Jarmila Hoznauerová


Moje svoboda
Executive Producer
Да будет свет
Executive Producer
Словацкая деревня готовится к Рождеству. Сорокалетний Милан приезжает из Германии, где работает, чтобы побыть семьей. Праздничную атмосферу нарушают подозрения о том, что его сын, член военизированной молодежной организации, может быть вовлечен в преступление.
Monkey Business v ostravském Brickhousu
Executive Producer
Watchmakerʼs Apprentice
Executive Producer
Urban, an orphan, serves a greedy master watchmaker as an apprentice. When Urban grows up, he falls in love with the watchmaker's daughter Laura and wants to marry her. Before this can happen, the master sends his apprentice out into the world with the task of looking for a mythical watch that can warn of death. No one knows if the watch even exists, but if Urban doesn't bring it back, Laura will never be his wife. The watchmaker's apprentice therefore sets out on a long journey full of hardships, which he must overcome with bravery, skill and a good heart.
Tomáš Klus – RecyKlus Tour
Executive Producer
Karel Reisz, Ten filmový život
Executive Producer
Karel Reisz, Ten filmový život