Chaiti Ghosal


Mission Everest
The film is a biopic on Everest expedition and is inspired by Sunita Hazra's life.
22 ярда
Известный спортивный агент Рон Сен, занимающийся продвижением молодых талантов, оказывается в весьма непростой ситуации, которая способна поставить под угрозу всю его успешную карьеру. Сможет ли он преодолеть эти обстоятельства и вновь доказать всем, что он лучший в своём деле?
Two brothers fight the odds to make their fathers dream come true and they lose much more in the bargain. The film is on street soccer where every kid dreams to be a Messi and to live the dream they are willing to go beyond the distance.
In the Forest... Again
The film features the characters from Satyajit Ray's Aranyer Din Ratri, returning to the forest over thirty years later. Ashim, Sanjoy, Harinath and Aparna have grown old in this film; Shekhar has died. They set out on a journey to break off every link with civilisation for a few days. However, the trip turns sour when Ashim and Aparna's daughter, Amrita, goes missing. It transpires that she is being held for ransom by local tribespeople. Police intervene and the kidnapped girl is returned to her parents, albeit against her own wishes.
Nandita, a nurse, one day encounters a case of bomb blast. The patient was none other than a criminal, who makes memories flash past her mind. This is the same man who raped her six years ago.
Esha Chowdhury
Семья бизнесмена Бхаскара Чоудхари считалась образцовой. Главой семьи Бхаскар с гордостью называл свою жену Парому — она умело вела хозяйство, воспитывала троих детей, ухаживала за больной свекровью. Мир и покой, царящие в семье, погасили у Паромы давнее горестное чувство, о котором никто даже и не догадывался: ведь она вышла замуж без любви — ее семья была очень бедной, и выгодный брак стал спасением.
The Post Office
Amol, a child, is confined to his adoptive uncle's home by an incurable disease. He stands in the courtyard and talks to passers-by and inquires about the places they go to. The construction of a new post office nearby prompts the imaginative Amol to fantasise about receiving a letter from the King or being his postman.
Ek Je Ache Sohor
Five different families facing five different sets of dilemma at the same time, at the same place, because of one common human error. In their moment of crisis, they discover the meaning of their existence and come together to redeem themselves even though they remain strangers in this one-night journey.