Silke Heinz


The Auctioneers: Profiting from the Holocaust
Editorial Staff
From 1938-1939, the systematic anti-Semitism of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis led to violence and despotism towards Jewish citizens, along with the exploitation of Jewish property. Tax inspectors, bailiffs, pawnbrokers, and auctioneers were among the major profiteers of the Holocaust. This documentary goes on a hunt for relics of the past and those who've profited most from the injustices of WWII.
Эрих Мильке - мастер страха
Commissioning Editor
Правда об Эрихе Мильке, печально известном главе секретной службы Восточной Германии «Штази»: его мотивации, его карьера и его падение.
Besuch von drüben: Onkel, Tante, Westverwandte
With the building of the berlin wall families are being seperated and normal family relationships become a bureaucratic challenge.