Vanessa Guedj

Vanessa Guedj

Рождение : 1976-05-18,


Vanessa Guedj


Joyeux anniversaire Margoline
Simon Coleman
Simon Coleman is a Parisian cop, specialist in undercover missions. If he sometimes plays his life on a pile or face, Simon never gets away from his smile, and whatever pressure he faces. That makes him cool for some... and completely unconscious for others. To complete this immersion career, Simon has preferred a life without attachments; no lasting relationships, let alone children. Until that morning, when he turned on his cell phone after a six-week mission under another identity, the messages chained up... when he learned that his sister died in an accident with her husband.
Le Président, sa femme et moi !
Феликс работает суфлёром в театре. Он живёт в мире грёз и совсем не приспособлен к реальной жизни. Оттого каждая попытка познакомиться с женщиной становится для него суровым испытанием. Однажды в кино он знакомится с Кларой. Охваченный робостью, он пишет для самого себя реплики в амплуа самоуверенного ловеласа. Девушка очарована и соглашается поужинать с Феликсом.
Marie Charlet
О жизни и трагической смерти Анри де Тулуз-Лотрека, гениального французского художника, одного из ярчайших представителей постимпрессионизма. Он был широко известной личностью в богемном парижском обществе конца XIX века, постоянным обитателем Монмартра, где его знали практически все. Анри де Тулуз-Лотрек — прежде всего мастер психологического портрета и создатель театральных афиш.
Eine Frau nach Maß
The Target
A young French sailor falls in love with a Russian tourist during a passion-filled three-day furlough, but is whisked away for a months worth of submarine duty before he can learn her last name and Moscow address. When he is finally freed again, he embarks upon a search for his lost love. Unfortunately, while his aim is true, his timing is off. His first stop is the broadcast headquarters of a major television network. He arrives shortly before the place blasted apart by a bomb. Later, he goes to the apartment of a noted talk-show host in hopes of receiving air-time during which he will plead for information concerning his lost love. But things don't come out as planned for somehow, the sailor ends up considered the prime suspect in the bombing while the real-life terrorist and his cohort, who happen to be in the same apartment building in hopes of knocking off a crooked judge.
Lulu, roi de France
Sylvie Hastier
Lucien Hastier, known as "Lulu", is a locksmith in La Courneuve and a communist activist. He had never known his parents and had been raised by the public assistance, a notary comes to announce that his father died and left him an extraordinary inheritance: a castle, a title of duke and a royal filiation. But problems arise, the deceased duke has left heavy debts and suitors to the title.
Visiblement je vous aime
A misanthropic Parisian street punk learns some difficult lessons after being captured for assaulting and robbing a man in this interesting French drama. This has not been the first time young Denis Lavant has been in trouble, and this time the judge sentences him to the Coral, an experimental open community founded in 1975 by Claude Sigala, in the wilderness of the Camargue. There he encounters a group of inmates just as neurotic and messed up as he is.
Dis maman, tu m'aimes?
The Husbands, the Wives, the Lovers
In the summer holidays, a group of women stay behind in Paris whilst their husbands and children take a vacation on the sunny Island of Ré. The women – wives, frustrated spinsters and adolescents – profit from their new-found freedom to sort out their love lives and the men indulge their earthy passions with no less enthusiasm. Only the children seems capable of rising above this infantile summer madness...
Большая дорога
Очаровательный фильм о девятилетнем городском мальчике, приехавшем к подруге его матери в деревню, пока мама ожидает рождения ребёнка. Во время этих вынужденных "каникул" наш маленький герой подружился с десятилетней девочкой, которая куда опытнее его в житейский вопросах и спешит своим опытом с ним поделиться; наладил отношения с людьми у которых живет и узнал больше о прошлом своей семьи и своем отце...