Pentti Valkeasuo

Рождение : 1950-03-08, Jyväskylän mlk, Finland


Бетонная ночь
Production Design
Главный герой фильма — четырнадцатилетний Симо. Он живет со своей матерью-одиночкой и старшим братом Илккой в бетонных джунглях Хельсинки. Илкко проводит последний день на свободе — завтра он должен сесть в тюрьму. Мать уговаривает Симо провести этот день вместе со старшим братом. Случайная встреча с фотографом, чьи намерения оказываются недвусмысленны, приводит к вспышке насилия, в котором Симо открывает свое истинное «я».
The Interrogation
Set Decoration
Finnish Kerttu Nuorteva is spying for the Russians in Helsinki during World War II. She is arrested and interrogated in the hope that she will uncover the Soviet Union espionage tactics.
Production Design
Жены футболистов любительской команды устали от футбола и от того,что их мужья все свободное время проводят не с ними а за любимой игрой. Да и после игры они не могут разойтись и идут в бар обсуждать произошедшее на поле или смотреть матчи профессиональных команд. Жены заключают с мужьями пари. Они предлагают сыграть с ними футбольный матч. Если мужья проигрывают они никогда больше не подойдут к мячу. Мужья соглашаются. Ведь ясно, что они победят 20-0. Но они еще не знают, что тренировать команду Футболисток будет тренер сборной страны по футболу.
Shadow of the Eagle
Set Designer
The story of a young poet who became a symbol for Finnish optimism and was subsequently forced underground during Tsar Nicholas II's oppressive dictatorship.
Land of Love
Set Designer
A comedy of a Finnish man who falls in love, gets tangled deeper into a circle of lies and finds out that he has suddenly changed his name, nationality and skin colour for the sake of love.
Tango Kabaree
Set Designer
A fictitious biography of Aira Samulin, the goddess of dance and importer of all the international dance crazes to Finland for some fifty years. The life story of this extravagant ever-teen, well beyond the usual retirement age, is told inside a fictitious plot about a Master of Ceremonies trying to persuade Aira to stage a show at his cabaret restaurant. Besides Aira Samulin, many other Finnish celebrities appear among the eccentric lineup auditioning for the show, playing more or less their fictionalised selves.
The New Adventures of That Kiljunen Family
Set Decoration
That Kiljunen familys sets out find their two missing family members, who have been sent to Tampere by the Matalamäki boarding school for retraining due to poor school performance.
Da Capo
Art Direction
Interwoven with scenes that are meant to grab attention by their stunning composition, this biographical look at Finland's violinist Arto Arsi is not so much a narration of his childhood and early years, as an attempt to artistically show what was happening inside his psyche during that time. Literally sold to a master teacher, Sergei Rippas (Tarmo Manni) by his mother when he was still a child, the violin prodigy was forcefully and strictly raised to practice, practice, and perfect his technique. Once an adult, Arsi finds a way to escape the rigors of a U.S. tour and drowns his overworked self in drink, or seeks out one-night stands, or otherwise lets off steam. The tightly-wound spring that has been coiled since he was forced into his grueling training and work sessions -- shown through symbolic images -- eventually snaps in a healthy way, freeing Arsi at last to continue on, simply for the love of music.
The King Without a Heart
Production Design
The King Without a Heart is a fairytale about of a happy king who has a young daughter and a lovely wife. After the sudden death of his wife, the king becomes so sad that he wants his heart taken out of his chest. The kingdom is turned into an effective society based on reason, and there is no longer place for emotions. When she grows up, the princess tries to make her father see the importance of play and emotions.
That Kiljunen Family
Set Decoration
The Kiljunen family wins a holiday trip to Helsinki and the city will never be the same again.
Огненная голова
Art Direction
Живший в начале 20-ого столетия литератор, журналист и революционер Альгот Унтола (также известный как Майю Лассила, Ирмари Рантамала и под другими псевдонимами), одна из самых загадочных личностей в финской литературе. Унтола сначала жил в финской деревне в качестве учителя, потом в Санкт-Петербурге как бизнесмен, став социалистом и умер во время финской гражданской войны в 1918 году.
The Guarded Village 1944
Production Design