Mann von der Gewerbeaufsicht
Franz Hamster
Кристина, известная как Шина, живет на Баумштрассе в большом городе, где не растет ни одно дерево. У нее 13 мышей и стрессовые родители, которые счастливы, когда поезд идет к ее бабушке в отпуск. Она живет за городом, водит телегу, запряженную лошадьми, и может стоять на голове. А дедушка - пастух. Сельскую идиллию в маленьком городке нарушает только производитель шнапса, который постоянно курит и водит машину, выхлопные газы которой, как дымоходы завода по производству шнапса, загрязняют воздух черной тучей.
A surrealist tale set in the East German village of Stalina.
Mr. Puttlitz
Six episodes taking place the night the Berlin Wall came down.
Frank and Kamminke study informatics in Leipzig and have developed a program that enables a computer to automatically find and correct errors in its software. Freshly graduated, they are relocated to a remote Thuringian village after causing a computer breakdown. There, they are supposed to work in a small company that has no clue of economic management. The rather helpful computer system from West Germany plainly lacks compatible software. But Frank and Komminke are not allowed to work with the hardware , although it is them who could make most out of the complex system. Eventually, and with the help of consultant Petra whom both are in love with, they break into the system control room on New Year′s Eve and start up the computer with their special program.
Förster Wilhelm
Film by Ulrich Thein.
Christine inherits a sailboat from her father, whom she barely knew. Christine is a divorced single mother and her job at a research insitute leaves her with too much work and too little time to sail. She can't find anyone to buy the boat at full value, so she tries to repair it over the winter in the hopes of being able to get a better price in the spring. Working on the boat become something of an obsession to the detriment of Christine's relationships with her son, boyfriend and collegues. When the boat is finally ready to sell, she isn't sure that she is willing to part with it after all.
Romantic comedy about a series of mix-ups. Brigitte Kaufmann wants to divorce her husband Jörg who is an engineer and chief executive of an electronics company – and a hopeless pedant. Benno, a former boy friend of Brigitte, has a slightly bizarre idea how they could save their marriage. A piano player, whom Benno has seen in a bar, and who looks exactly like Jörg, is asked to work his charms on Brigitte and to try to dissuade her from divorce while Jörg is on a business trip. Piano player Engel agrees on the plan and acts as Jörg at home with Brigitte as well as in Jörg′s workplace.
Kuno Gebhardt Müffert
Юная Гритта живет со своим отцом в полуразрушенном замке, где хозяйничают крысы, с которыми девочка наладила полное взаимопонимание. Однажды ее отец, механик Юлиус Ортель, получает заказ от самого короля на изготовление эвакуационного устройства для трона. Его величество очень опасается заговорщиков и желает в любой момент иметь возможность спастись бегством. Для неудачливого изобретателя это становится шансом изменить свою жизнь. К тому же, в Крысином замке появляется принцесса Анна Боллена, скрывающаяся от посягательств Первого Министра, желающего во что бы то ни стало видеть ее своей женой. Чтобы оградить себя от этих посягательств, девушка выходит замуж за вдового Юлиуса Ортеля. Гритте же приходится отправиться на воспитание в монастырь. Но там девочка узнает о заговоре против короля, и вместе с другими воспитанницами бежит из-под присмотра суровых монахинь. По дороге беглянки сталкиваются с ускользнувшим от внимания гувернанток сыном короля, юным принцем Бонусом…
Opa Tönnchen
Ten-year-old Ole is full of mischief. He attempts to fly and is hospitalized with a broken leg. When he sees a Sherlock Holmes movie on TV, however, he forgets about the pains and comes up with a new plan. Disguised as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, he and his friend Andreas start searching for criminals. Soon, the two boys detect their first case. On the street they meet a man wearing a stuck-on beard. The hobby detectives find this very suspicious and decide to follow him.
Pastor Daniel
Mostly fictional episodes in the life of famous german social-critical painter Heinrich Zille.
19-year old Benjamin, called Ben, works as a cashier on the fairground und is impressing girls with his youthful self-confidence. After an argument with his uncle, who had caught the boy with a 16-year old girl, Ben leaves his familiar surroundings und ventures into the world beyond the fairground. At Berlin′s Ostbahnhof, he meets the much older cookmaid Hanna, who puts homeless Benjamin up in her flat. Ben finds work as a welder in a factory where he at first has to cope with the prejudice of his sceptical co-workers.
This quirky episodic comedy weaves together three plotlines centered around the employees of a car garage, with some unexpected fairytale elements to get things moving. A woodland fairy convinces shy bookkeeper Piel to suddenly start driving his Trabi far above the speed limit. Manager Neumann sells his soul to a black cat in order to purchase a more respectable vehicle. And a spirit named "Car Accident" offers to warn owner Sengebusch about upcoming traffic accidents so he can make money by always being the first on the scene.
Otto Scheidel (Manfred Krug) has been captain of the Elbe steamer Jenissei for over twenty years, but his ship, the last of its kind, is going to be converted into a floating restaurant. Otto, whose his strong attachment to the ship has already cost him his relationship with his girlfriend Caramba (Renate Krößner), refuses to take another job and instead joins a railway construction brigade.
Алекс - чемпион школы по лёгкой атлетике, и одновременно - очень мечтательный мальчик. Все бы ничего, да только ему частенько перепадает за опоздания. Впереди соревнования между школами, на Алекса возлагаются большие надежды. Но, судьба золотых медалей под угрозой...
Herr Schlappke
Anton and his family moved into a high-rise building. In order for the new neighbors to accept his trumpet music, he has to perform a little "miracle" with the instrument.
Ten years old Ernst and his father Alfons are traveling to the family event on their bikes.
In a backwater town, opera director Andrej Wischnewsky is supposed to put on a production of Mozart's "Don Giovanni".
Otto Schmiedel
По мотивам рассказа немецкого писателя Йоахима Вальтера "Я же всё-таки не йог". Молодая девушка и ее парень из ГДР решают поехать вместе на летний отдых в Болгарию на черноморское побережье. Но в этот план вмешиваются родители девушки и уговаривают ребят поехать вместе с ними...
Противостоящие западные спецслужбы используя современные технологии для «холодной войны», то есть противостояния с Восточным блоком, разработали устройство под названием COMMINT 3-72. Его «прозвище» было «Радио-убийца». Это оружие было не намного больше футбольного мяча и могло быть хорошо замаскировано на территории ГДР, например, как полевой камень, как остаток стены или как кусок земли. Внешне неприметные, но приправленные сложной внутренней работой, то есть сложной микроэлектроникой, это были вражеские объекты.
Krischan Hahnemann
Прошло четыре года с тех пор, как Алма и доктор Крепелин поженились. Домашний зоопарк в Грос-Клюцкове процветает и процветает, и Альма полностью поглощена своей новой задачей. Но все же она находит время заниматься делами, которые, строго говоря, её не касаются. И как некий...
In 1903, Jan Anskath and his half-brother Martin are living in Rajgorod at the border between Russia and Prussia – Jan on the Russian, Martin on the Prussian side. Both are occasionally smuggling stuff over the border. But while Jan acts from political conviction and is smuggling illegal writings over the border, Martin is only interested in the money. That is why he does not question his shadowy client when he sneaks out refugees into Russia. But then it becomes evident that the distinguished gentleman has robbed the refugees from all of their belongings, only to turn them over to the authorities of the Czar.
Karl Erp is a middle-aged man with two children and a boring marriage. After starting an exciting affair with his intern, Miss Broder, he leaves his loveless marriage and moves in with his lover. Under pressure from Miss Broder’s mother, Karl once again promises marriage. He finds, however, that the excitement that drew him to her in the first place doesn’t carry over into their daily lives.
Falkenauge Manger
A senior professor is kidnapped in the park by residents of a veterans home. Once there, he is asked to invent a "rejuvenating machine" to restore their youth.
Bestmann Heinrich
The crew of a small Saßnitz fisherman has problems with the "making a cultural socialist life". In order not to lose the competition prize again in the future, they want to show the organizer a collective weekend with all the trimmings. And they really do not mind ...
Krischan Hahnemann
Heinz is a well-stocked veterinarian in Klückow and his Jana in quite firm, although not always present hands. And now - as Aunt Alma is slowly getting rid of the concern for her beloved nephew - Dr. Kröpelin finally got his chance: he makes a marriage proposal to Alma. She would not be averse if it had not been his "bloodthirsty" hobby, the hunt. A get-together on the high seat is still not a desirable prospect for Alma. But the more she refuses, the tighter Kröpelin bites into his intention to marry her anyway, whatever the cost.
Krischan Hahnemann
Alma Krause is the proud owner of a thoroughbred French bully. Even otherwise, she nurses and harbors several two- and four-legged friends in her apartment - just as one would expect from a veterinarian's widow. Her nephew Heinz, on the other hand, is kind of beaten. Not as for the love of animals, that would fit badly to a nascent vet, but for a small animal practice, as the blessed uncle operated, he seems to have no ambitions. A future as a "Bazillenscheuche" in the cowshed would like to spare him again Aunt Alma. And she takes her appropriate action.
Bob Merker
A film gala featuring a colorfully mixed program of musical numbers, along with the most popular artists of the GDR music, film and television scenes. The majority of the show is comprised of music performances, which are visually altered or transformed. Cabaret-style written contributions and one acts round out the program. Before each performance, the artists involved are seen in an everyday situation in their life.
Lehrer Fiebig
Было жаркое лето, нещадно палило солнце. Казалось, что даже синева неба поблекла. Земля высохла, и всё, что росло в ней, погибло. Люди и животные страдали от жажды. Старики говорили, что это случилось потому, что хозяйка дождя — фея Регентруда — заснула, и на земле поселился злой волшебник огня Фойербарт. Андрес и его невеста Марен пускаются в путь, чтобы найти и разбудить Регентруду.
Если фея проснётся, то тёплый летний дождь напоит землю, вновь зазеленеют поля, вернётся радость к людям, и Андрес и Марен отпразднуют свою свадьбу. О том, как молодым людям удалось обмануть злого волшебника Фойербарта и преодолеть все трудности на пути к подземному царству Регентруды, рассказывает фильм.
Johann Nepomuk Mälzel
Кинобиография великого немецкого композитора Людвика ван Бетховена. В фильме показаны последние тринадцать лет из его жизни, в течение которых он вынужден был бороться с наступающей глухотой.
Wachtmeister Schwuppke
Philipp is a small boy, who other guys pick on, because he's not as large as them. But when a musician gives him a magical flute, he can make objects bigger or smaller.
Udo Klüterjahn
This episodic comedy explores love in all its varieties.
Hans the farmer is drawn into war as a soldier. Returning from the front, having been defrauded of his pay by his own king, he makes his way home. On his trip, he encounters a witch who asks him to fetch the light from a spring. He keeps it when the witch tries to deceive him and he discovers her foul magic. When the light is ignited, a little man appears who must serve the owner of the light, but it only has power if the owner has faith in himself. His courage bolstered, Hans goes to the king once more to demand his wages be paid.
Bauer Berg
Jette and Johannes have been living together for two years when Johannes suggests that they "legalize" their relationship. Jette loves him, but the proposal of marriage terrifies her.
For thirty years, Karl Achilles has been working at the chemical collective in Bitterfeld. But now his last day as a master at the plant has come. He is about to retire; even if Karl, who finds ending his working life difficult, wanted to stay on, it would not be possible. Karl’s colleagues have arranged a farewell dinner for the retiring master at an outdoor restaurant. But on his last day of work, before the farewell dinner, he meets all sorts of people: both colleagues and people, who do not work at the plant. A mosaic of the biography of a person who found fulfilment in his work and now has to look for the meaning of his life anew.
Eight-year-old Matthias dreams that he will someday become a pilot and his divorced parents will get back together. He waits yearningly for his ninth birthday because his father has told him the story of Icarus, and promised to take him on a sightseeing flight. When Matthias' father doesn't come home, he is devastated. He runs throughout the city, talks to his friend about the relationships of adults, looks for his father at his desk, and gets himself into conflict with the police. As he sits alone on the roof of a house, he comes to the conclusion that Icarus didn't plummet to the earth because he didn't listen to his father, but rather because his father had forgotten him.
The fisherman's son Christian, called Spinner, has a lively imagination. When he is sailing with his pirate sailboat, he feels like the sailor Magellan on the oceans.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) was the author of Werther, the romantic novel that was transformed into a play during Goethe's lifetime and which initiated the whole German romantic movement. The book's story tells of young love and suicide. In this East German film, based on a book by Thomas Mann, Lotte (Lilli Palmer) was the woman who served as the model for the heroine in the novel Werther. She comes to Goethe's hometown for a visit, and her experiences there eerily re-create episodes from the book. Goethe comes across as a pompous old bore, and his friends as pandering sycophants, in this very proper communist party-sponsored, anti-heroic movie.
Film by Hans K.
Brigadier Willi Karbunke
Suse works as a truck driver on a major construction site. The young woman has a hard life behind her. She was foundling, was raised by farmers. Manne, the father of her child, wanted to escape from the GDR and is in prison. After he is released, Manne wants to live again with Suse and their child together. But she rejects him as well as another worshiper. Suse is more interested in the Soviet engineer Boris, but apparently not for her, since he can never remember her at their chance encounters. But a much bigger problem - and a difficult one - is Suse, when she is offered to go to the Soviet Union for six months.
Europe, 1620: The well-known astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler, who teaches as a professor in Linz, receives the message that his mother is prosecuted as a witch in Württemberg. The truth behind the allegations is rather simple: His mother has been denunciated by a former friend after an argument with the authorities. Kepler tries desperately to convince the prosecutors of the absurdity of their allegations with rational arguments.
Ali Funke, genannt Kohlenali
The film describes the activity of an ABV of the People's Police in its section in East Berlin. A mixture of “positive” characters from the beginning, the extensively staged “owl”, who is introduced as a criminal and over the course of time, especially due to the influence of the ABV, develops into a good citizen, and incorrigible characters, with whom the ABV fails with its extensive attempts at rehabilitation and who are arrested after having committed again offenses.
Ironically, at the beginning of the summer holidays, Alwins strict father has grounded him to get him to improve his spelling. Alwin feels like a prisoner and decides to run away heading to his grandparents in the Harz mountains nearly 200 kilometers away. On the road Alwin meets many people and with their help Alwin slowly progresses towards his destination.
Josef Neumann has always been an outsider to society, and at the age of 30, he has already lived an adventurous life when he comes to the GDR. He was raised as a foundling by nuns, made an apprenticeship as a construction worker, went to the Foreign Legion, and was a seaman and a tramp. Now, he is working at the Warnow shipyard. Brigadier Bruno has a lot of sympathy and patience with the unconventional Josef, but Josef cannot fall in line with strict orders and again and again acts against the rules.
Due to his profession, Fred, an easy-going and charming long-haul truck-driver, sees a lot of the world. Along his routes he enjoys the company of a lot of girlfriends who sweeten his spare time. One day, he suffers an accident in Prague which puts his co-driver Orje out of action. The beautiful Hungarian Jana persuades him to make her his new co-driver and does her utmost to take care of the stressful job. The more time the uneven couple spends on the road together, the more Jana feels attracted to Fred.
Bob Tribolett
Аризона, конец сороковых годов 19-го столетия. Индейцы племени мимбреньо стали земледельцами, они построили оросительное сооружение и празднуют свой первый праздник урожая. Урожай выдался богатый, и они собираются продать излишки. Торговцы из Тусона и белые поселенцы боятся лишиться своих прибылей -особенно же люди из «Тусонской компании», которые кладут в свой карман деньги, выделяемые правительством для снабжения индейцев, а им продают испорченное продовольствие. Они переходят в наступление и взрывают оросительное сооружение. Вождь Ульзана ранен, белые считают его погибшим и собираются загнать индейцев мимбреньо в бесплодную резервацию. Индейцы сбегают в Мексику, в горы Сьерра Мадре, но жена Ульзаны, Леона, попадает в руки солдатам.
At the textile company, everyone appreciates the work of 18-year-old Susanne, but nobody really considers her a woman—including Lutz, with whom she is in love. She sets about to make a change, but it is only when she realizes that she is being taken advantage of that a more self-confident Susanne emerges.
This musical comedy based on an opera by Jacques Offenbach incorporates a twist on the classic Greek myth: Orpheus, a music teacher at a girls’ school in the ancient Greek city of Thebes, actually does not miss his wife Eurydice that much – until the gods and Offenbach himself pressure him to retrieve her from Hades.
Helmut Kamp, the construction brigade leader, a man no longer young, life immediately confronted several difficult and woeful problems. The birth of a son, the tragic death of his wife, the relationship of his daughter Ingrid with Dr. Beißert coincided with the need to move to an uninhabited area where a nuclear power plant will be built. Kamp, Ingrid and the members of the friendly brigade decide to act as the duty and the feeling of partnership prompts them, and gradually they all become participants in the new construction...
Doctor Klein
Действие фильма происходит в пограничной области между США и Мексикой в 1848 году, когда Мексике пришлось уступить Америке территорию нынешних штатов Аризона, Нью-Мексико, Юта и Колорадо. Апачи племени мимбреньо в «Новой Испании» заключают с мексиканской горнопромышленной компанией договор, позволяющий мексиканцам производить разведочные работы. Однако залежи благородных металлов привлекают сюда и американского геолога Джонсона. Он зарится на эти земли и расстреливает в селении Санта-Рита индейцев из армейской пушки. Кроме того, он получает огромную премию за их скальпы. Лишь немногие из индейцев остаются в живых и скрываются, в их числе вождь Ульзана. Законы племени требуют покарать убийцу. Смогут ли они отомстить?
Platows Vater
Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Platow worked for the railways his entire working life. He took up service at the small station of Luege 34 years ago. Now, the line is to be electrified and Platow, who cannot cope with the new technology, has to work on a secondary local line. Georg, his son, a railway worker as well, is to attend a training course, but Georg refuses to go. Then his father comes to a surprising and highly unusual decision. He pretends to be Georg Platow, making himself twenty years younger than he really is and registers for the course.
Paul and Paula have had bad experiences with love: Paul is financially well off but has lost all affection for his wife, and Paula leads a troublesome life raising two children on her own. They meet and discover a strong passion for each other. Life seems like a dream when they're together - but their short flights from the burdens of reality are once and again interrupted by Paul's ties to family and career.
Professor Bergmann
Биолог и биохимик с мировой известностью, профессор Хюлсенбек, покидает Германию в 1935 году, чтобы не участвовать в исследованиях нацистов в области евгеники, в экспериментах над людьми. После войны он не находит применения своим знаниям и убеждениям ни в США, ни в Западной Германии. Хюлсенбек обосновывается в ГДР и работает на благо науки. Однако и здесь от него требуют вернуться к генетическим исследованиям человека. Профессор решительно отказывается. Лишь узнав, что в ФРГ его бывший друг продолжает эксперименты в этой области, преследующие неблаговидные цели — даёт своё согласие…
Mann mit Sessel
In this East German film, the third one in The Third is Margit's third lover. After her mother's death, Margit has two affairs which don't work out, and one lesbian friendship which she retains. She is looking for a husband, though, and thinks she has spotted a candidate in her fellow factory worker. As she contemplates marrying him, her story is told in a series of flashbacks.
Ноябрьская революция 1918 года в Германии, голод и социальные потрясения вызывают отклик у молодой Советской власти в России. Для оказания продовольственной помощи формируются железнодорожные составы с хлебом. Один из них по личному поручению В.И. Ленина сопровождает молодая революционерка Татьяна. В пути она встречает бывшего немецкого военнопленного Курта. Между ними возникают романтические отношения. Эшелон с хлебом, несмотря на все трудности, доставлен. В столкновении с отрядом контрреволюционных германских войск Татьяна ранена. Она возвращается в Москву, а Курт едет в Берлин для продолжения революционной борьбы.
Chef de Salle
Taxifahrer Köppe
Гюнтер и Гудрун Пизольд очень заняты своей карьерой телевизионного комика и актрисы, поэтому бабушка берет на себя домашние дела и уход за детьми. Но когда бабушка снова выходит замуж, Пизольды сталкиваются с хаосом в доме и животрепещущим вопросом: кто будет заботиться о домашнем хозяйстве?
Waldemar Lehmann
October 1918: Karl Liebknecht is released from prison and Berlin workers celebrate his release. Although WWI is almost over, the German Kaiserreich in vain sends its last reserves to the slaughter. The working class is in a rebellious mood; the uprising of Kiel’s sailors against war and militarism sets off a call for revolution led by Liebknecht. On November 9, Liebknecht declares the Free Socialist Republic of Germany. But pro-Kaiser military and right wing Social Democrats oppose him.
Alfred Wittig
Dr. Gerd Thiessen, an experienced veterinarian, takes up a new job at a publicly owned manor. His research colleagues are less than thrilled about his ideas and modification proposals. Thus, the pretty and confident veterinarian Sabine Ladenbach becomes his only ally and soon they fall in love with each other. When Thiessen’s wife Eva notices that her husband is growing away from her, she starts to fight for him. Eventually, Thiessen realizes that Eva is the woman of his life, both privately and professionally. At the same time, he figures out that he needs the support of his team to achieve success in his field.
Gefreiter Diel
Long-haul driver Hannes (Manfred Krug) picks up a young hitchhiker, Herb (Jaecki Schwarz), who had a falling-out with his parents after dropping out of college and now travels around doing odd jobs. After a series of adventures, they are joined by Johanna (Jutta Hoffmann) and her child, who missed their bus and need a ride to Berlin. Johanna has left her husband so that he can reflect on their broken relationship and both men gradually begin to fall in love with her.
Taxifahrer Klaus
Five-year-old Peter and his older brother Hans drop the Christmas present for their parents in the middle of the road and it gets flattened by a car. Deeply distressed, they go to a Christmas fair and buy a lottery ticket with their remaining money. To their delight, they win a washing machine! Peter is especially excited when Santa Claus shows up and promises to transport the machine for him, but the old man instead vanishes with the boys' gift. Hans is convinced that Peter has been conned and chases after the fleeing Santa. But Peter simply cannot believe that Santa Claus could be anything other than kind and helpful.
Alfred Kalabis
The communist and resistance fighter Lorenz Reger, who after the war put all his efforts in the creation of a socialist German state, learns that he has only a short time left to live. Nevertheless, he wants to take on one last difficult new task: He wants to restructure a large firm which has run deep into the red numbers. In a short amount of time, Reger manages to establish mutual trust between the employees and the new management. Furthermore, he motivates the employees with his personal interest for their concerns.
Peter Hille
Вождь племени дакота Зоркий Сокол, его жена Вороново Крыло и два воина - единственные оставшиеся в живых из всего племени. Они укрываются в горах Блэк-Хиллс. Они хотят присоединиться к группе племен шайеннов, которую возглавляет вождь Маленький Волк. По пути к шайеннам Вороново Крыло коварно убивают белые бандиты. Зоркий Сокол клянется отомстить и отправляется в Тэнглвуд, где, как он подозревает, находится убийца его жены, бандит Башан, прислужник горнопромышленника Харрингтона. Он встречается с честным шерифом Паттерсоном, который готов ему помочь. Вместе они пытаются изобличить Башана и доказать городу, что именно Башан - виновник многочисленных преступлений, происходящих в Тэнглвуде...
In August of 1914, amidst the public ecstasy surrounding the impending war, Hans Gastl, the young son of a Munich bürger, makes a decision: he will not take part in this war. This resolution signifies a turning point in his life; a farewell to his class and his family.
Mr. No
In Scotland in 1751, young David Balfour is shanghaied aboard a ship where he meets Jacobite rebel Alan Breck Stewart with whom he escapes to the Scottish Highlands, dodging the redcoats.
Peter Hille
Во второй половине 19 века в Чёрных горах (Блэк-хиллс) было найдено золото. Весть об этой находке привлекает в Чёрные горы искателей приключений, бандитов, золотоискателей и дельцов, хотя согласно договору эти земли оставлены за индейцами племени дакота. В числе дельцов прибыл и Бладжен ("Дубинка"), спекулирующий земельными участками - он пытается любыми средствами согнать индейцев с их земли. Истребляя стада буйволов и вырезая целые деревни, им удаётся ослабить племя дакота. Между тем вождь Зоркий Сокол со своими воинами пытается раздобыть оружие. Чтобы отомстить, воины дакота нападают на город золотоискателей, здесь происходит настоящее кровавое сражение между белыми и индейцами. Белых может спасти от поражения только приход армии...
Genosse mit Fahrrad
In an act of friendship and solidarity between two mining towns in 1929, the locals of Kriwoj Rog, Russia, give their flag as a gift to the locals of Bergstedt, Germany. This quickly takes on a symbolic meaning for the miners in Bergstedt as the Nazi party demands that this Soviet gesture be erased and the flag be replaced with their own. The miner and communist party functionary Otto Brosowski (Erwin Geschonneck) publicly declares it his duty to defend this flag against every danger, and he keeps his promise despite his family being threatened by torment and torture.
Film by Thiel and Brandt.
Film by Gottfried Kolditz.
Small town policeman Holms suffers from a rather unusual problem: Because of the low crime rate, there is simply not enough to do for him. Deadly bored, he sinks into the depths of depression and requests the help of a psychiatrist. But his imagination is far more effective: In his dreams, he chases gangsters in London. Finally, some small-time crooks find a way to help "their" policeman out of his emotional misery: They steal a memorial from the market square and thus help Holms to a spectacular case.
An idealistic teacher is shocked to discover her pupils are already cynical and opportunistic. Her colleague soon grows resentful when she uses new and challenging techniques to help her students overcome obstacles.
Adam receives a flashlight with special powers: every liar it shines on flies into the air. Production was cancelled in 1965/66 due to the film's political content. Only in 1989/90 could the director reconstruct the film, where missing sounds and images are replaced with script inserts.
Urban Kráječ
It is the 1930s. Physician Bartos devotedly attends poor patients in the city suburbs, at the same time researching the possibilities of regeneration of human tissues after transplantation. His former colleague Rosen, now working as an assistant at the private clinic of surgeon Kirchenbruch, considers the research a mere utopia. The disappointed Bartos, trying to verify his theories, therefore accepts the outrageous proposal of Marion, owner of a brothel - to surgically replace the face of her lover, the wanted thief Cutter, with the face of murdered Father Hopsasa. Bartos is well paid but his successful operation remains a secret.
Waldemar Lehmann
Первый фильм дилогии, посвященный жизни известного немецкого лидера коммунистического движения Карла Либкнехта. Фильм второй - «Несмотря ни на что» (1971).
The Ruhr area in November of 1918. 13-year old Achim Wolters and his friends get their hands on some potatoes on the market. They want to surprise Achim′s father, who works on a mine sweeper boat, with a decent meal. But Achim′s father does not show up – an informer at the train station has betrayed him for his left-wing beliefs and has turned him over to the police. The priest tells Achim the sad news and advises him to pray for the release of his father. But when carpenter Stelzebein stresses that everybody has to take actions for himself, the devout boy at first does not believe in Stelzebein′s words. But then Achim witnesses in the prison how brutally the imperial police treat his father and the other inmates. Together with his loyal friends, Achim takes Stelzebein′s side. When the revolution starts, they stand together on the barricades.
High-school senior Peter considers the adults around him to be hypocritical, self-congratulatory, and immersed in the past. He gets suspended for writing an essay that his teachers consider to be a challenge to the state. Just Don't Think I'll Cry became one of twelve films and film projects-almost an entire year's production-that were banned in 1965-1966 due to their alleged anti-socialist aspects. Although scenes and dialogs were altered and the end was reshot twice, officials condemned this title as "particularly harmful." In 1989, cinematographer Ost restored the original version, and this and most of the other banned films were finally screened in January 1990. Belatedly, they were acclaimed as masterpieces of critical realism.
По роману О. Готше "Наш маленький трубач" о жизни талантливого немецкого музыканта Фрица Вайнеке, нелегким путем пришедшего в лагерь германского пролетариата и пожертвовавшего жизнью за дело рабочих в 1926 году.
Young lovers Hero and Claudio, soon to wed, conspire to get verbal sparring partners and confirmed singles Benedick and Beatrice to wed as well.
Daniela – a single mother, whose boyfriend left for the US – believes wholeheartedly in Cuba's revolutionary new order. Meanwhile, in Florida, a plot is afoot. Under the command of an American officer, four Cubans ex-patriots and a Guatemalan land on the Cuban coast to prepare a US invasion of the island. Daniela's superior, the corrupt Cuban officer Palomino, is secretly helping the invaders and the young woman becomes entangled in the intrigue.
A fantasy story about the young boy Lutz who is looking, with two friends, for a missing magical bird.
The little island of Laenneken is a place where time seems to stands still. Traditional customs and age-old power relations are still in place and are unaffected by modern-day influences. Not even the foundation of a fishery cooperative has diminished the power of the two richest fishermen, Pröpping and Grabe. Both men have been bitter rivals for ages. Nevertheless, Grabe’s son Henning and Pröpping’s daughter Bärbel prepare to break with the traditions that restrict their lives, as they are had over heels in love with each other and want to marry.
Alexander Berg
Готовится открытие Лейпцигской промышленной выставки, на которой должен демонстрироваться усовершенствованный подъемный кран, построенный в ГДР. Инженер Зибелка получает от иностранной разведки задание подстроить катастрофу с краном во время демонстрации. Зибелка решает налить в главный цилиндр крана кислоту, которая на шпионском шифре носит название духов «Черный бархат». Это должно привести к аварии. Сотрудник органов безопасности Берг вместе со своими товарищами разоблачает диверсионную деятельность Зибелки и предотвращает аварию крана.
Вторая мировая война окончена, но Дрезден лежит в руинах. Калле приходит на родную табачную фабрику, которую приходится восстанавливать заново. Строителям срочно нужен карбид, который можно достать на заводе в Виттенберге, что находится в 200-х километрах от Дрездена. Калле берётся за эту работу. И вот он находится за воротами химического завода с семью бочками драгоценного материала. И пусть у него нет никакого транспорта, зато есть неисправимый оптимизм и смекалка...
ein Schweizer
Little Daniel is a huge fan of cycling. He constantly drives around on his three-wheeler, knowing that he wants to become a famous racing cyclist – just as fast and famous as the world champion Täve Schur. But until then he has to struggle with the difficulties of growing up. His mother, for example, wants him to drink milk – even though Daniel does not find this very suitable for world champions. To get affirmation, Daniel starts searching for his role model Täve. On the way, he has some interesting encounters and experiences many adventures. When he finally meets Täve at a race, Daniel is astonished to watch him pleasurably drink a bottle of milk after an outstanding victory.
Czech friends help refugees from Nazi Germany escape in 1939.
В основу картины положены подлинные события, происшедшие весной 1945 года в Бухенвальде. В прибывшем из Освенцима составе старый польский заключенный привозит в чемодане маленького еврейского мальчика, которого немедленно прячут члены подпольного комитета лагеря. Немецкая администрация узнает об этом и путем применения бесчеловечных репрессий требует его выдачи. Но сломить сопротивление узников не удалось, вспыхивает восстание…
По пьесе Братислава Бражека "И такое в рождественский вечер!" В канун Рождества обострились отношения в семье Лёрке. Дочь Анна против желания родителей решила выйти замуж за Томаса, которого её отец считает непутевым пареньком...
August Nogens
Soldat Albert
Детская дружба между Магдаленой, Михаэлем и Юргеном переросла в юношескую влюбленность, а затем и в соперничество между двумя последними. Но к власти в Германии приходят нацисты, Михаэль оказывается в концлагере, Юрген становится штурмовиком СА, а Магдалена эмигрирует в СССР. Война вновь сводит друзей-соперников: Михаэль попадает в штрафной батальон, где унтер-офицером-надзирателем служит Юрген. И вместе им суждено двигаться навстречу своей давней любви…
The story of the steel melter Martin Hoff, whose factory delegates him to a drama school, corresponds to the real life of the actor Manfred Krug. Like his (film) hero, Krug works as a steel melter, does artwork, sings and acts, and is sent to drama school. Like his hero, who behaves anarchically and conspicuously, Krug is soon expelled from school.
The story of the steel melter Martin Hoff, whose factory delegates him to a drama school, corresponds to the real life of the actor Manfred Krug. Like his (film) hero, Krug works as a steel melter, does artwork, sings and acts, and is sent to drama school. Like his hero, who behaves anarchically and conspicuously, Krug is soon expelled from school.
Zwerg Naseweis
Hated by her jealous and bloodthirsty stepmother, Snow White flees a murder attempt and seeks shelter in the woods with seven kindly dwarfs. Feeling she is safe from harm, Snow White welcomes the disguised queen into her home...with fatal consequences.
Хотя Тонда Майер был начинающим боксером, его огромный рост и незаурядная сила обеспечивали ему победу над противником. В концлагере, куда Тонда попал во время гитлеровской оккупации, он понял, что, только презирая опасность, можно остаться здесь человеком и помогать другим. Он назвал себя коммунистом, хотя никогда им не был. И когда Тонде грозила гибель, в дело вмешалась подпольная организация заключенных и спасла его от фашистской расправы.
Фильм посвящен памяти выдающегося борца с фашизмом, немецкого спортсмена Вернера Зейленбиндера, погибшего в 1944 году от рук гитлеровских палачей.
В основу фильма положены подлинные события, происшедшие в ноябре 1918 года в городе Киле, когда немецкие рабочие с помощью революционно настроенных матросов захватили власть в свои руки. Однако, поддавшись лживым обещаниям правых социал-демократических вождей, большинство матросов прекратило борьбу.
The young orphan Helga is raised by her aunt after WW II. At the age of sixteen, she turns her back to go her own way. As a rambler, Helga wanders through the night streets of Berlin and has brief acquaintances.
Traudels Partner
17-year-old Traudel flees the orphanage she has to live in, in order to venture to Berlin.
Marinus van der Lubbe
В фильме отображены события, связанные с поджогом рейхстага и началом наступления фашистской реакции на Коммунистическую партию Германии.
Йохен Брокманн в роли Георгия Димитрова, сумел передать убежденность профессионального революционера в силе коммунистических идей. Его очная ставка с фашизмом на судебном процессе - один из самых запоминающихся эпизодов фильма.
Krestan Serbin, a 64-year-old Sorbian farm-worker, considers himself non-political. He owns a few acres, a few pigs and a cow, and intends to pass all this on to his daughter Lena. Lena, however, shows only little interest. Krestan’s situation becomes more difficult when he is meant to become integrated into the agricultural production cooperative. He even gets offered a position as Training Supervisor. Although Krestan does not oppose the new policy, he is unwilling to surrender his properties. When the political die-hards who intend to hinder the progressive movement try to win him over, Krestan realizes that it is time to show colours.
Вторая часть кинобиографии Эрнста Тельмана охватывает период с 1930-го по 1944-й год. Фильм начинается с антифашистского выступления лидера немецких коммунистов в рейхстаге и заканчивается его смертью в августе 1944-го. Несмотря на то, что большую часть этого времени Тельман провел в тюрьме, многие его соратники оставались на свободе и продолжали дело своего вождя: на фронтах испанской и второй мировой войны, на оккупированных нацистами территориях, в самом сердце Третьего Рейха…
1-я серия: «Эрнст Тельман - сын своего класса»