Alireza Sanifar

Alireza Sanifar


Alireza Sanifar
Alireza Sanifar


Баллада о белой корове
Мать-одиночка Мина живет вдвоем с глухой дочерью и едва сводит концы с концами после того, как ее мужа Бабака казнили за преступление, которое он не совершал. Пока Мина ищет справедливости у государства, на пороге ее дома появляется незнакомец по имени Реза, который хочет помочь женщине, считая это своим долгом. Опустошенная и отчаявшаяся Мина принимает помощь Резы, не подозревая об ужасной тайне, которую тот скрывает от нее.
Confrontation of two different generations can lead to some incidents. In FATHERS an incident brings two generations together.
The Ashes
A man and a woman are plunging ever deeper into the desert. Their mission is to burn the body of another man and deliver the ashes to his wife. But when they arrive, the "deceased" disappears into thin air...
The young Iranian woman had not been expecting this kind of examination. She only wanted to renew her driver’s license, but when the officials noticed a scar on her wrist and her tattoo, they began looking at her with suspicion. Suddenly she is trapped, forced to answer personal questions and exposed to insinuations. The camera captures the growing uneasiness with clinical precision.
When Did You See Sahar Last Time?
A girl Sahar who is from a poor family of Tehran's suburbs is not coming back home one night. The mother goes to the police and informs about that. In that same day a body of a girl who is very look like Sahar is find. The parents are summon to recognize their girl's body but it turns out that it belongs to another girl. Major Saeed intervenes in the case and is after answers.
Story of a girl who goes to a remote place at night for a meeting.
Today, Friday, Mohsen and Nazi have come to north of Tehran to choose a house for themselves.