Pedro Álvarez-Ossorio


El mundo es vuestro
Monseñor Matamoros
Rafi sneaks into the Marchioness's hunt, which brings together all the Spanish high society, to sell them his business. He and Fali will discover that hunting is not what it seems, and that the future of Spain is being decided on the farm.
El mundo es suyo
Monseñor Matamoros
In the sequel to 'The world is ours', 'The world is yours' we have Alfonso Sánchez and Alberto López playing 'Los compadres', men from Seville with a good economic position. Using satire, the two Andalusian comedians caricature these two new characters, through pride and lack of culture, and make comments about the situation of men, women and the differences that Spain has with the rest of the world. Now, with 40 years on, they pose the following situation: you are a man of forty years who laughs at life, without really having a hard because everything you have had you squandered. The vision of the prototypical, casposa and sister in law of Spain.
Я тоже
История любви Даниэля и Лауры. Даниэлю 34 года и у него синдром Дауна. Это не мешает ему обладать потрясающе тонким чувством юмора, самоиронии, быть выпускником высшего учебного заведения, восхищаться картинами Босха, отлично разбираясь в живописи, учить иностранные языки, занимать ответственную должность и влюбляться в женщин с иным набором хромосом.
Una pasión singular
Antonio Albendín
Spain, August 1936, the first days of the Spanish Civil War. During the painful pilgrimage of the Andalusian writer Blas Infante (1885-1936) from prison to prison, always on the verge of death, various images cross his mind: people, dreams, remnants of his past.
Nadie conoce a nadie
Padre Andrés
An aspiring novelist receives a charge that will change his life completely.
Луте 2: Завтра я буду свободным
Луте упорно борется за свою жизнь и свободу. Его мечта жить как пайо настолько сильна, что ничто не может его остановить. Воссоединение с семьей после побега из тюрьмы Пуэрто-де-Санта-Мария — начало непрерывного полета.