Rocío Pichirili


Delia has been writing poems ever since Jorge, her husband, was imprisoned during a dictatorship. These texts were her refuge, a place where she could express what she never shared, what she had to put aside to support her family. When the dictatorship comes to an end, freedom seemed to have come for everyone, but she continued writing. Today, Delia hands me her poems to share with her family.
Имя сына
Лучо знает, кто он. Это остальные, кажется, запутались: пристально осматривают его, обращаются к нему как к девушке и достают вопросами. Отец Лучо, борясь с собственной неуверенностью, пытается сохранить связь с сыном и дать ему заботу и принятие, которые так нужны.
A collective work created by students of Bachillerato Popular Mocha Celis in Buenos Aires, the first of its kind in the world, the place offers transvestite and transgender adults the opportunity to complete their high-school studies. The films focuses on identity, inclusion, political activism and equal access to the right to education.
A collective work created by students of Bachillerato Popular Mocha Celis in Buenos Aires, the first of its kind in the world, the place offers transvestite and transgender adults the opportunity to complete their high-school studies. The films focuses on identity, inclusion, political activism and equal access to the right to education.