Ugo Menegatti


Una notte agli studios
Director of Photography
Two goofy extras enroll to a weird audition for a big 3D production
Dante Ferretti: Production Designer
Director of Photography
The Documentary Dante Ferretti – Production Designer retraces the life and the career of Dante Ferretti, the famous Italian Artist and Production Designer.
Sound of Morocco
Narciso, Dietro i Cannoni, Davanti ai Muli
The Torturer
Director of Photography
The gorgeous young actress Ginette auditions for the lead role in the first long feature film of the controversial artist Alex Sherba and she's almost immediately submitted to a long series of harassing questions and indecent proposals. Alex quickly turns out to be a mentally unstable and potentially dangerous man, and when she finds an earring belonging to a missing friend of hers, Ginette even suspects that he might be a killer and starts her very own private investigation. Meanwhile, the torturing of other poor girls cheerfully continues in the dungeon of Alex' parental house.
Assistant Camera
Экранизация сюжета о святом Франциске Асизском. Его биография в свое время тоже считалась скандальной поразила весь христианский мир. Сын богатых родителей, Франциск (в итальянской интерпретации Франческо) бросил богатство и родителей и ушел в пустыню, убивать плоть и молиться… Зачем?..
Ужас в опере
Assistant Camera
Молодую оперную певицу преследует невменяемый поклонник, склонный к убийству, желающий, чтобы она была очевидцем его злодеяний.
Сто дней в Палермо
Assistant Camera
В конце 70-х - начале 80-х годов многочисленные убийства государственных чиновников в Сицилии потрясли всю Италию. Еще никогда с такой наглостью мафия не демонстрировала свою силу перед лицом бездействующей власти. Честного и принципиального генерала Карло Делакьеза назначают префектом в Палермо, где он будет бороться с сицилийской преступностью...
The Devil and Holy Water
Assistant Camera
Bruno Marangoni, former center-forward of Rome, has fallen into disgrace due to a series of injuries, and now lives with gimmicks and small scams. At the height of despair he decides to commit suicide but is saved by the parish priest of a village, so he decides to move to the rectory
Naples... Serenade Caliber 9
Assistant Camera
Don Salvatore Savastano, a boss involved in the smuggling of contraband cigarettes, is forced to watch four masked robbers kill his wife and his only son in a restaurant where he and his family are celebrating the young boy's first Holy Communion. From that moment on Don Salvatore has no other purpose in life but to get his revenge on the four assassins.