Paul A. Kaufman


Рождество на винодельне
Молодой менеджер по маркетингу получает задание помочь разоряющейся семейной винодельне в городе, который лишился рождественского духа из-за крупного предприятия по производству вина.
Последний стрим
Одинокий тучный мальчик, которого все называют «Баттер», вот-вот войдет в историю. Он собирается обожраться до смерти в прямом эфире в Интернете и приглашает всех на это посмотреть. Баттер ожидает жалости, оскорблений и, возможно, полного безразличия. Но он совсем не думал о том, что ему начнут оказывать поддержку, и что его популярность станет расти.
Последний стрим
Одинокий тучный мальчик, которого все называют «Баттер», вот-вот войдет в историю. Он собирается обожраться до смерти в прямом эфире в Интернете и приглашает всех на это посмотреть. Баттер ожидает жалости, оскорблений и, возможно, полного безразличия. Но он совсем не думал о том, что ему начнут оказывать поддержку, и что его популярность станет расти.
Последний стрим
Одинокий тучный мальчик, которого все называют «Баттер», вот-вот войдет в историю. Он собирается обожраться до смерти в прямом эфире в Интернете и приглашает всех на это посмотреть. Баттер ожидает жалости, оскорблений и, возможно, полного безразличия. Но он совсем не думал о том, что ему начнут оказывать поддержку, и что его популярность станет расти.
Очень винтажное рождество
Доди - безнадёжный романтик, и поэтому она открывает магазин антиквариата. Найдя коробку с рождественскими безделушками, девушка решает вернуть её законному владельцу. Во время поисков Доди знакомится с Эдом, красавчиком-подрядчиком, который решает помочь ей в поисках.
Рождественский коттедж
Лэйси Куинн давно отказалась от любви и отношений — теперь она концентрируется на своей карьере дизайнера интерьера. Лучшая подруга Ава Каллахан просит Лейси стать её подружкой невесты и украсить их семейный коттедж для медового месяца. Легенда гласит, что если влюблённые проведут там ночь, их ждёт вечная любовь и счастье. Пока Лэйси и брат Авы Чарли вместе украшают коттедж, все дороги оказываются перекрыты из-за снегопада. Им ничего не остаётся, кроме как остаться переночевать в коттедже и узнать — действительно ли в этом маленьком домике есть какая-то романтическая магия.
Christmas Homecoming
A military widow, whose faith in Christmas has lapsed, rents an apartment to a handsome Army Captain, recovering from an injury in battle, and whose faith in Christmas is inspirational. As they team up to save the town’s military museum with a Christmas fundraising event, these two ‘wounded birds’ find themselves falling in love — and being healed by the magic of Christmas.
Christmas List
Executive Producer
Isobel Gray plans a storybook Christmas with her boyfriend, including a snow-covered cottage in the Northwest, and a carefully composed bucket list of classic holiday traditions. But when the boyfriend goes AWOL, the list proves challenging and a tempting new romance turns her life upside down. Will Isobel have a White Christmas ending under the mistletoe?
Christmas List
Isobel Gray plans a storybook Christmas with her boyfriend, including a snow-covered cottage in the Northwest, and a carefully composed bucket list of classic holiday traditions. But when the boyfriend goes AWOL, the list proves challenging and a tempting new romance turns her life upside down. Will Isobel have a White Christmas ending under the mistletoe?
The Memory Book
Executive Producer
Budding photographer Chloe (Ory) comes from a family of failed romances. At a local flea market, she stumbles upon an old photo album from the 1970s, chronicling the ideal romance of a happy couple (Hindle and Barbeau). Unable to find her own "true love," she sets out to find the couple in the album and prove that true love exists. Along the way, she meets Gabe Sinclair (Macfarlane), a mysterious, but charming bartender, who seizes the opportunity to join Chloe's mission and soon finds himself falling in love with her. With limited resources, the two go on an adventure, searching for clues that will lead them to the couple, and hopefully to true love. As the search continues, Chloe begins taking an interest in Gabe, but won't let these feelings distract her from her mission to find the couple. Will Chloe learn to give up her fear of falling in love and finally find true happiness?
The Memory Book
Budding photographer Chloe (Ory) comes from a family of failed romances. At a local flea market, she stumbles upon an old photo album from the 1970s, chronicling the ideal romance of a happy couple (Hindle and Barbeau). Unable to find her own "true love," she sets out to find the couple in the album and prove that true love exists. Along the way, she meets Gabe Sinclair (Macfarlane), a mysterious, but charming bartender, who seizes the opportunity to join Chloe's mission and soon finds himself falling in love with her. With limited resources, the two go on an adventure, searching for clues that will lead them to the couple, and hopefully to true love. As the search continues, Chloe begins taking an interest in Gabe, but won't let these feelings distract her from her mission to find the couple. Will Chloe learn to give up her fear of falling in love and finally find true happiness?
Twist of Faith
Jacob Fisher, an Orthodox Jewish Cantor and amateur songwriter who resides in Brooklyn, New York, witnesses the senseless murder of his wife and three children. Catatonic, Jacob walks out on his Jewish mourning ritual, leaving behind his Jewish garments, wallet and keys. Abandoning his identity, he wanders aimlessly, hoping somehow to understand his tragedy. Fortuitously, he lands in Brent, Alabama (population 2,500), where he is embraced by Nina, a single mother and the lead singer of a small gospel choir, her Uncle Moe and their gospel community.
Магия слов: История Дж.К. Роулинг
Фильм рассказывает историю Джоан Кэтлин Роулинг, освещая ключевые моменты её жизни, путь становления писательницы, историю создания её главного детища — «Гарри Поттера».
One Angry Juror
Executive Producer
Based on the true story of Sarah Walsh, a tough New Orleans attorney who serves on a murder trial jury and does some investigating of her own.
One Angry Juror
Based on the true story of Sarah Walsh, a tough New Orleans attorney who serves on a murder trial jury and does some investigating of her own.
Sins of the Mother
Shay is a young African-American college student whom is forced to take a year off from school to return to her hometown where she struggles with her anger and insecurity when she's forced to confront her alcoholic mother, Nona, whom is currently in AA and a churchgoer, over her entire childhood of abuse and neglect which Shay is both unwilling and unable to let go of.
Little Girl Lost: The Delimar Vera Story
Luz Cuevas baby daughter Delimar disappeared in 1997 after their house caught fire during a party, The police reported that she was killed in the fire. However, Cuevas suspects that she was kidnapped and that the fire was staged by an outsider. Six years after the fire, Cuevas meets Valerie Valleja former wife of one of Pedro's cousins, who was also at the party. She has a six-year-old girl with her, named Aaliyah. The girl bears a resemblance to Cuevas and she suspects it is Delimar. Cuevas begins an investigation…
7 Things To Do Before I'm 30
Lori Madison is a young woman turning 30 who returns to her Colorado hometown and discovers a childhood list of seven things to do before she turned 30, and finds that she has yet to achieve any of them. So, Lori sets out on a frantic, and humorous quest to accomplish them before her 30th birthday just three weeks away
My Name Is Sarah
Sarah is depressed and lonely after her best friend dies. She follows a handsome man, Charlie, into a church where he attends AA meetings. Sarah lets him believe she is an alcoholic too, but when she falls for him, she must come clean and admit that she lied and she's not an alcoholic.
Honeymoon with Mom
When she's dumped at the altar, a young woman takes her mother on her intended honeymoon to a remote resort. But her mother has ulterior motives -- she needs a big interview to help her magazine, and the resort owner is the perfect catch.
Return to the Batcave - The Misadventures of Adam and Burt
Adam West and Burt Ward are taken on a crazy adventure when the Batmobile is stolen from a car museum and they must track down the thief and return it. After solving a puzzle, they realize that the clues to finding the fiend who stole the Batmobile are hidden in their past. During the search, they flashback to their three seasons in tights, including their many sexual escapades.
Surviving Gilligan's Island
Executive Producer
Surviving Gilligan's Island
Run the Wild Fields
A gentle, pacifist drifter faces a town's patriotic wrath on the World War II era home front in this original drama. Ten-year-old Pug (Alexa Vega) and her lonely mother Ruby (Joanne Whalley) have their lives shaken by a conscientious objector named Tom (Sean Patrick Flanery) who brings their loneliness to an end but also stirs up bitter feelings among their neighbors.
Executive Producer
A chemical engineer, who recently moved to town, struggles to find a way to kill a deadly new variant of Cryptosporidium that has infiltrated the town's water supply, causing people who drink it to die of thirst.
A chemical engineer, who recently moved to town, struggles to find a way to kill a deadly new variant of Cryptosporidium that has infiltrated the town's water supply, causing people who drink it to die of thirst.
Emma's Wish
A lonely retirement home resident obtains a magical ring on her 75th birthday which grants her wish to again be young. Awakening the next morning she finds herself to be 40 years old again. She leaves the home and takes a position as a housekeeper for her daughter, who does not recognize her.
Lover's Knot
A pair of lovers have no idea that their affair is overseen and orchestrated by an angel sent by Cupid to see that they remain together in this romantic comedy.
A Promise to Carolyn
Executive Producer
When two sisters can no longer go on living with the painful memory of their baby sister being murdered 37 years ago by their stepmother, together they try to uncover the truth.
Last Chance Llama Ranch
When a close encounter with an eighty-foot spruce steals Merry Manning's dreams of Olympic gold, the former ski champ finds herself falling into a career she never expected – the life of a travel writer. Picturing glamorous trips to exotic places, Merry is speechless when her boss assigns her to the blog, "Don't Do What I Did," and sends her to a middle-of-nowhere llama ranch with instructions to "fall on her fanny" as often as possible.
12 Dates of Christmas
A woman longing to rediscover the wonder of Christmas meets a man with the key – actually, 12 of them – to unlocking the magic.
The Boy In The Photo
A gripping psychological thriller which centers on Megan, whose life was turned upside down when her ex-husband kidnapped their six year old son, Daniel. Six years later, a twelve-year-old boy shows up claiming to be Megan’s missing child, following his father being killed in a deadly fire.
The Boy In The Photo
A gripping psychological thriller which centers on Megan, whose life was turned upside down when her ex-husband kidnapped their six year old son, Daniel. Six years later, a twelve-year-old boy shows up claiming to be Megan’s missing child, following his father being killed in a deadly fire.