Ingrid van Bergen

Ingrid van Bergen

Рождение : 1931-06-15, Gdańsk, Poland


Ingrid van Bergen
Ingrid van Bergen


Wenn die Liebe fremdgeht
Infidelity is a taboo as old as the hills. This documentary explores its philosophical and psychological aspects by questioning libertines, victims of infidelity, psychologists and couple therapists.
Der Hafenpastor und das graue Kind
C.i.S.: Chaoten im Sondereinsatz
Lukas Maler is a butcher. Albeit more out of necessity than out of passion: As the “Karajan with the scalpel”, his vocation was always forensic medicine. When he accidently destroyed all evidence against the “24-hour-killer”, his career as a coroner was done for. And not far from it was his marriage with his great love Diana, whom he could not offer anything anymore as a broken man. But Lukas gets a second chance when once again a serial killer terrifies the city because the murders resemble those of the “24-hour-killer”. Diana – who has ascended to head of the forensic institute in the meantime – knows that only the best one can solve the case. But he is not available. And so, she gets the second-best one: the most over-qualified butcher in town…
Dinosaurier - Gegen uns seht ihr alt aus!
Mrs. Heimes
An Old Maid
Frau von Trottenberg
Безумцы из Скотланд-Ярда
Инспекторы Вери Мачо и Вери Мач, гоняются по всему Лондону за неуемным убийцей, который сеет в городе страх и ведет себя вызывающе нагло, устраивая побоище даже в кабинете главы Скотланд-Ярда. Темной-темной ночью на городском кладбище детективы обнаруживают семь свежевырытых могил с надгробными памятниками, на одном из них — имя Вери Мача, на другом — Виктории, любимой девушки его напарника. Им и еще пяти жертвам осталось жить сутки — гласит послание уверенного в своей безнаказанности злодея…
Schön, dass es Dich gibt
Jackies Mutter
Jackies' quiet life as a housewife and English teacher ends abruptly when her husband informs her that he is leaving her for a younger woman. In a quest for revenge, Jackie makes arrangements with a plastic surgeon for a general overhaul with the goal of landing a younger husband. A newspaper leads her to Peter who is as bored by his insurance job as he is by the young women he has been dating. Written by John W. Wrist
Alte Dame
Компанию сорвиголов на навороченных машинах объединяет одна страсть: гонки без ограничений скорости. Парням регулярно «обламывает кайф» полиция, принимая их за угонщиков дорогих спортивных автомобилей. А все попытки поймать воров приводят к одному и тому же результату: груда покореженных полицейских машин и «растворившиеся в воздухе» преступники. Инспектор полиции Карл получает задание внедриться в тусовку гонщиков. Он становится в ней своим и даже добивается взаимности от красотки Ники, пилотирующей быстрый, как молния «БМВ М3». Но угонщики наносят новый удар, похитив «Феррари», «Мазерати» и «Ламборгини» — «миллион долларов на колесах». Повсюду полицейские. Ни о каких гонках не может быть и речи. И тогда Карл предлагает план: чтобы беспрепятственно гонять по трассе, они сами должны поймать угонщиков…
Der Augenblick der Begierde
Nora Svenson
Hannelore K.
Oskar Roehler's drama Der Alte Affe Angst (Angst) is about the dissolution of a couple. Robert (Andre Hennicke) and Marie (Marie Baumer) have little in common other than their sex life. Since Robert is going through a bout with impotency, they are having a very rocky time. Robert learns that his father, whom he is estranged from, has died. This disturbs Robert so much that he visits a prostitute, and is able to engage in sex with her. Marie discovers the infidelity, and the prostitute has a surprise of her own. Angst was screened at the 2003 Berlin Film Festival.
Wie angelt man sich einen Müllmann
Heirate mir!
Regine Schafmeyer
Der Mörder in meiner Nähe
Ich wünsch Dir Liebe
Katjas Mutter
Männer aus zweiter Hand
After a failed marriage, a professionally successful optician committed to non-binding affairs with married men. When her initially charming lovers turn out to be a flop one by one, she remembers her ex-husband.
Gigolo – Bei Anruf Liebe
Alte am Strand
Daniel Matzen is a gigolo, a call boy who does his job in a purely professional manner and does not let any emotions approach him. But one day he falls head over heels in love with Kim, one of his customers. He even wants to let his gigolo job go for her, but there is someone who has something against these plans for the future: his regular customer Lisa.
Eine fast perfekte Scheidung
Siglinde von Platt
The comedy “Ein fast perfekter Seitensprung” was not only successful, it was really well-done. The first sequel is, as most sequels, less attractive. As the charming mix of Germans and Austrians itself wasn't new and interesting any more, Schwabenitzky had to concentrate more on the less terrific elements. He emphasised the character-clichés and made up a more complex story, in order to bring down as many of the characters from the first film as possible. This sequel is only worth watching if you're a great fan of the first part. Actually, not even then.
Null Risiko und reich
A comedy directed by Wolf Vogel.
Ein fast perfekter Seitensprung
Siglinde von Platt
It all starts when she runs away from the altar in a church in Hamburg. Easygoing Henny Schönberg has qualms about marrying in the very last second and runs off to leave her stunned would-be husband Martin von Platt. Still dressed in her wedding gown, she takes the next best flight, not caring about its destination.
The Sunset Boys
Wenche Haas
Ernest, Ted and August fulfill their friend Carl's dying wish and take him to Heidelberg, where they all first met 45 years ago, to see his old girlfriend one last time. However, the locals won't talk about her, due to a WW2 secret.
Der Schatztaucher
Jungbluts Mutter
Einfach nur Liebe
Barmherzige Schwestern
Frau Steiger
Zwei wie Paul und Caroline
Carolines Großmutter
Mord aus Liebe
Der Gartenkrieg
The Break-In
Jenseits von Blau
Jenseits von Blau
Frau von Eckstein
Hotel St. Pauli
Jor and Gerda is a loving couple that lives together in Copenhagen. Jor is trying to make a breakthrough as a writer, without any luck so far. His struggles have caused Gerda to provide for them by selling sexual favors on the street.
Der Madonna-Mann
Richy Guitar
Horror Vacui
Shot in a neo-expressionist style, the film is a satire on cults of any kind. The plot follows Frankie and Hannes, a young gay couple living in Berlin. One is studying art and the other medicine. Their happy life is disrupted when Frankie attends a lecture and quickly becomes involved in a sinister cult operating as a self-help group called “Optimal Optimism”. Madame C, a former Nazi party member, is the leader of Optimal Optimism. When the cult members discovers that Frankie is gay, he is repeatedly raped by both men and women of the group. Hannes must find a way to rescue him.
Wer raucht die Letzte?
Four Against the Bank
Uschi Blümel
One evening, the once successful architect Helmut is tired of the recession giving no jobs, he gets the idea of robbing a bank. He recruits members of his golf club that are not paying their fees.
Um zwei Erfahrungen reicher
Cornelia Maroff
Alle Menschen werden Brüder
The unsuccessful writer Ritchie can't stand his brother, a criminal businessman. When both fall in love with the beautiful Lilian, a dangerous game of revenge begins.
Was wissen Sie von Titipu?
Lonely Wives
Grüne Witwe
An oft-naked male reporter decides to do an expose on "sexual widows", housewives who are neglected by their busy husbands. - This cheaper sex film is disguised as a report about green widows.
Die Dollarprinzessin
The Vampire Happening
Miss Niessen
An American actress inherits a castle in Transylvania. What she doesn't know is that her ancestor, the Baroness Catali, was in actuality a vampire countess, and emerges from her tomb to ravage the nearby village and Catholic seminary.
Seine Majestät Gustav Krause
Scheidung auf englisch
Clarice und Ada
Was ist denn bloß mit Willi los?
Dr. Sigrid Kuhn
Die Gartenlaube
Grimm's Fairy Tales for Adults
In an erotic version of famous fairy tales, Snow White (Marie Liljedahl), Sleeping Beauty (Gaby Fuchs) and Cinderella (Eva Reuber-Staier) have sexy fun.
Diary of a Serial Killer
Ileana Marojan
Willst du ewig Jungfrau bleiben?
German sex comedy
Племянницы госпожи полковницы
Clarissa (Frau Oberst) (voice)
Мадам Оберст имеет двух молоденьких племянниц, кои открыты в собственной сексуальности. Она пытается подыскать им молодых людей, и в результате все трое оказываются в самых всевозможных необычных ситуациях…
Jungfrau aus zweiter Hand
Cat and Mouse
Mahlkes Tante
In 1966, a former gymnast returns to his hometown Danzig, which is now a part of Poland. He begins to reflect on one of his classmates, Joachim Mahlke, who disappeared during World War II. Mahlke was initially marked as an outsider due to his oversized Adam’s apple, but when he turned out to be a great diver, the in-crowd embraced him. Then he steals a Knight’s Cross from a soldier and is expelled from school. Volunteering for war service, he earns a medal himself and hopes his reputation will be rehabilitated. But the school principal refuses and Mahlke deserts from the army…
Wie lernt man Mädchen kennen...?
Robin Hood, der edle Räuber
Lady Emily, Frau des Sheriffs von Nottingham
Das Mädchen aus Mira
Die Flasche
Götterkinder - Eine ergötzliche Television aus vergangener Zeit
Freddy, Tiere, Sensationen
Legend of a Gunfighter
After his parents are killed in a stagecoach holdup, a young man learns to be an expert gunman and with his dog Shorty, sets out to avenge their deaths.
Rauf und runter
Caroussel of Passion
Allotria in Zell am See
Dolly Barsen
Der Ton(film) macht die Musik
Only a Woman
A psychotherapist's love life is a disaster because of her own fears and neuroses. Involving herself in her patients love life add more complications.
Escape from East Berlin
Ingeborg Schröder
East Berlin, shortly after the construction of the Berlin Wall. Kurt Schröder and his family dig a tunnel to escape to West Berlin as they struggle to overcome the obstacles blocking their underground path to freedom.
Genosse Münchhausen
Betty Altmann
Фальшивый предатель
Hulda Windler
Эрик Эриксон, шведский бизнесмен, вынужден согласиться работать на разведку Союзников во время своих деловых поездок в нацистскую Германию.
Dicke Luft
Town Without Pity
Four American soldiers stationed near a German village face death in the rape of a local girl and are defended by outside counsel Major Steve Grant.
The Devil's Daffodil
A Chinese detective breaks up a drug smuggling ring and tries to find the "Daffodil Killer". The drug smugglers had devised the ingenious method of smuggling heroin from Hong Kong in the stems of daffodils.
Кто вы, доктор Зорге?
Lily Braun
С 1937 года Рихард Зорге был «своим» в германском посольстве в Токио. Его знали как доктора социологии, не погнушавшегося стать фронтовым корреспондентом, как приятного, эрудированного собеседника, словом, как «истинного арийца». Не знали только одного: за его репортерской деятельностью скрывалась секретная миссия - установление контакта с Москвой через резидента в Гонконге.
The Avenger
Stella Mendoza
A maniac is loose in London, decapitating his victims and sending the heads to Scotland Yard.
Ein gewisses Röcheln - Hitchcocktail für starke Nerven
A crime comedy directed by Walter Sedlmayr.
Der Prozeß  Mary Dugan
Dagmar Lorne
Kein Engel ist so rein
The High Life
We Cellar Children
Almuth Prinz
Drillinge an Bord
Розы для господина прокурора
Lissy Flemming
Фильм разоблачает политику западногерманских властей, назначающих гитлеровских генералов на высокие руководящие посты в правительстве, армии и государственном аппарате.
The Blue Moth
Julia Martens is a wrongly convicted murderess who is released from prison after thirteen years. She begins a new career as a chanson singer and her now grown-up son, who has been told that his mother is dead, has no idea who Julia Martens really is. One day he is suspected of murder and Julia intervenes.
Verbrechen nach Schulschluß
Der Eiserne Gustav
Gertrud Hartmann
Meine 99 Bräute
Мы — вундеркинды
Evelyne Meisegeier
На фоне исторических событий в Германии прошлого века постепенно расходятся жизненные дорожки двух бывших одноклассников — Ганса Бёкеля и Бруно Тиша. Их ребяческая выходка плохо заканчивается для Ганса, а хитрому Бруно удается избежать наказания. Десять лет спустя Бруно — молодой, но уже успешный брокер, а Гансу приходится подрабатывать продажей газет, чтобы как-то свести концы с концами. В1933 году Бруно щеголяет в нацистской форме и наслаждается жизнью, а Ганс остается без работы и средств к существованию. После войны пути бывших друзей пересекаются снова.
Der Maulkorb
Mariechen, Modell
Heute heiratet mein Mann
Ulla Radtke, Mannequin
Генерал дьявола
Lyra Schöppke
Действие фильма происходит в 1941 году. Нацистская Германия еще находилась в зените своих военных успехов, но все меньше людей верили в вечность и непогрешимость национал-социализма. К числу таких сомневающихся принадлежал и генерал Гарри Харрас, знаменитый немецкий ас, герой Первой мировой войны, занявший при Гитлере высокий пост в немецкой авиации. Харрас презирал выскочку ефрейтора, ненавидел созданный им преступный режим, однако служил ему верой и правдой. Но двойственность Харраса делает его позицию крайне уязвимой. Свободомыслие генерала выводит из себя адептов гитлеровского режима. Но и члены антифашистского подполья не доверяют ему, зная его как безотказного пособника национал-социализма. И в конечном итоге обе стороны подписывают Гарри Харрасу смертный приговор. Участившиеся акты саботажа на вверенных ему заводах окончательно компрометируют его в глазах гитлеровского режима. Загнанный в угол преследованиями гестапо, Харрас пытается найти спасение в бегстве.
Portrait of an Unknown Woman
Keller, a painter, while at the ballet is impressed with the beauty of Nicole and sketches her head on the body of a nude model. When it is shown, it causes embarrassment to Nicole's husband, Walter, a diplomat whose career is threatened.