Arthur Brauss

Arthur Brauss

Рождение : 1936-06-24, Augsburg, Germany


Arthur Brauss


Ten - Sin for Salvation
The Figure
A short directed by Stefan Hering.
8:28 AM
Dr, Kugler
Tulpen aus Amsterdam
Wenzel Lechner
Anna Lechner loves her work as a flower wholesaler in Amsterdam and has found her dream husband, Ed Verkerk, an ambitious tulip grower. But when her father dies, he makes her promise to take care of her younger sister Lilli. Since a serious childhood car accident, in which the mother died, Lilli is handicapped and full of complexes. Anna stays in Munich for the time being to help Lilli and thus puts her luck to risk with Ed. Lilli, however, gets to know the doctor Lorenz and hovers in the seventh heaven. But Anna is suspicious. which Lilli completely misinterprets.
König Drosselbart
König Ottokar
A king has a daughter, Princess Isabella of Geranium, who is so beautiful that kings and princes come from miles around in hopes of winning her hand in marriage. But although she is beautiful, she is also proud and arrogant, and constantly insults and rejects her suitors. She even rejects noble Prince Richard of Begonia, and mocks him as "King Thrushbeard," even though she secretly likes him. Finally, her father loses patience with his rude daughter and declares that since she has rejected every man who has come to court her, she will be married to the first beggar who comes to the gate.
Meine Schwester und ich
Walter Springer
Zwei Männer und ein Baby
Franz Stein
Liebe ist ein Roman
Edvard Peters
Amokfahrt zum Pazifik
Contaminated Man
Lead Detective
In this science fiction thriller, David Whitman (William Hurt) is a chemist who lost his wife and child in a freak accident and is trying to rebuild his life on his own. While doing research, Whitman discovers a series of mysterious deaths that seem to follow in the path of Joseph Mueller (Peter Weller), a seemingly ordinary man who works as a security guard. Unknown to Mueller, his body carries a strange contaminant that's deadly to many people, and Whitman is desperate to find Mueller and stop him before he can cause more deaths.
Latin Lover – Wilde Leidenschaft auf Mallorca
Helmut Glaser
Die blaue Kanone
A crime comedy directed by Otto W. Retzer.
Sweet Little Sixteen
Komissar Piek
Yes. It's a Chuck Berry song. You picked it up in your search engine covering Berry's obit.
Frucht der Gewalt
Kalte Küsse
Dr. Mockenhaupt
After the corpse of the programmer Klaus Pape was found neatly dismantled in a freezer, Commissioner Beate Stein starts the research that will lead her to both the red-light district and the better society of Hamburg.
Beast in the Family
Perpetuate a series of murders against members of the aristocratic family Decker. Laura, married to one of them and the city attorney will investigate laboriously trying every means to discover the murderer who has outstanding debts with the family.
Edgar Wallace - Die Katze von Kensington
Tony Miller
Whenever a criminal is killed in London, a black Jaguar is nearby, with a white cat always sitting in the passenger seat. Inspector Higgins and Inspector Lane find a joker card on all the victims. Their investigation leads them to a diamond smuggling ring.
5 Stunden Angst – Geiselnahme im Kindergarten
Kommissar Haff
Иосиф Прекрасный: Наместник фараона
Иосифа, любимого из сыновей Иакова, завистливые братья продали в рабство. Так Иосиф оказался в Египте, где его купил Потифар, начальник охраны фараона. Несмотря на то, что Иосиф отверг заигрывания жены хозяина, его обвинили в прелюбодеянии и бросили в тюрьму. Но, благодаря своему дару толковать сны, Иосиф был представлен ко двору фараона и, несмотря на все превратности судьбы, стал одним из самых могущественных людей древнего мира.
Das Schwein – Eine deutsche Karriere
Brennendes Herz
Follows the life of the famous German politician, writer, and communist activist, Gustav Regler, from his birth in 1898, in the Saar, through the two World Wars and his many travels, until his death in 1963 in India.
Tödliche Hochzeit
Murder at the Savoy
Jürgen Hoffman
A famous industrialist is murdered at a restaurant in Malmoe. Police inspector Martin Beck in Stockholm gets the case. The suspects lead to people involved in illegal arms deals. But who was the biggest criminal, the murderer or the industrialist?
Wir Enkelkinder
Ход королевой
Viktor Yurilivich
Во время международного шахматного турнира, проводившегося на небольшом острове, кто-то убивает молодых женщин. Подозреваемым становится лидер турнира Питер Сэндерсон. Полиция пытается решить задачу не менее сложную, чем разыгрываемые партии. А убийца тем временем дразнит Сэндерсона, подсовывая с каждой жертвой загадки, которые чемпион должен расшифровать. Удастся ли гроссмейстеру предугадать ходы в этой партии? Ведь каждый неверный ход ведет к новому убийству.
Ход королевой
Viktor Yurillvich
Во время международного шахматного турнира, проводившегося на небольшом острове, кто-то убивает молодых женщин. Подозреваемым становится лидер турнира Питер Сэндерсон. Полиция пытается решить задачу не менее сложную, чем разыгрываемые партии. А убийца тем временем дразнит Сэндерсона, подсовывая с каждой жертвой загадки, которые чемпион должен расшифровать. Удастся ли гроссмейстеру предугадать ходы в этой партии? Ведь каждый неверный ход ведет к новому убийству.
Die Zwillingsschwestern aus Tirol
Dr. Jonathan Smith
Edited from the first two episodes of the Austrian TV-show "Almenrausch und Pulverschnee".
Под голубыми небесами
Бывший мафиози, хохмач и весельчак Винсент по прозвищу Винни и приставленный к нему агент ФБР, зануда Барни — переезжают в маленький городок под видом простых обывателей. Винни предстоит забыть о своем криминальном прошлом, но через некоторое время жизнь провинциального города начинает утомлять Винни и он решает поразвлечься…
Real Men Don't Eat Gummi Bears
In this wacky comedy, teen-aged Tony (Bentley C. Mitchum) has never known who is father is. Together with his best buddies Peter and Susan, he tracks down the clues he has as well as he can.
German Gunrunner
Двое неудачливых песенников-исполнителей втягиваются в международную интригу в Северной Африке, в районе выдуманного города Иштар, оказавшись в результате всех приключений на слепом верблюде в пустыне Сахара, где их не оставляют в покое торговцы оружием, повстанцы и солдаты правительственных войск. Но никакие передряги не могут отвлечь друзей от самого главного для них — покорения музыкального Олимпа.
Kein Alibi für eine Leiche
Inspector Cleaver
On February 20th, 1810, French and Bavarian forces killed the Tyrolean rebel leader Andreas Hofer in Mantua, at that time a part of Austria. Hofer had led the Tyroleans in their fight for independence from Bavaria and was betrayed by an insignificant farmer, the betrayal and its effect on the farmer is the subject of this historically-based drama. Director Christian Berger has shot the story emphasizing visual poetics, as well as close-ups to reveal the nuances of subtle emotions as they play across the human face. Whatever the farmer Raffl's motivation -- he is clearly an underdog, overworked, with his labor unrecognized -- he receives no expected reward for his betrayal of Hofer's hiding place, and he has to quickly leave for the city to escape his fellow villagers' wrath. Once in the city and working hard in a factory, Raffl must come to grips with the fact that his identity has changed, and he may have betrayed himself as well as Hofer.
Joe Bayliss
Die große Kapitulation
Konstantin Krause
Happy Weekend
A comedy directed by Murray Jordan.
Praying Mantis
A middle-aged professor's young bride and his assistant plan to commit a double murder disguised as a "Crime Passionel", but discover too late that one of their intended victims has become a fellow conspirator.
Во время Второй мировой войны бывший футболист собирает команду в лагере для военнопленных, чтобы дать отпор немецкой команде.
Caleb Williams
Hauptwachtmeister Naumann
The Rebel
Klaus Beitz
"Poliziotti solitudine e rabbia" or "Ein Mann namens Venedig" (A Man called Venice), as it was called in Germany, is an Italian-German crime drama co-production from 1979, filmed mainly in the snowy winter of bleak West-Berlin. Italian cop Nick, played by gangster movie veteran Maurizio Merli, goes to Berlin to find the head of an International European blackmailing gang who has murdered several people. He investigates undercover as a contract killer for the gangsters, but of course becomes immediately the target of his enemies and has to fight hard to save his life...
The Legend of Tim Tyler
The series, based on the novel by German author James Krüss, tells the story of Timm, the boy who traded in his infectious laugh for the ability to win any bet. The man who did the devilish deal with Timm is wealthy businessman Baron de Lefouet, who is even more successful in business now that he has Timm's engaging laugh to win him friends. Timm, on the other hand, soon realizes that life is not the same without the ability to laugh, and he sets out to find the evil Baron and try to regain the ability to laugh.
Drei Freundinnen
Zeit zum Aufstehen
Island of 1000 Delights
Bea Fiedler and Olivia Pascal star in this erotic tale set against the backdrop of the sun soaked Seychelles, and detailing the situation that arises when an incurable gambling addict loses his wife in a wager with a casino owner who runs a secret white slave trade ring.
A story about slave hunting, colonialism, revenge and love.
Железный крест
1943 год. Немецкая армия с тяжелыми боями отступает на Восточном фронте. На замену убитому командиру батальона прибывает переведенный из Франции капитан Странский. Этот элегантный прусский аристократ еще не бывал в настоящем сражении и мечтает любой ценой получить германский боевой орден — «Железный крест».Чтобы достичь своей цели, Странскому нужно завоевать уважение командира взвода капрала Штайнера, закаленного в боях ветерана, пользующегося огромным авторитетом среди товарищей по оружию. А «универсальный солдат» Штайнер презирает офицеров, жаждущих славы, но предпочитающих не соваться на передовую…
Mister Deathman
Vincent Napier
Geoffrey Graves is a secret agent who comes ourt of retirement for a mission in South Africa. Stella Stevens stars as an enemy agent.
Prozeß Medusa
a TV-Movie by Wolfgang Staudte
The Swiss Conspiracy
A Swiss bank discovers some of its clients are becoming the victim of a brilliant blackmailer. The bank's president contacts David Christopher, a former agent with the U.S. Treasury, to help discover who the blackmailer is and to foil his plot. As Christopher delves into the mystery, he uncovers a complicated web of intrigue, car chases, and shoot-outs that takes all of his wits to unravel.
Montana Trap
James Wesley
Potato Fritz (Hardy Kruger) and his friends have moved from Germany to the American Wild West, settling eventually in the Rockies. They are besieged by what appear to them to be hostile Native Americans. Before too long, it becomes clear that the hostiles are in fact a gang of gold thieves. This movie is notable among German-made Westerns for its use of authentic period costumes and firearms.
The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick
Josef Bloch
Goalkeeper Josef Bloch is sent off after committing a foul during an away game. This causes him to lose his bearings, and he wanders aimlessly through the city streets and spends the night with the box-office attendant of a movie theatre.
Das blaue Hotel
Yankee Dudler
Sebastian Iennerwein
After years in prison, a gang of criminals are deported from Bavaria and arrive as free immigrants to America. They kill an Indian by accident and do different jobs such as cleaning latrines, until they get installed in an abandoned house next to an Indian woman. One day someone will propose to perpetrate a robbery ...
Secrets of Sweet Sixteen
Franz Kuppler
Another Ernst Hofbauer schoolgirl exploiter in the same vein as his Schoolgirl Report films, but for this one he raised the sleaze level to new heights with non-pornographic scenes of rape, pedophilia, satanic rituals, virgin sacrifice and golden showers. Despite how it sounds, these acts are played for silly comedy rather than any harsh depictions.
From Hong Kong with Love
Frank Boyd comes to Hong Kong to visit a friend, but unfortunately he was murdered a few days ago. The father of his fiancee puts $ 10,000 reward for the capture of the murderer and Frank wants to earn this money.
8051 Grinning
Вой чёрных волков
Tornado Kid
Индейская девушка Акаэна обещает любому, кто заберет её из ледяной Аляски на солнечный юг, показать дорогу к легендарному золоту Тапуки, которое, однако, существует только в её воображении. Поверив ей, авантюрист Майк Уильямс сначала уговорами, а потом угрозами пытается выведать местонахождение сокровищ, в результате чего погибает. В его смерти обвиняют охотника Билла Робина, и сестра Майка, Фрона Уильямс, нанимает стрелка Джека Харпера, чтобы он отомстил за смерть её брата. Также за головой Билла охотится местный разбойник Торнадо Кид, у которого с ним свои счёты.
Verrat ist kein Gesellschaftsspiel
Der Stoff, aus dem die Träume sind
Michailow, KGB
Germany during the Cold War, a boy has fled Czechoslovakia. Star reporter Walter Roland investigates the background. In the process, he uncovers a plot: Western and Eastern agents are on the hunt for the Warsaw Pact's deployment plans against NATO, which a Czech officer has taken out of the country.
Candy Man
Джо Коллинз, специалист по системам безопасности, получил заказ в Гамбурге, где планирует обчистить три депозитных бокса. Он знает, что они оплачиваются преступниками, а в качестве помощницы привлекает Доун Дивайн, проститутку. Они должны «взять» баксы сержанта армии США, мошенника, присваивающего деньги от клубов; торговца наркотиками; и курьера, который обманывал мафию…
Zwischen uns beiden
Der Mann
A movie by Roger Fritz starring Helga Anders and Arthur Brauss
Jaider, the Lonely Hunter
Keiner erbt für sich allein
Ganove Eddie
Hauser's Memory
A scientist is persuaded by the government to inject himself with the brain fluid of a dying colleague in order to preserve missile-defense secrets. However, he finds that he is now torn between his own wife and that of his dead colleague, who was a Nazi sympathizer.
Recht auf Gewissen
A group of vampires terrorizes a small village on the German North Sea Coast. The young Jonathan joins a group of fellow students and locals, who plan an uprising against the vampires.
Hard Women
Rough-and-ready vice detective Perrak has to follow a 1000 leads during the investigation of a trans murder case. In a profoundly mysterious massage parlor he meets industrialist wife Claire Imhoff, who knows more about the crime than she wants to admit.
The Girls from Atlantis
A group of female aliens abduct men by sleeping with them.
The Brutes
On the edge of a big city on a go-kart track, Mike and Werner meet Alice and her friends. They like the girl. Mike manages to separate Alice from her group and get into the car with Werner. It had been decided to go to a lake with the others to take a bath at night. Too late Alice realizes that Mike and Werner did not drive to the agreed lake, but to a lonely gravel pit. The friends will not come anymore. And she realizes the intentions of her companions.
Die Revolte
Bruder Hartenstein
Bericht einer Offensive
Lieutenant Naville
Deadly Shots on Broadway
An FBI agent is killed by the mob after making off with five million in gold bars in a robbery gone bad. Agent Jerry Cotton is called in to bring the gang to justice and find out where his dead pal hid the missing gold.
The Seven Red Berets
Sergente Kimber
Deep in the African Congo, revolution rages and explosive documents have fallen into the hands of nationalist guerillas. The Red Berets are the government's only hope of retrieving papers which could change the course of the war.
Andrea is a young woman with innocent looks, but a ravishing sexual appetite. By using her sexuality she can get most anything she wants, but as each days passes she gets deeper and deeper into a world that she despises and fears she will never escape.
Gottes zweite Garnitur
Henry Mistle
Fliegender Sand
Sammy Ellis
Jack of Diamonds
Insurance Company Employee (uncredited)
The protégé of a famous cat burglar reluctantly agrees to join forces with a lesser criminal in the daring heist of several famous jewels from a seemingly impenetrable vault.
Carmen, Baby
Carmen, a free-spirited young woman who sometimes earns money as a prostitute, lives a bohemian existence in a small town where most of the locals allow her to do as she pleases. Jose, a naive young man who has just been hired as the town's new police officer, arrests her. However, Jose is soon drawn into Carmen's sensual spell, and he is compelled to do her bidding as she slowly brings him to his doom.
Heißes Pflaster Köln
Paul Keil
Exploitation movie about a war between pimps in Cologne, Germany, in the Sixties.
Der Röhm-Putsch
SA-Gruppenführer Gruber
Jerry Cotton: Tip Not Included
Fourth Jerry Cotton movie. Here's another good entry into Nader's "G-man Jerry Cotton" series. A delivery truck from the U.S. Mint is hijacked.
Das ganz große Ding
Oberst Wennerström
Экспресс Фон Райена
1943 год, в оккупированной немцами Италии в одном из лагерей для военнопленных назревает побег. Его возглавляет недавно сбитый американский летчик, полковник Фон Райан. Захватив поезд для перевозки пленных, он совершает беспрецедентную акцию, пересекая Италию под самым носом у фашистов.
Франция, лето 1944 года. Полковник фон Вальдхайм мечтает вывезти из Парижа в нацистскую Германию ценнейшую коллекцию произведений искусства. Но следует торопиться, пока союзнические войска не освободили город. Полковник настолько одержим этой идеей, что она становится важнее, чем война. Он убеждает начальство предоставить ему поезд. Железнодорожный инспектор Лабиша умоляет руководство музея остановить этот поезд. Но они не желают рисковать людьми ради произведений искусства. Фон Вальдхайм вынуждает Лабиша вести поезд. Об тайном поезде становится известно бойцам французского Сопротивления. Разработав хитроумный план, они придумывают, как оставить коллекцию во Франции. Лабиш соглашается помочь...
Stop Train 349
Roaring across the danger zone of europe...A sealed international express, with a human cargo that can explode a continent!