Mauricio Pascuet Pregnolatto
Foley Artist
When the plans for the future change, new bonds are created between Danilo, Lucas and Marcos. in between video-games and milk cups, pain and disappointment, they need to learn how to live together.
Foley Artist
Clarisse notices a small green leaf growing out of her right arm.
Foley Artist
В небольшой деревне неподалеку от сахарной плантации и спиртового заводика подлый и бедный Хейтор эксплуатирует свою шестнадцатилетнюю внучку Оксилиадору, заставляя ее показывать себя за деньги проезжим шоферам, остановившимся на бензозаправке. Группа местных хулиганов проводит время в оргиях с проститутками и марихуаной, а садист Сисеро домогается Оксилиадоры..
Foley Artist
In northern Brazil, Hermila patiently waits for her husband. However, he has abandoned her. Sexy, restless and resolute, she raffles off "a night in paradise" with herself. This beautifully-shot portrait doesn't shy away from the burdens of a young scarred woman, but it also celebrates her courage to live according to her own rules.
Foley Artist
Зузу Анжел — успешный модельер, которая распространила бразильскую моду по всеми миру. В 70-х годах Зузу восстала против военной диктатуры после изчезновения сына Стюарта, который также протестовал против диктатуры а рядах студенческого вдижения. После ареста Стюарта пытали и убили агенты секретной службы, которые позже объявили его пропавшим без вести. Именно в тот момент Зузу решает предать гластности произвол диктатуры и привлечь внимание барзильской и международной общественности.
Foley Artist
In 1908, Titoe leaves her country, Japan, to try her luck in Brazil. Her intention is just to get rich and return in five years. But life has other plans for her.
Foley Artist
Free adaptation of Machado de Assis's short story "Pai Contra Mãe", having some of Nireu Cavalcanti's 18th Century chronicles as inspiration, the film traces parallels between life in during the slavery period and in modern Brazil.
Foley Artist
A 50 year-old woman who analyses her past. She pictures herself when she was 20 years old and she re-creates the story of her life through a game of innumerous possibilities. What if she wouldn't have gone to that ball? What if... instead of meeting the man of her life, with whom she married and had kids, she would have called a girlfriend and they went to the theater? What would be her destiny? What would have happened? In the plot the present talks to the past. A young woman projects her future in a fascinating game between memories and desires.