Julian Negulesco


The Human Resources Manager
Le vice-consul
A tragic comedy centered on the HR manager of Israel's largest industrial bakery, who sets out to save the reputation of his business and prevent the publication of a defamatory article.
Замкнутый круг
Клан Малакиан, семья армянских гангстеров, управляет преступным миром на юге Франции. Во главе клана — крёстный отец Мило Малакиан, жестоко управляющий своим миром. Его сын и наследник Антон мечтает вырваться из этого, чтобы жить и любить Элоди, посторонней клану, и поступать так, как ему самому хочется. Но правящие круги мафии уже по локоть в крови. Чтобы убежать, не только Антон должен бороться со своей судьбой, но и человек, поклявшийся убрать его отца — инспектор Соньер.
The Other
A man who survives an earthquake is convinced that there is another man still stuck in the debris.
Manuela's Loves
The survivor of a concentration camp finds out that her lover, a lesbian, is having an affair with a protegee.
Crossing Over
Bodgar Merovitch / De Pool
Mahmoud Ben Mahmoud's first feature film.
L'Affiche rouge
A company wants to make a play about Mont Valerien resistant fighters who were shot by the Nazis and the French collaborators.
Marriage a la Mode
The main character is a woman trapped in the long stifling marriage in a boring province. She has an affair with a traveling photographer, follows him to Paris, and then has a series of unsatisfactory but interesting relationships, one of which is with a woman.
A Police Officer Without Importance
Camille, Dov and Joëlle live on the edge of society and are involved in petty theft helping them to buy their drug doses and to survive as best they can. One day, while attempting to rob a movie theater, they activate the alarm signal and it is Pierre, Camille's brother, who is doing a heist in the same building, who is arrested red-handed. The three young people decide to kidnap a police officer and exchange him for Pierre.
Dear Louise
Louise lives alone and seems to like it that way. She has been through a divorce and the recent death of her mother. Recently, she has moved to Annecy, a moderate-sized city, to take work as a schoolteacher. She encounters a much younger man, Luigi, an Italian who is down on his luck. Though he moved to France to find work, he was robbed of his money and papers and is stranded. When he helps her bury her dogs, which her neighbour has poisoned for barking, their relationship grows to a new level.
Who Cares: Anatomy of a Delivery Boy
Le fils
Experiencing something of a mid-life crisis after his beloved son marries and moves out, a factory worker makes some drastic changes in his life, moves in with the boy and his wife, and sets them all on the path to a communal lifestyle.