Hani Adel

Hani Adel

Рождение : 1976-09-08, Cairo, Egypt


Hany Adel began singing at a young age. He has (been intent) on forming a band since 1999 when he used to sing and play the guitar at (hotels and parties). It should be noted that he could sing in both French and English. Due to the fact that he believed that music and song are best (within the context of a band), he put together the band “Wust Al Balad” which is formed of seven members. Hany graduated from the faculty of law and has since (achieved a great measure of success) in music. (Thereafter) he progressed to cinema where his good-looks and acting skills have served him well.


Hani Adel


Круче некуда
Captain Azir
В будущем битвы за нефть захватили весь мир. Когда команда международных преступников захватывает заложников, чтобы провернуть крупнейшее ограбление, только два человека оказываются в силах остановить их. Это два наёмника по разные стороны конфликта, их план совершенно безумен, но они должны прорваться через град пуль и песчаные бури. Даже если терпеть друг друга не могут...
Coco Chanel
After an 18-year hiatus from acting, Sherihan returns to the stage to portray Coco Chanel, the renowned French fashion designer and style icon.
The Treasure : Love & Destiny
A sequel to The Treasure (Part 1) - Reality & Fantasy (2017) The movie resumes with the stories of Hatsheput in the Pharaonic era, Ali al-Zaibaq during the Ottoman era and Beshr al-Katatini, head of State Security Investigations Service, who faces new challenges in work and love, whilst pointing his son, Hassan, towards a treasure through his recorded will.
Immobilia Crime Story
Kamel Helmy is a famous writer, in the late 1940s, living in Cairo, in the famous Imobilia building, after the death of his wife and the departure of his children from home. He suffers from loneliness and schizophrenia. One day he calls a girl named Samah who had befriended Facebook in an attempt to ease his isolation.
Сокровище: реальность и фантазия
События вращаются вокруг трех эпох: эпохи фараонов, эпохи мамлюков и первой половины 20-го века. События вращаются вокруг коррупции и влияния некоторых священнослужителей на протяжении веков на власть и ложные и плохие отношения с людьми, а также на то, как вовлечь религию в политику, чтобы получить должности. То, что есть клерики, сознательно окрашивающие и подделывающие в этот период времени, чтобы быть сильнейшими и сохранять свои позиции.
Действие фильма разворачивается в первые дни после свержения президента-исламиста Мухаммеда Мурси. В полицейском фургоне вместе оказываются два журналиста, два сторонника исламистов, двое умеренных и один христианин. Смогут ли эти разные люди найти компромисс?
Hepta (The Last Lecture)
Based on the best-selling novel of the same title. Dr. Shukri Mokhtar is a renowned social psychology specialist, best known for his ability to answer the simplest questions, who decides to give one last lecture about the very simple question: "how do we love?" He gives a full description of the different stages of love by recounting four different love stories going through curves and various crises.
Maha has always been passionate about cinema, and as a set designer she's become an expert at creating imaginary worlds. Under immense pressure at work, she sights another life on the horizon and begins slipping between realities-one resembling the film set she's designed and the other her supposed real life. As she grows ever more entangled in each, the border between reality and imagination becomes blurred, and she must choose for the first time what she truly desires.
The Ferry
Excuse My French
A Christian kid suddenly is forced to go to a public school after his father dies and because of a misunderstanding everyone thinks that he's a Muslim.
Excuse My French
Abdallah Peter
A Christian kid suddenly is forced to go to a public school after his father dies and because of a misunderstanding everyone thinks that he's a Muslim.
Девушка с фабрики
Хаям — работница текстильной фабрики, которая живёт в бедном районе с другими заводскими девушками. Она думает, что чувства между ней и новым руководителем фабрики, несмотря на классовые различия, серьёзны, но жестокая реальность оказывается иной. При медицинской проверке на фабрике выясняется, что Хаям беременна. Только ленивый не обвиняет её и даже её семью во всех грехах. Но фабричная девушка не желает оправдываться, и ей приходится платить большую цену в обществе, не принимающем гордых женщин.
A woman who suffers from AIDS decides not to surrender to the fatal disease. She exerts huge efforts in trying to recover or by helping those who suffer the same disease by giving them glimmers of hope.
18 Days
10 Film makers made 10 Separate stories about the "25January " revolution in Egypt and the Egyptian people in the revolution and the protests against the previous President Hosni Mubarak and the departure of President Hosni Mubarak and also displays what happened in Tahrir Square since the start of the sit-in
Bibo and Beshir
The film belongs to the Romantic Comedy and reflects the personality of the man which is half Egyptian and half African-called "Bashir" and spoke relationship between him and "bibo" embodied by Menna Shalaby, where circumstances compelled him to live with her
Bibo and Beshir
The film belongs to the Romantic Comedy and reflects the personality of the man which is half Egyptian and half African-called "Bashir" and spoke relationship between him and "bibo" embodied by Menna Shalaby, where circumstances compelled him to live with her
Upon his return to Alexandria, Khaled becomes intrigued with a graffiti mural opposite his apartment. As he pursues this further, a larger underground arts scene slowly reveals itself, composed of musicians, filmmakers, and graffiti artists. As they struggle to get their voices heard, Khaled is compelled to help them acquire some much deserved visibility.
Каир 678
Original Music Composer
Файза, Себа и Нелли три современные женщины с полностью разными жизнями, которые объединяются с тем, чтобы сразиться с засильем безнаказанного мачизма и тотальной мужской доминации на улицах Каира, в автобусах и их домах. Переполненные решимости они теперь будут унижать тех, кто раньше унижал их. Учитывая размах этого движения, за расследование этого дела берётся не похожий на других коллег инспектор Эссам. Кто эти загадочные женщины, которые своими действиями подрывают общество, основанное на доминации мужчин?
8 characters skew lifelines that never really intersect in the suburb of Heliopolis in Cairo within a frame of time of 24 hours all in a very stagnant state and never achieving goals.
8 characters skew lifelines that never really intersect in the suburb of Heliopolis in Cairo within a frame of time of 24 hours all in a very stagnant state and never achieving goals.
On A Day Like Today
Resturant Singer
Zay el naharda is a movie starring Basma, Rania Chahine, and Mahmoud El-Bezzawy. History literally repeats itself when May meets and falls in love with a passionate young actor, only months after the tragic death of her first fiancée. All the 'signs' suggest her new lover will meet the same fate.
Al Shahada
Al Shahada is Egyptian Short Film