Monika Lennartz
Рождение : 1938-02-28, Szczecin, Poland
Hertha Olsen
Oma Tascha
Frau Rosskopf
Frau Schuster
История австрийца Франца Егерштеттера, который отказался служить в нацистской армии и был казнен в 1943 году. В 2007 году его причислили к лику блаженных.
alte Dame
A road movie about a dropout who leaves himself completely to chance. A parable about freedom, self-determination and the poetry of an undefined life.
Margot Kühlborn
Frau Böhm
Ironically, the law enforcement officer of integrity Frank Koops is forced by his old colleague Simone Schmidt to take part in a bank robbery...
Schröders Mutter
One night, a person is pushed in front of the S-Bahn. There is no witness, and the police assume suicide. Even Chief Inspector Claudius Zorn paid no attention to the incident. He's busy persuading Schröder to become his partner again. What neither Zorn nor Schröder suspect: The culprit is very close to her. And has a number of new victims in the sights. People who are close to the two investigators.
Mutter Schröder
Eva Meyenburg
Johanna (13) is in love – but how is she to enjoy this rush of emotions when her violent prone father is returning to the family home? Torn between the wish to stay true to her father and the love for her boyfriend, Johanna is faced with an impossible decision. A story about family secrets, the chains of family loyalty and the power to break free.
Evelyn Miesbach
Christine is tired of life. When her retirement home roommate abducts her for a night in the Hamburg red-light district, she is confronted with a flashy and entertaining world that she feels way to old old for.
Berts Mutter
Lisa Plache
A gay man's return to his family in East Germany begins a series of tragic events.
Frank, a tenth grade student, falls in love with his classmate Regine. His father is a well-connected plant manager in the GDR; Regine's mother is a single parent with four children. Regine wants to become a kindergarten teacher, but her grades are poor and she is not allowed to apply for technical college. Frank champions her and seeks an open discussion about these rigid regulations. But his criticism is nipped in the bud.
Hanna Weidt
Record Seller
Three people from very different walks of life meet at a large construction site. Young, unmarried, self-confident construction manager Linda Hinrichs dedicates herself completely to her work and enjoys living more independently then most women. Daniel, a student works on the construction site to make money during his summer holiday, and impresses Linda with his spontaneous energy and idealism. Brigadier Böwe, an older, divorced man works his way from one construction site to the other and has lost his own personal happiness on the path to developing what was seen as officially suitable social standards. Both men try to win Linda over, not realizing that they are taking her freedom away from her.
Reinhards Mutter
Frau von Humboldt
The life of Alexander von Humboldt up to his attempt to climb the Chimborazo in 1802.
At the beginning of the 50s, two extremely disparate men meet in a private sanatorium for consumptives: an officer in the People's Police, Josef Heiliger; and a young Protestant curate, Hubertus Koschenz. On account of their consumption, they have to share a room. Initially, this is the only thing they have in common.
Christine inherits a sailboat from her father, whom she barely knew. Christine is a divorced single mother and her job at a research insitute leaves her with too much work and too little time to sail. She can't find anyone to buy the boat at full value, so she tries to repair it over the winter in the hopes of being able to get a better price in the spring. Working on the boat become something of an obsession to the detriment of Christine's relationships with her son, boyfriend and collegues. When the boat is finally ready to sell, she isn't sure that she is willing to part with it after all.
After 35 years of military service, Officer Jürgen Drost takes on the job of mayor in the small village where he lived with his mother after World War II. The transition to civilian life comes as more of a shock than he expected, causing him to rethink many aspects of his life.
Hippolyta / Titania
Frau Meinelt
Для четырнадцатилетнего Штефана Кольбе «Остров лебедей» - символ малой родины, светлый образ детства, а значит тепло и уважение близких и знакомых и, прежде всего, его родной бабушки. Теперь он, вместе с мамой и младшей сестрой, должен переехать из этого идиллического места в Берлин к отцу, который работает строителем. Их семья получила новую квартиру на окраине столицы. А значит, Штефану придется жить в новой обстановке, в окружении чужих людей.
Irmgard Behrend
Nina Kern, a divorced woman in her late twenties, will soon be fully deprived of her custody rights for her three children, who already reside in a home for the displaced due to Nina’s many years of willful neglect. Although she has broken her promise to change her moral conduct many times, she is given one last chance on probation.
Frau Elvsted
Charlotte, Lottes Tochter
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) was the author of Werther, the romantic novel that was transformed into a play during Goethe's lifetime and which initiated the whole German romantic movement. The book's story tells of young love and suicide. In this East German film, based on a book by Thomas Mann, Lotte (Lilli Palmer) was the woman who served as the model for the heroine in the novel Werther. She comes to Goethe's hometown for a visit, and her experiences there eerily re-create episodes from the book. Goethe comes across as a pompous old bore, and his friends as pandering sycophants, in this very proper communist party-sponsored, anti-heroic movie.
Frau Linden
Adventures of a young boy who always gets into various troubles.
Dr. Barbara Heim, a heart surgeon, and Gunter Heim, a well-known actor, have been married for seven years. They have a six-year-old daughter. Both partners are totally taken up by their work which is physically and mentally demanding. So there is little time left for family life and the strained relations worsen and finally plunge Barbara into a crisis - shortly before their seventh wedding anniversary. At this very point a child dies in hospital, prompting Barbara to ask herself in desperation if - and for how long she can put up with the double burden of career and family. On top of this, she notices that Gunter is starting to compare her to other women.
Рут Боденхайм убивает богача Цвишенцаля, только что избранного на пост бургомистра одного из городов Западной Германии. Во времена Гитлера ее родители среди многих других евреев были расстреляны по приказу нациста Цвишенцаля. И Рут считает, что, убивая военного преступника, она выполняет волю правосудия. Люди, стоящие у власти в Западной Германии, связанные с Цвишенцалем, стараются избежать суда над Рут, боясь неприятных для них разоблачений. Они предлагают ей скрыться. Муж Рут, Мартин, только что получивший повышение и ставший главным врачом в одной из больниц, также уговаривает жену избежать суда, ибо суд над ней, как над убийцей, будет означать конец его карьеры. Но Рут непреклонна. Ради разоблачения кровавых преступлений фашизма она готова идти навстречу любой опасности.
Детская дружба между Магдаленой, Михаэлем и Юргеном переросла в юношескую влюбленность, а затем и в соперничество между двумя последними. Но к власти в Германии приходят нацисты, Михаэль оказывается в концлагере, Юрген становится штурмовиком СА, а Магдалена эмигрирует в СССР. Война вновь сводит друзей-соперников: Михаэль попадает в штрафной батальон, где унтер-офицером-надзирателем служит Юрген. И вместе им суждено двигаться навстречу своей давней любви…
Film by Helmut Schneider.
В основу фильма положены подлинные события, происшедшие в ноябре 1918 года в городе Киле, когда немецкие рабочие с помощью революционно настроенных матросов захватили власть в свои руки. Однако, поддавшись лживым обещаниям правых социал-демократических вождей, большинство матросов прекратило борьбу.
Rosi Wilke