Master of Ceremonies
1896 год. Юконская золотая лихорадка в самом разгаре, и потому цены на собак, незаменимых при перевозке грузов в снежном безмолвии Севера, неимоверно подскочили. Из-за собак совершаются преступления. Впервые познает здесь "закон кнута и клыка" холеный красавец Бэк, похищенный из солнечной Калифорнии. Умный пес наблюдает, запоминает жестокие уроки, учится быть сильным. Судьба сводит его с Торнтоном, человеком мужественным и честным, и Бэк признает в нем Хозяина и Друга. Взаимопонимание, привязанность человека и собаки, их взаимопомощь в условиях, где правит закон Силы, состовляют основную мысль фильма, насыщенного сценами столкновения сильных характеров, Добра и Зла, опасностей, предательства, поисков таинственного золота индейцев.
Ballad of the Masterthief Ole Hoiland (Norwegian: Balladen om mestertyven Ole Høiland) is a 1970 Norwegian drama film directed by Knut Andersen, and starring a broad cast of notable Norwegian actors, headed by Per Jansen as Ole Høiland. Ole Høiland was an actual Norwegian Robin Hood-figure in the early 19th century. He steals from the rich and gives to the poor, enjoying numerous affairs with attractive women along the way. The story culminates in the ambitious burglary of Norges Bank, Norway's central bank.
Asbjørn Bauta
A veteran sea captain abducts his niece for what he believes is his last chance at love. As the sad demon of the ocean Klabautermanden watches the passing of doomed ships, the niece awakens in her uncle's cabin. She makes him marry her but never allows the tyrannical captain to ever touch her. For eight years, the ship never docks as the malnourished crew wishes for death.
Father and mother Andersen and their four children live in a closed down farmside storehouse in the outskirts of Oslo. They enjoy life here, but the many neibours surrounding them are less enthusiastic about the family's lack of respect towards the supposed social order and decency they live by.
The Judge
A hand is pulling the emergency breaks on a train, and a young military recruit has his live all changed. No one can answer a girl's question in court. What colour are dreams? A gathering of destinies. Can anyone answer why things happen?
Four men are gathered to play a game of bridge, when the conversation turns to unnatural and occult events.
Ludvina is considered a woman of loose morals in her small home town. When she becomes pregnant, she decides to raise the child without the help of a man.
Doktor Relling
The play opens in the study at Hakon Werle's house during a dinner party for the return of Werle's son, Gregers, from the Hoidal mines. Gregers has not come home for fifteen years. Old Ekdal appears before two servants, begging to be let into the office. Ekdal was an army officer and partner to Werle until a forestry scandal sent him to prison over some scandal. He now works as one of Werle's copyists.
Erik Dahl escapes from prison where he is serving a sentence for smuggling. He seeks out his family, but the police have already been there, and he will have to flee. Erik alters their appearance and start a new life as fishmonger in a small town, but he plans to leave the country...
The film deals with poverty in Oslo in the 1930s