Mauro González


The Trace of Your Lips
Román is an actor who works in B-movies and who’s isolated in his apartment as a pandemic keeps the world on edge. Aldo, an indigenous young man, is an essential worker who’s allowed by the authorities to come and go. They live across from each other in an apartment complex. They meet online, and they can talk and even see each other in videocalls, but they can’t meet in person. Eventually, the temptation to break out of their lockdown comes up.
Don't Open the Door
Fausto and Esther childhood was tormented. Fausto, trying to escape from his father. Esther, mistreated by her brother-in-law. They both begin to be involved in a supernatural situation. Over which they have no control.
Ведьма: Реинкарнация
13-летняя Нала приезжает из города в сельскую местность. Её бабуля живет в большом доме и слывет эксцентричной особой. Девочка пытается выяснить, чем таким загадочным больна её младшая сестра, и вскоре узнает, что их заботливая бабушка на самом деле не такая заботливая, как кажется...
Когда исполняется 40
Узнав горькую правду, шеф-повар вместе с другом и партнером по ресторанному бизнесу отправляется на кулинарный конкурс в Канкуне, чтобы снова почувствовать вкус жизни.
Tattoo of Revenge
After suffering a violent incident, a woman decides to become a vigilante, defending every woman who has suffered from physical or psychological abuse.