Mensur Safqiu


Vllau Kosoves
The story of "Falco Lacjani", Hawk, the famous character who lived robbing the homes of the wealthy Italians, one beautiful working night his phone rings and he is announced that he will become a deputy, because in the district of Lezha after resignation of 4 deputies on the list, his name is the successor in that list and automatically belongs to the mandate of the MP. This is where our hero's adventure begins, humorously and satirically depicting the entire Albanian social-political reality. By removing the work suit and hood, replacing it with the suit of a politician.
Dr. Murati
Главная героиня старается оправдать всеобщие ожидания и стать матерью. Но тяжёлые воспоминания о жестокости военного времени преследуют её и не дают покоя.
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Mensur Safqiu
Современная Албания. Жители небольшого городка живут производством наркотиков, которые потом расходятся по Европе. Бороться с ними практически невозможно, ведь крышует их местная полиция, которая давно и прочно кормится за счет наркодилеров. Это мир обмана и опасности, которые подстерегают людей на каждом шагу.
Liki, a boy from Prishtina, comes to the village to his uncle Sheqa. His acquaintance with life in the town and life with uncle Sheqa and aunt Gjyli brings comic situations that reveal their differences and similarities.