José de Carvalho


Berenice Seeks
Berenice is a dedicated female taxi driver in Rio de Janeiro. She is consumed by her job and the little free time she has needs to be divided between raising her son Thiago, a teenager exploring his sexuality, and her troubled relationship with her husband Domingos, a police reporter. The scars of the worn-out relationship, ruined by her husband's violent outbursts, have erased her femininity and led her into a great existential emptiness. The murder of Isabelle, a beautiful transgender woman, on Copacabana Beach, ignites her investigative side and transforms her life.
Vidas Partidas
A married couple lives peacefully with two children until the husband starts getting violent.
В Лиссабоне Марсело пишет роман, используя жизнь своей жены Беатрис в качестве главного источника вдохновения для повествования. Творческий процесс книги идет по опасному пути, в конечном итоге ставя под угрозу любовь, которую они испытывают друг к другу..
A Esperança é a Última que Morre
Западный Кабокло
Жоану ду Санту Кристу покидает Сальвадор, штат Баия, в поисках лучшей жизни и отправляется в город Бразилиа. Там он встречает Марию Люсию, в которую он влюбляется и желает построить лучшее будущее. Однако, его причастность к торговле наркотиками может все испортить, когда его главный конкурент, Жеремия, становится его врагом.
Elvis & Madona
Elvis & Madona is a romantic comedy that deals with an unusual subject in a delicate and realistic way: a love story between young lesbian Elvis and a transvestite Madona. The story takes place in Copacabana, neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro. The screenplay comprehends a full array of human types and, by following the journey of both protagonists, illustrates the conflicts generated by the evolution of behavior and custom. It is a modern and agile picture, and its soundtrack will follow the latest musical trends. Nevertheless, it is essentially a love story, proving that love can exist in any situation.
Сладкий яд скорпиона
Девушка Ракель, живущая в семье среднего класса, в свои 17 лет протестует против такого образа жизни, и оставляет свою семью и обучение в традиционном колледже в Сан-Паулу, становясь девушкой по вызову.
So Hard to Forget
Julia is a 35-year-old English Literature teacher struggling with depression as she tries to get her life back together again after her long, intense love affair with Antonia. Feeling totally abandoned after she and her enigmatic girlfriend broke up, Julia is thrown into a desperate, painful process. Her life and her values have been tinged with unbearable melancholy and her life's measure seems reduced to out-of-focus fragments of her memories. Her inner turmoil and conflicts hamper a process now made necessary - that of readapting to her new life. It is impossible for her to disguise her pain when she attempts to narrate emotions.
Cinderellas, Wolves and a Prince Charming
Around 900 thousand people are trafficked a year for international borders only for sexual exploitation. However, despite all the dangers, young Brazilian women to enter the world of sex tourism, believe that they will change their lives and their dream of finding a Charming Prince. A minority find a great love and get married. The film goes from the Brazilian Northeast to Berlin seeking to understand the sexual as well racial imaginary and power of young southern Cinderellas and northern wolves.
Darling Stranger
On Alberto's birthday, his daughter Zezé gets engaged. But the party turns sour when he decides to expose his pain and regrets.
Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum: O Filme
A young wizard must create new spells in his magic book before the planets align. His uncle and aunt, powerful mages themselves, help him achieve that. Based on the award-winning Brazilian TV series.