Ernst-Georg Schwill

Ernst-Georg Schwill

Рождение : 1939-03-30, Berlin, Germany

Смерть : 2020-04-09


Ernst-Georg Schwill was born on March 30, 1939 in Berlin, Germany. He is an actor, known for Good Bye Lenin! (2003), Tatort (1969) and Sie nannten ihn Amigo (1959). 


Ernst-Georg Schwill
Ernst-Georg Schwill


Der Prag-Krimi - Der kalte Tod
Hartmut Rogge
The Last Compartment
Set in 1986. After their train is hit by an avalanche in the alps, 30 year old Greta and five strangers find themselves trapped in the last car of a train, buried underneath the snow. On the radio they learn that a rescue operation is under way, but for some reason the last compartment seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth. As we follow their attempts to escape their icy prison, we begin to understand that there is more to the compartment than meets the eye...
Oregon Pine
Horst Lüders
Wood engineer Richard lives a life like a construction. Highly engaged in his career his private life consists of nothing but short purely sexual affairs. When he first meets Teresa everything changes. The unexpected tenderness, intimacy and the longing it brings pulls him right in. Richard is booked for a wild ride of love, passion, ease and freedom and his time with Teresa becomes a journey towards his own feelings and the question arises: Where do I belong? But the answer Richard finds hits Teresa’s sore spot and suddenly he realizes that he basically knows nothing about her. Where she comes from, where she wants to go, who she is…
The Crown of Arkus
Arkus is reigned by Schiija. The Evil queen forces the inhabitants to give her their best work as gifts at the yearly gifts day. One day a former rival passes a hint on how to defeat the queen to the streetkids Jono and Saraja .
Sushi in Suhl
Otto Günther
Küss mich, wenn es Liebe ist
Herr Maier
You're Not Alone
Master painter Hans Moll and his wife, the television announcer Ms. Wellinek and her husband, and the German-Russian Jew Yevgenia have many things to live on: food, drink, an apartment. What they do not have is work. They all discover the yearning for a chance to start all over again and bring themselves back to life.
Strange Gardens
Sergeant at the station
Lucien, 14, can’t understand why his father, a serious and respected teacher, makes a fool of himself by dressing up as a clown and giving a show. André, Lucien’s father’s best friend, feels for the teenager and decides to reveal something from their mutual past that will explain the reason for Lucien’s father’s strange behavior.
Иди себе с богом
Bruder Petersen
Непростые времена наступили для древнего монашеского ордена канторов — аббат скончался, монастырь разваливается, да и платить аренду нечем, так как нет доходов. К счастью в Италии осталась последняя обитель ордена, и теперь трем монахам — Бэнно, Тассило и Арбо — предстоит нелегкий путь. Сумеют ли они противостоять соблазнительным искушениям ужасного мира грешников, и в первую очередь — симпатичный Арбо, всю жизнь проведший в монастырских стенах?
Ufos über Waterlow
Ein Biest mit Silberblick
Horst Schaffke
Die Bratpfannenstory
Pfleger Adolf
Burning Life
Anna and Lisa, two young women, meet by chance in the vestibule of a bank, and decide after that to go on together leaving a successful trail of bank-robberies through Germany.
Anna annA
Film by Kläy and Brauer.
Banale Tage
Herr Torf
In East Berlin in the late 70s, two boys meet one evening in a disco: Thomas, who is from a working class family and is doing an apprenticeship, and Michael, a 16-year-old school pupil from an educated middle-class family. They both miss the tram home and walk together instead, ending up at Michael’s house where they discuss God and the world into the early hours. Following this encounter the two boys enter into an unusual friendship, united by their mutual desire to get away from the phoniness, the limitations and the restrictions of their parents and of society.
Alter schützt vor Liebe nicht
Zwei schräge Vögel
Frank and Kamminke study informatics in Leipzig and have developed a program that enables a computer to automatically find and correct errors in its software. Freshly graduated, they are relocated to a remote Thuringian village after causing a computer breakdown. There, they are supposed to work in a small company that has no clue of economic management. The rather helpful computer system from West Germany plainly lacks compatible software. But Frank and Komminke are not allowed to work with the hardware , although it is them who could make most out of the complex system. Eventually, and with the help of consultant Petra whom both are in love with, they break into the system control room on New Year′s Eve and start up the computer with their special program.
Die Galgenbrücke
Rapunzel, or The Magic of Tears
Adaptation of the classic fairytale.
Altes Herz geht auf die Reise
The Brigade-Leader’s Hat
Young construction worker Ralf Reider leaves his home village Katzsprung in the Rhön mountains during the "Berlin Initiative". In the capital, he wants to earn enough money in construction to build his own house for his wife and his child. But Ralf is an unconventional character who soon becomes an outsider because of his behaviour.
Der Haifischfütterer
The furniture mover Stefan is on the verge of serving his time in the military. He has always been a guy with distinctive civil courage who cannot stand injustice. Now he has ten days left in which he plans to make a lot of decisions, not least the decision with which woman he wants to spend his life. Stefan is picky, however, and none of them seems good enough for him.
White Cloud Carolin
Herr Besse
It's no big secret that twelve-year-old Hannes is in love with his classmate Carolin, who he compares to a beautiful white cloud in the sky. But when Carolin spends most of her time exploring the village's history with Benno, Hannes becomes increasingly jealous of his rival. The only person who is happy about this situation is Kerstin, who is in fact interested in Hannes. In order to impress Carolin, Hannes takes her and several others out for a boat ride in the nearby Bay of Greifswald, but his plan takes a deadly turn as a storm approaches.
Mit vierzig hat man noch Träume
Das Puppenheim in Pinnow
Paul Henkel
On the way to the holiday camp, 16-year-old Steffi falls in love with Norbert, whom she has known for a long time from visiting grandfather in Pinnow. She made a quick decision to change her future plans and decided to become a milker, because Norbert is the newly appointed apprentice trainer for livestock farming in Pinnow. The grandfather, who is very happy about Steffi's visit, cannot prevent his granddaughter from making up her mind. Norbert himself was an apprentice in Pinnow and often suffered from the teaching methods of his predecessor. That's why he wants to do it differently.
Der blaue Oskar
Ulli Klein
My Father Alfons
Ten years old Ernst and his father Alfons are traveling to the family event on their bikes.
Asta, mein Engelchen
Die Stunde der Töchter
A life-threatening heart attack confines Richard Roth to the hospital bed. There, Richard, who is in his late fifties, asks himself what will remain of him and his life. What happened to his four daughters? Do they take after him? How have they developed? His youngest daughter Nanny, who is still living with her father, gets her three other siblings to Weimar to visit their father.
Max und siebeneinhalb Jungen
Max Stricker, an old anti-fascist, informs a class of eighth graders before their planned visit to the former concentration camp in Buchenwald. But the boys and girls are not very interested in Max′s lecture and instead stop his lecture with their constant interferences. On the trip to Buchenwald, the class roughnecks around wannabe hoodlum King also want to cause trouble. Thus, a small group of pupils secretly leaves the train before it arrives. Max notices the runaways, follows them, and offers them a bet: He challenges them to get to Weimar on their own, with only five Marks left.
Oben geblieben ist noch keiner
Приключения с большим автомобилем
Героя фильма, монтажника высоковольтных линий Ханнеса Блашке, одолевают сомнения. Старенький "Трабант" уже тесноват для его разросшегося семейства. Какую же машину приобрести взамен? А может, не гнаться за модными и дорогими марками, купив списанный на металлолом старый черный лимузин, отремонтировать его, подновить... И вот счастливый Блашке - за рулем. Впереди смешные и неожиданные события...
Hiev up
The crew of a small Saßnitz fisherman has problems with the "making a cultural socialist life". In order not to lose the competition prize again in the future, they want to show the organizer a collective weekend with all the trimmings. And they really do not mind ...
Ich Bin Nicht Meine Tante
Разбойники поневоле
Юноша Якоб и принцесса Розалинда любят друг друга. Король обещает юноше отдать дочь в жены только в том случае, если Якоб выполнит его задание: он должен отправиться в ад к черту за тремя золотыми волосками. По дороге Якоб видит много страданий и смерть невинных людей. Йоанас, разбойник поневоле, говорит юноше, что причину бедствий народных знает только черт. Якоб возвращается победителем — с тремя золотыми волосками. Теперь он понимает, что причиной страданий людских является король. Якоб женится на принцессе, а злой король справедливо наказан.
Der kleine Zauberer und die große Fünf
Der Weg ins Nichts
Krach im Hochhaus
Die schwarze Mühle
Ich war in Honolulu – wetten?
Der Leutnant vom Schwanenkietz
The film describes the activity of an ABV of the People's Police in its section in East Berlin. A mixture of “positive” characters from the beginning, the extensively staged “owl”, who is introduced as a criminal and over the course of time, especially due to the influence of the ABV, develops into a good citizen, and incorrigible characters, with whom the ABV fails with its extensive attempts at rehabilitation and who are arrested after having committed again offenses.
Hart am Wind
Achim Bräse
The electrician Peter Drews is a brigadier at a Baltic Sea dockyard. His men are among the most reliable and diligent workers at the dockyard. Their motivation, however, increasingly suffers from Peter’s narcissism and imperiousness. Even his girlfriend Brigitte who is also a member of the brigade finds it increasingly difficult to accept his behavior. One day, Peter decides that the entire group must enter the navy - just because he has received his conscription call. While four men follow Peter into the navy, Brigitte, who has broken up with Peter, takes over the control of the brigade. During the work at the ship on which Peter is based at she meets the charming lieutenant Asmus.
Мой нулевой час
Курт Хартунг — исконный берлинец, страдающий на Восточном фронте из-за самодурства майора Штекбека, попадает в русский плен. Не питая никаких симпатий к нацистам, он радуется тому, что война для него закончена. Но не тут-то было, русским срочно требуется язык с той стороны, а обычный ефрейтор для этих целей мало подходит.
Der Weihnachtsmann heißt Willi
Five-year-old Peter and his older brother Hans drop the Christmas present for their parents in the middle of the road and it gets flattened by a car. Deeply distressed, they go to a Christmas fair and buy a lottery ticket with their remaining money. To their delight, they win a washing machine! Peter is especially excited when Santa Claus shows up and promises to transport the machine for him, but the old man instead vanishes with the boys' gift. Hans is convinced that Peter has been conned and chases after the fleeing Santa. But Peter simply cannot believe that Santa Claus could be anything other than kind and helpful.
When a motorcyclist dies in an accident, lieutenant Kreutzer and his colleague Arnold receive the order to investigate the backgrounds of this mysterious case. Although the leads point to murder, head physician Dr. Nikolai, the driver of the car involved in the accident, maintains his innocence and even has an alibi. With a lot of arduous detail work, Kreutzer follows all leads and evidence. Both Nikolai’s colleagues and his son act suspiciously. Eventually, Kreutzer convicts the criminal who secretly used the physician’s car for his criminal dealings.
In August of 1914, amidst the public ecstasy surrounding the impending war, Hans Gastl, the young son of a Munich bürger, makes a decision: he will not take part in this war. This resolution signifies a turning point in his life; a farewell to his class and his family.
Убийство в понедельник
Полицейский комиссар слишком быстро идет по следу убийцы профессиональной проститутки, волею случая оказавшейся в центре крупной аферы, и поэтому ему подписывают смертный приговор в тот самый момент, когда он почти распутал весь клубок. Однако, его помощник — тоже, не смотря на молодой возраст, имеет незаурядные дедуктивные способности, и тоже очень быстро идет по тому же самому следу…
Der Streit um den Sergeanten Grischa
Geschichten jener Nacht
Four directors - four styles - four episodes, all relating the events of a single night which has entered the history books: August 12-13, 1961. There are thousands of complex narratives connected with the frontier drawn through the middle of Berlin, and each episode relates the story of a difficult decision made on that night...
Eleven-year-old Kaule lives with his aunt in Hinrichsfelde, a small village located in Mecklenburg. The smart and animated boy constantly comes up with plans that are supposed to help others. Since they usually go awry, however, most of the time his fellow men have a hard time appreciating these plans. Things get even worse when Kaule meets Karola, a girl who is new in the village.
Бегство в безмолвие
Во время строительных работ в небольшом городке в Тюрингии было обнаружено захоронение неизвестного в форме СС с огнестрельными ранениями. Учитывая, что никаких боевых действий в этом месте не было, а рядом с телом была обнаружена старинная золотая монета, для расследования необычного происшествия прибывают два инспектора полиции, капитан Штеттер и лейтенант Хоффманн. Вскоре им удается выйти на след таинственного преступления, произошедшего двадцать лет назад, но тот обрывается вместе с убийством владельца земельного участка, на котором был найден труп. Понимая, что новое преступление тесно связано с гибелью неизвестного эсэсовца, полицейские ищут улики в воспоминаниях старожилов и архивных документах.
The Journey to Sundevit
Little Tim Tammer, the son of a lighthouse keeper, lives right on the Baltic Sea beach, but his remote home often leaves him feeling lonely. When Young Pioneers pitch their tents nearby, he is overjoyed and quickly makes new friends.
In Search of the Magical Bird
Hauptwachtmeister Löffelholz
A fantasy story about the young boy Lutz who is looking, with two friends, for a missing magical bird.
Little Red Riding-Hood lives together with her parents in a house on the edge of the forest. Her friends are a bunny, a squirrel and a bear. The little girl is always prepared to help, friendly, innocent and even unsuspecting, for she does not hold anyone capable of doing anything bad. Little Red Riding-Hood often visits her grandmother who lives in the depths of the forest. But her way there is a dangerous one: the wolf and its lackey, the fox, terrorize everyone with their evil deeds. One day, Little Red Riding-Hood is caught in their net.
Die aus der 12b
Dieter Krause
German teacher Miss Platzke starts working in a graduating class. Since she is young and inexperienced, the students soon consider her incapable of doing her job. Their disrespectful and harsh behavior makes Miss Platzke even more insecure, and she reacts with rigidity: On the last day before winter break she orders them to write an unannounced essay, thereby provoking a spontaneous strike.
Бедные ткачи Ганс и Кумпан пытаются войти в город, окруженный высокой непроницаемой стеной, где все, по-видимому, очень счастливы. Когда они наконец попадают внутрь, тиранический Император Макс требует, чтобы они сделали ему новую одежду, которая «поставит всех подвластных на колени». Ганс и Кумпан утверждают, что только умные люди могут видеть мантию, и, чтобы показать себя умным, император надменно демонстрирует себя перед своими подданными в своих новых невидимых регалиях.
Кабаре дебоширов
Вольфганг — хулиган, но в принципе он отличный парень. Однако не все в Тюрингии, где он учится, с пониманием относятся к нему и его приятелям. Его смелые авантюры часто заходят слишком далеко - вплоть до кражи трёх бутылок ликера. Между тем новый начальник интерната умеет использовать бесспорные навыки хулиганов на общее благо. Вместе с ними он основывает «Кабаре дебоширов». С острыми шутками и музыкой они теперь набрасываются на бездельников, растяп, пьяниц — и в процессе медленно меняются в лучшую сторону.
Новогодний пунш
Музыкальная комедия о том, как молодежь одного химического завода решила интересно и весело встретить Новый год. В фильме показаны выступления художественной и спортивной самодеятельности на катке.
Пять патронных гильз
Willi der Deutsche
Действие картины происходит во время Гражданской войны в Испании. В горах Сьерры интернациональная бригада комиссара Виттинга, ведя непрекращающиеся бои с противником, вынужденно отступает. Его бойцы остаются практически без воды, пищи и боеприпасов. Тяжело раненый комиссар перед смертью дает задание пяти добровольцам доставить важное донесение в штаб, для чего делит его на 5 отрывков и помещает их в отдельные патронные гильзы. Каждый получает по одной гильзе, четверым бойцам, путем неимоверных испытаний, удается добраться до своих и узнать тайну донесения.
The Punch Bowl
It is the 65th birthday of Wilhelm Lehmann, foreman of a chemical company. All members of the large family are expected. Preparations are also being made in the company: Wilhelm is to be awarded the »Labor banner« and, as every year, the sons are responsible for the may bowl. But instead of family members, telegrams with rejections flutter into the house.
Senta auf Abwegen
«181» не отвечает
События происходят в Германской Демократической Республике. Герои фильма — рыбаки и курсанты рыбного комбината. Об их дружбе, о верности своему долгу и родине повествует фильм.
Они звали его Амиго
Rainer „Amigo“ Meister
Действие фильма происходит в 1939 году в Германии в дни разгула фашизма. Пятнадцатилетний паренек, смелый, веселый Амиго, что значит по-испански - друг, был любимцем и вожаком всех ребят во дворе. Но вдруг что-то случилось с Амиго - он стал задумчив и суров. Никто не знал, что Амиго нашел на чердаке человека, за которым охотились нацисты, и скрывает его. О юном пареньке с большим и мужественным сердцем рассказывает этот фильм.
Berlin, Schoenhauser Corner
The corner Schönhauser Allee in East Berlin is the main meeting-point for a group of adolescents. Dieter is a construction worker who falls in love with Angela. She, in turn, spends time with the clique whenever her mother is occupied with her new lover. "Kohle" stays away from home to avoid his dad's alcohol problem, and Karl-Heinz is on his way to becoming a small-time criminal. Due to their interest in western music and culture they are regarded as no-goods and rowdies. Things get interesting when an incident forces Dieter and "Kohle" to escape to West Germany. Written by c.winter
Берлинский роман
История Уши и Ганса, двух молодых людей, живущих в разных секторах немецкой столицы. Нельзя сказать, чтобы Уши, молодую жительницу Берлина, очень волновали серьёзные проблемы. Всё казалось ей лёгким, а будущее представлялось таким же ярким и сверкающим, как огни неоновых реклам, манящие её по вечерам в Западный Берлин. Здесь она встретила и полюбила Ганса. Оказалось, что её избранник уже много месяцев не имеет работы. Уши принимает живое участие в его судьбе. И тут впервые она столкнулась с трудностями. Жизнь предстала перед ней в новом свете.
Alarm at the Circus
Two boys from West Berlin, Klaus and Max, live in poverty. They dream of a career in boxing and save every penny in order to buy boxing gloves for training. Nevertheless, they cannot seem to save enough and so they let themselves be hired by the bartender Klott for a twisted scheme. However, Klaus overhears one of Klott's conversations and learns that Klott intends for the boys to steal horses from the East Berlin Barlay Circus, where Klaus recently made some good friends. Indignant, he sets out to stop the robbery—and an adventurous action story results.