This feature film is a romantic comedy about a woman who recognizes that her loop of unsuccessful relationships is causing her too much misery. Not a story for twenty year olds, this one looks at how people find themselves living in one place, but notice they are happy in another place. A decision has to be made about staying in that unfulfilling loop or breaking out of it and embracing change. In this story, Carla shares her relationship disappointments with Leo, her guy buddy who listens patiently and supportively to her agonizing over frustrating experiences. Unbeknownst to Carla, Leo has concealed a passion for her and has decided to kidnap her away for a weekend at a quiet B and B in a last-ditch effort to convey this. With a couple of interesting twists, the weekend is about the captivating of Carla, and what her decision will be.
Nick Name
On Halloween in West Hollywood, two guys making out in a park are interrupted by a serial killer. Later that night, a group of gay kids decide to visit to the site of the murders.
Инопланетяне на борту своего звездолета объяснили Эмманюэль, что с целью сбора информации о землянах им, пришельцам, хотелось бы узнать от нее, что такое любовь. Один вариант - заняться любовью с каждым из 230-ти звездолетчиков обоего пола. Второй вариант - отправиться на Землю вместе с Ташей, одной из космических путешественниц, в качестве гида по тем уголкам планеты, где умеют развлекаться и где знают цену истинному наслаждению. Эмманюэль выбирает второй вариант. Для начала она и Таша отправляются в Лас-Вегас...