Deborah Secco
Рождение : 1979-11-26, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Дебора Секку родилась в Сан-Паулу в ноябре 1979 года и уже в восьмилетнем возрасте первый раз оказалась в объективе камер. Она снялась в рекламном ролике с разрешения родителей и с тех пор не оставляла мечты об актерской карьере. Родственники не стали выступать против желания девочки заниматься в театральном кружке, и вскоре она дебютировала на театральной сцене. Стартовой площадкой в кино для Деборы оказалась история "Черная вдова". Позже последовали "Сказки лета" и "Признание подростков", за работу в которых Дебора получила первые серьезные награды. Знаковыми в карьеры актрисы являются работы в сериалах "Новая жертва" и "Семейные узы". А также в фильме для взрослых "Сладкий яд скорпиона". Но исключительно кино было мало для артистки, которая активно пробовала силы в качестве модели, и принимала участие в телешоу. Первый раз обрести семейной счастье звезда попыталась выйдя замуж за режиссера Роджерио Гомеса, но брак вскоре окончился разводом. После многочисленных романов у нее появился второй шанс на счастье с футболистом Роджером Флореса. Но официально под венец влюбленные не торопятся отправляться, несколько раз разрывая отношения и начиная их заново. На данном этапе Секку сосредоточена на поддержании внешней привлекательности и карьерных успехов.
Dona Hermínia and other renowned characters from Paulo Gustavo, such as Senhora dos Absurdos and Maria Enfisema, are in the '220 Volts Special New Year'.
Leandra is in her mid-30s: she wants to get married and have children, but she does not have a boyfriend. Her sister, Sonia, is married and has two children, but all she wants is a night of fun with her best friend, Marinati - a workaholic lawyer who went to fall in love just when her career is on the rise. Marinati is Keka's boss, who is looking forward to the trip she's scheduled to save her marriage.
A film director, Walter, meets his old team to make a "road movie". With no money, they will have come up with scams in order to make the production possible while at the same time plotting revenge.
Based on 'Death of a Man in the Balkans (2012)', an original feature film of Miroslav Momcilovic, 'Sorria, Você Está Sendo Filmado' ('Smile, You're Being Filmed') tells the story of a suicide, in only one shot of 80 minutes, from the perspective of a web cam which only the suicidal knew was on, giving the viewer the feeling of watching everything from his window. "From the screenplay to the shooting, we are doing a kind of reality cinema," sets this movie director Daniel Filho.
After several behavior problems, teenager John is admitted to a psychiatric clinic by his family. There he meets Judith, for who he soon falls in love. The problem is that she does not have long to live and they know it. This shall not prevent the emergence of a great romance in the clinic.
Mãe de Felipe
Four sisters work together to raise rent money after learning they have to move to another neighborhood in this coming-of-age drama based on the series.
America, a famous Brazilian actress, transforms her existential crisis into a show watched closely by her biggest fan.
Raquel / Bruna
Девушка Ракель, живущая в семье среднего класса, в свои 17 лет протестует против такого образа жизни, и оставляет свою семью и обучение в традиционном колледже в Сан-Паулу, становясь девушкой по вызову.
Não foi muito fácil escolher a forma de contar a história de Flordelis, mãe, ex-moradora da Favela do Jacarezinho, mulher corajosa que entra nas comunidades, a louca que desafiou a justiça por amor aos filhos, a linda mulher que abriu mão da sua juventude e do seu futuro profissional para viver a missão de doar amor, ensinar amor e aprender com o amor.
Eder (Lázaro Ramos) is arrested after confessing the murder of a man. Duca (Darlan Cunha), a 15 years old boy who is Eder's nephew, wants to prove the innocence of his uncle, he's sure that his uncle confessed the crime to protect his girlfriend, Soraya (Deborah Secco), ex-wife of the deceased. Duca also wants to win the heart of Isa (Sophia Reis), a classmate who seems more interested in his best friend, Kid (Renan Gioelli). To be able to prove his theory, Duca gets help from Isa and Kid.
Thaís, the estranged girlfriend
Shup up in dead-end lives with dreams larger than life, two inseparable friends in their thirties decide to take their fates in hand. Nevertheless, a woman a « fatale » one, gets them away from their path. And the three of them – two others will quickly join them- find themselves involved in a strange case, that of a fake painting robbery. Who said crime is not worth?
Rita is about to marry a wealthy physician, Dr. Augusto Vilela. One night, Vilela's best friend, Camilo, is brought to the hospital, dying from an overdose. Vilela saves his life and introduces him to his fiancée. Rita and Camilo fall in love and, confused about what to do, the girl goes to a fortuneteller to seek for advic
A satire about the dictatorship period in Brazil, in which communist militants try to steal the soccer World Cup Trophy from the players Pelé and Carlos Alberto Torres.
Kira, a botanist who is also the daughter of elves, must fight the evil wicked witch Algaz. In her quest, Kira will be helped by Epifania, agood witch, elf Daphnis and even Queen Dara, the fairy mother.
Diogo Álvares, a Portuguese map illustrator, reaches the Brazilian coast, after his caravel sinks. He is saved by the Indian chief Itaparica and his two daughters, Paraguaçu and Moema. They call him Caramuru and together they engage in a happy love triangle. But the chance to return to Portugal arises, and it is clear this amoral arrangement cannot last.