François Nobecourt


Color Grading
In a delicate style, Moeschler portrays the return of a young man from the countryside to his hometown. The ecstasy of the reencounter, the possibility of a fresh start, friendship and love, the deserted streets at night.
Assistant Director of Photography
Jacob, an elderly man living in a luxurious villa near Geneva called Rosebud, has just changed his name for the third time and become a Swiss citizen. His granddaughter comes to visit to make a portrait of him. As she searches for a way to bring his story to life, Jacob abandons the project…
Князь мира
Color Grading
то нас объединяет и что нас разделяет? На этот вопрос ответит нам данная картина, в которой отсутствуют привычные нам время и место повествования, а также сюжет и хронология событий.
La Baie
Every year, during the summer solstice, the Bay transforms into desert sands, and the tides stop. Michel, a hunter, is charged with battling the forces of Nature. This year, however, nothing goes as planned.