Два сводных брата, Клаус и Улли, любят одну и ту же девушку. Клаус обладает более выигрышной внешностью, он может спеть модную песенку, сыграть на гитаре и этими кажущимися преимуществами легко добивается успеха у Евы. Клаус отнюдь не серьезно относится к своей подруге, и очень скоро она почувствовала это. Улли - человек спокойный и уравновешенный, он хорошо знает характер своего сводного брата, его легкомыслие и моральную нечистоплотность. Встретившись с Евой, окончательно порвавшей с Клаусом, и узнав о её тяжелом положении, Улли, забыв свою обиду, первым протягивает ей руку помощи.
Из беседы с Евой Улли узнал о намерении Клауса бежать на Запад. Сознавая свою гражданскую ответственность за легкомысленный поступок брата, Улли решает помешать ему. Зная место, где Клаус может перебраться в Западный Берлин, Улли, рискуя жизнью, задерживает его.
During the Thirty Years' War, the camp-follower Anna Fierling, called "Mother Courage", travels the length and breadth of Europe with her covered wagon. She does not care if it's Catholics or Protestants she trades with as long as business thrives. She loses her three children as a result of the war: bold and spirited Eilif, sincere and upright Swiss Cheese and mute Katrin, who saves the children of Halle by beating a drum on a farmstead roof In wartime, the Fierling children's virtues prove to be deadly. Yet, Mother Courage, remains incorrigible. She will not have anyone "spoil the war" for her and so sets out once more after the soldiers with her wagon.
В 1954-1956 гг. по просьбе Всемирной демократической федерации женщин было снято пять короткометражек для художественно-документального фильма «Роза ветров», в которых были показаны истории из жизни женщин в Бразилии, Китае, Франции, Италии и Советском Союзе. В сборник вошли новеллы: «УТРО КАК ДРУГИЕ» (Um matin comme les autres, Франция, 1956, реж. Янник Беллон); «ДЖОВАННА» (Giovanna, Италия, 1956, реж. Джилло Понтекорво); «АНА» (Ana, Бразилия, 1955, реж. Алекс Виани); «ЧЭНЬ ЛИН» (Chen Ling / 陳玲, Китай, 1956, реж. У Ю-ин); «НАДЕЖДА» (СССР, 1954, реж. Сергей Герасимов и Альберто Кавальканти). Художественным руководителем проекта выступил известный голландский режиссёр-документалист Йорис Ивенс.
An allegorical documentary about the workers of the world, whose common destinies and hopes for peace are symbolically united by the rivers that run through their respective lands. The film was shot on the Volga, the Mississippi, the Nile, the Yangtze, the Amazon and the Ganges and combines these images of five continents with the music of Dmitri Shostakovich and the poetry of both Bertolt Brecht and Paul Robeson.
After the workers’ revolt on June 17th, 1953 this film disappeared in the archives until 1997.
After the workers’ revolt on June 17th, 1953 this film disappeared in the archives until 1997.
Summer holidays of young pioneers and the report of the pioneer meeting in Dresden in August 1952.
Basing his work on documentary material, Andrew Thorndike tells the life story of Wilhelm Pieck: from young worker to fighter for the German working class, and from enemy of national-socialism to the first president of the German Democratic Republic.
Under the sign of the swastika, it was, amongst other things, turned into a naval base, it got heavily destroyed in two waves of attack in April of 1945 by British bombers. After the war, Heligoland was made available as bombing training ground for the English army by the West-German government. Seven young people occupied the isle and began to repair the emergency shelter for sailors who got in danger. This and further major actions eventually ended the bombing exercises. Back then, the watchword was: “Heligoland to the Germans! “ – “Heligoland for peace!”
Documentary short about the Leipzig Tradefair in 1946.
Documentary short about the rebuilding of Berlin in 1946 from a Soviet perspective, showcasing the social changes that have taken place since the fall of Hitler and of Jews working side-by-side with non-Jewish counterparts.
Documentary about the merging of the Communist Party of Germany and the Socialist Unity Party of Germany in the Soviet occupation zone, a merger that would lead to the creation of the Socialist Unity Party that would rule the soon-to-be-created East Germany until 1989.
Jordan, a famous criminal lawyer, will only represent clients, of whose innocence he is convinced (must be financially not-too-well-off). One day, his future son-in-law, the jeweler Fabian, is arrested on suspicion of murder on the day before his wedding. He is said to have murdered his ex-wife, the dancer Ria Norady. The conductor Gillmore found her dead in her dressing room shortly after a visit from Fabian. Gisela Jordan asks her father to defend him. After speaking to Fabian, the lawyer is convinced he's innocent. But since there is no proof of this, he decides to go and try and find the real murderer himself.
Фильм воссоздает историю создания оперы «Паяцы» молодым композитором Леонкавалло. В основе сюжета лежит происшествие, свидетелем которого Леонкавалло был в раннем детстве. Ревнивый актер странствующей труппы убил неверную жену и ее любовника во время представления. Оперу приняли к постановке в миланском театре «Даль Верме»; постановкой руководил А. Тосканини. Опера Леонкавалло сломила равнодушие и нерасположение к нему музыковедов, успех ее был огромным, и «Паяцы» появились сразу же на всех сценах Европы.
In the mountains of the Ötztal, the wealthy Fender (Eduard Köck) and Wally (Heath Hatheyer), his only daughter and heir, manage a small farm. He wants to marry the rich, but boring, Vincent (Leopold Esterle). Wally escapes to a mountain hut, where she lives alone and withdrawn. Her love belongs to the hunter, Joseph (Sepp Rist). When she unwisely takes a young vulture from its nest and is attacked by the mother, Joseph comes to her aid and from that point on, she fondly calls him her "Geierwally". He also feels attracted to her, but Wally can't escape the feeling, that the young Afra is his mistress. Mad with jealousy, Wally announces that she'll marry the one who kills Josef. Vincent wants to earn her hand and is determined to kill the Geierwally. Just in time, though, the actual relationship between Joseph and Afra is clarified.
Charming Tom is pursuing fine Olivia both cheerfully and stubbornly. At first, she rejects him brutally; but then she finds pleasure in this intrusive guy, who’s following her everywhere. They spend an evening together; but afterwards, Olivia determines, that a valuable bracelet has been stolen from her. Now she thinks Tom is the infamous jewel thief, who’s been terrorizing the neighborhood.
В горной тирольской деревне в самом разгаре горнолыжный сезон. Каждый нашёл для себя излюбленное место, будь то горная хижина, спорт-отель «Гипфельблик» или обветшалый «Бергхоф». Сепп, владелец «Бергхофа», хочет его продать. Но его сын, лыжный инструктор Тони, хотел бы сохранить это место. И здесь появляется Дороти. Она помогает изменить обстановку в отеле, привлечь новых постояльцев. Тони влюбляется в нее. Но у очаровательной девушки есть своя тайна...
German all-star musical from 1938 that was a big commercial success.
A customer (Karl Valentin) tries to buy a record in a record store but can not decide what he actually wants. The saleswoman (Liesl Karlstadt) tries to help him – which is in vain, as the customer eventually damages various records and even a complete cabinet during his visit.