“I don’t think most people really understood that they were in a casino” says award-winning financial reporter Mark Pittman. “When you’re in the Street’s casino, you’ve got to play by their rules.” This film finally explains how and why over $12 trillion of our money vanished into the American Casino.
“I don’t think most people really understood that they were in a casino” says award-winning financial reporter Mark Pittman. “When you’re in the Street’s casino, you’ve got to play by their rules.” This film finally explains how and why over $12 trillion of our money vanished into the American Casino.
“I don’t think most people really understood that they were in a casino” says award-winning financial reporter Mark Pittman. “When you’re in the Street’s casino, you’ve got to play by their rules.” This film finally explains how and why over $12 trillion of our money vanished into the American Casino.
Сюжет фильма основан на реальных событиях, которые недавно стали известны благодаря раскрытым секретным архивам. Русский поезд, который везет ядерные ракеты с целью их уничтожения, частично поврежден взрывом где-то в отдаленном районе на юге России.Соответствующие сигналы поступают в ядерный центр американского Белого Дома. Вскоре выясняется, что оружие находится в руках международных террористов…