Jurek Becker

Рождение : 1937-09-30,

Смерть : 1997-03-14


Яков лжец
История о забытой Богом земле, отрезанной от всего мира. Черные мундиры заслонили для её жителей солнце надежды, и единственный звук среди всеобщего молчания — прощальный стон уходящих вдаль поездов, увозящих обреченных на смерть. Для того чтобы открыть людям истину в этом страшном мире, вывернутом наизнанку, необходимо солгать. Но тому, кто придумает спасительную ложь, она может стоить жизни.
While All Germans Sleep
After 50 years, Marek remembers his dangerous adventure as a five-year-old, when he and his friend Itzek left a Polish transit camp one night in 1942 – a few days before their evacuation to Auschwitz – to go get the toys they forgot at the ghetto. Based on Becker's personal memories and his 1980 short story "The Wall."
So schnell es geht nach Istanbul
A sensitively told Encounter between a Turkish migrant worker and a woman from East-Berlin, shortly after the fall of the wall - full of incertainty and situational comedy.
The Passenger – Welcome to Germany
An American filmmaker travels to modern day Berlin to make a film based on a real-life incident from 1942 in which 13 Jewish prisoners from a concentration camp were promised freedom if they appeared in a German propaganda film. Unfortunately, the Germans lied. The psychological process undergone by the modern filmmaker while shooting the story provides the basis of this arty and challenging film.
Фильм рассказывает о еврейском юноше, взрослеющем в нацистском Берлине. В фильме раскрываются темы борьбы за самоидентичность и борьбы за выживание, бывшие актуальными для евреев, особенно молодых, в охваченной войной Европе.
Das Versteck
One year has passed since Max and Wanda got their divorce. Max has come to the realization that he wants his ex-wife back - no matter what the cost! So he concocts a sneaky plan: he asks Wanda to hide him from the police, who are apparently looking for him. At first, Wanda rejects all his attempts to restart their relationship. But she is soon unable to resist Max's convincing promises and even throws her lover out of the house. But then she discovers Max's lie.
Jacob the Liar
A Jewish ghetto in the east of Europe, 1944. By coincidence, Jakob Heym eavesdrops on a German radio broadcast announcing the Soviet Army is making slow by steady progress towards central Europe. In order to keep his companion in misfortune, Mischa, from risking his life for a few potatoes, he tells him what he heard and announces that he is in possession of a radio - in the ghetto a crime punishable by death. It doesn't take long for word of Jakob's secret to spread - suddenly, there is new hope and something to live for - and so Jakob finds himself in the uncomforting position of having to come up with more and more stories.
Мой нулевой час
Курт Хартунг — исконный берлинец, страдающий на Восточном фронте из-за самодурства майора Штекбека, попадает в русский плен. Не питая никаких симпатий к нацистам, он радуется тому, что война для него закончена. Но не тут-то было, русским срочно требуется язык с той стороны, а обычный ефрейтор для этих целей мало подходит.
Maiden, You please Me
A Saxon village in 1792: While the Prussians go against France, the haymaking takes place in the village and the resolute Marthe catches her daughter Ev with the village blacksmith Ruprecht in the hay.
Чёртово колесо
Чешский турист Елинек решил прокатиться в Берлине на «чертовом колесе», а в результате отстал от поезда, оставшись без вещей и документов.