Claudia Federica Petrella

Claudia Federica Petrella


Claudia Federica Petrella


Una festa esagerata
Mirea is about to be 18 years old, and her family is prepearing a big party for her. Teresa, Mirea's mother, wants to gain notoriety, so begins to spend recklessy for the celebration. When the day finally comes, an unexpected death puts it at risk.
Love and Bullets
A Camorra boss fakes his own death in order to start a new life elsewhere with his family, but a nurse happens to see him alive and well after the funeral. A hitman is promptly sent to get rid of her, only to find out that she's his first and unforgotten love. He decides to protect her, becoming himself a target.
Песни, мафия, Неаполь
Пако — безработный пианист с консеваторским дипломом, застенчивый тихоня, который устраивается на работу — ни за что не угадаете — в полицию! По блату, по протекции, по звонку влиятельного человека, уже пристраивавшего в то же учреждение разных жирдяев и доходяг, никак не подходящих для роли «служить и защищать». Тем более в таком мафиозном городе, как Неаполь. Так бы и гнил негодный для полицейского дела Пако в кабинетной пыли, если бы не смелое предложение прозорливого комиссара: использовать музыкальный дар Пако для поимки самого опасного человека — неуловимого и невидимого босса каморры по кличке Фантазм...
Six strangers wake up handcuffed in the back of a truck. Left in the woods with just a chest full of weapons and a military strategy book, they soon find out that someone is after them and have to choose whether to be prey or hunters. Rare unreleased low-budget horror film, starring CSC (Rome Film School) students.
Nient'altro che noi
Mater natura
About the misadventures of Desidero, a pretty young Neapolitan transexual, and of his group of transvestite friends. Disappointed in love and politics, they set up an organic farm and psychological help centre for men in crisis.
The Jokes
Anestesista / Commessa
In many small episodes, various characters represent the typical vices and comedy of Italian society in early 2000.
Un Aldo qualunque
A comedy with two italian comic actors
Volesse il cielo!
A police inspector has to help an eccentric stranger who seems to have lost his memory.