, according to feminist poet Sigrid, is the movie cliche of the young woman who in the morning dons her male lover's shirt, looking adorably "indie cute". But when she begins a relationship with Kåre Tryvle, she has difficulties living up to her ideals. Meanwhile, pregnant performance artist Trine is planning to give birth in a cage, dressed up as Marie Antoinette, on camera, and factory worker Astrid is looking for the son she had adopted away.
Quiet on Set
The film starts on the eastern front during World War II, before the director yells "Cut!" and we 're on a Norwegian film set in 2015. "Quiet on Set" is a meta short film that deals with a romantic encounter on set, where Kjell and Rakel has to be quiet during shooting and are forced to flirt through miming and body language.