Ole Leikvang


Gjest Baardsen
En bonde
Filmen foregår i en tid preget av hungersnød. Norge har vært i krig med England og Sverige og tidene er vanskelige. Gjest Baardsen har kommet i klammeri med loven, visstnok på grunn av en bagatell. Men Gjest bryter seg ut, i stedet er det lensmannen som blir låst fast med håndjern. Og Gjest flykter stadig med lensmenn og godtfolk på slep.
The Child
The classic movie from 1938 is an adaptation of Oscar Braatens play. Eva Sletto plays the young factory worker Milja, and Harald Heide Steen as her unfaithful boyfriend Julius.Milja and Julius are a happy couple working at the factory, and everything is good until Petrina shows up at the arena. Julius is bewitched by the girl, who gets him to drink and steal.Milja is soon left alone with the shame - and a bastard child. The child is placed with Hønse-Lovisa while Milja is at the factory, but a doctor casts his eyes on Milja`s young. He's looking for children to adopt to rich westside people. In her desperation, Milja gives away the dearest thing she owns, for the kid to have better conditions than she manages to give him.It is Hønse-Lovisa that convinces her that the material benefits can never compensate for real love and care.
The Bridal Party in Hardanger
Based on the novel "Marit Skjølte" by Kristofer Janson, this Norwegian silent movie tells the story of young Marit and her love, Anders, who travels to America to seek his fortune. Without Marit's knowledge, he returns to marry a farm heiress.