Liu Wenbo


Future Flowers
A sham-married queer woman and queer man live together but have entirely separate lives. Yet, their schedules are linked by a propagandistic program that nudges them toward a single goal.
Спецотряд быстрого реагирования
Два соперничающих отряда СОБРа вынуждены забыть о своих мальчишеских забавах, когда во время учений они натыкаются на логово наркопроизводителей. Игра превращается в настоящую войну.
Saving Mr. Wu
Mr. Wu, a Hong Kong movie star, is kidnapped in Beijing by Zhang Hua's gang. The police quickly form a task force and begin the search, ignoring that detectives in charge have only twenty hours before the deadline. (A story based on the famous kidnapping case of television actor Wu Rufou that took place in 2004.)