Petr Skarke

Рождение : 1943-03-23,

Смерть : 1999-04-15


Hotýlek v srdci Evropy
Soldat 1
Зима 1942 года. Шестая армия вермахта сражается в разрушенном до основания Сталинграде. Взвод элитных немецких солдат, в первой же битве потерявший больше половины личного состава, ведет отчаянную борьбу за выживание. Свист пуль и рев «катюш», голод и холод доводят их до грани безумия. Уже почти ничего не удерживает солдат на тонкой линии между жизнью и смертью. После всего, что они видели, после утраты всех идеалов призыв фюрера «стоять до конца» приобретает для них совсем другое, гораздо более страшное значение…
The Fate of Baron Leisenbohg
The 35-year-old ministry official Baron Leisenbohg had the stage career ten years ago as the cast of the "Queen of the Night", opera that promoted singer Klare Hell. Klare shows no gratitude however.
Přes padací mosty
Duch času
Принцесса Ауриния отправляется со своей служанкой Лизой к замку короля Эвальда, его сыну Иво, которому она обещана в жены. По дороге Лиза принуждает принцессу к обмену ролями, ее тайный замысел — она сама хочет быть королевой. В замке, пока не раскрыт обман, Ауриния вынуждена служить пастушкой гусей. Король и принц начинают не доверять Лизе, им не нравится явная жестокость «невесты», приказавшей обезглавить Фалада. Но как разоблачить обманщицу?
Pan Tau – der Film
Pan Tau, the friend of all children, now also helps the adults. A movie producer is in trouble and decides to shoot another Pan-Tau movie. But the old Pan-Tau actor Karasek is no longer young enough to walk the almost weightless walk of Pan Tau. Mr. Novak turns up - he resembles Pan Tau like a twin brother. He succeeds every pirouette. And as if by magic, he solves all the problems between people! Who is Mr. Novak? Is he really ...?
Вой 2: Стирба – Сука-оборотень
Сестра американца Бена была оборотнем. Но не по своей воле: ее завлекла в свои сети, а потом убила организация оборотней из Трансильвании. Об этом Бен узнал после похорон от седовласого Стефана, кажется, знавшего про оборотней все. И, Стефан советует Бену и его подружке Дженни поехать в Трансильванию, чтобы уничтожить эту организацию…
Angolský deník lékařky
Долгий путь в школу
Алекс - чемпион школы по лёгкой атлетике, и одновременно - очень мечтательный мальчик. Все бы ничего, да только ему частенько перепадает за опоздания. Впереди соревнования между школами, на Алекса возлагаются большие надежды. Но, судьба золотых медалей под угрозой...
Velký případ malého detektiva a policejního psa Kykýna
Paunch and I
Nine years old Flori must deal with a lot of problems after his father leaves the family.
Kluci z bronzu
Martin XIII.
Die Schmuggler von Rajgrod
In 1903, Jan Anskath and his half-brother Martin are living in Rajgorod at the border between Russia and Prussia – Jan on the Russian, Martin on the Prussian side. Both are occasionally smuggling stuff over the border. But while Jan acts from political conviction and is smuggling illegal writings over the border, Martin is only interested in the money. That is why he does not question his shadowy client when he sneaks out refugees into Russia. But then it becomes evident that the distinguished gentleman has robbed the refugees from all of their belongings, only to turn them over to the authorities of the Czar.
Der Spiegel des großen Magus
The evil and powerful King Magus brutally subjugates the people of his kingdom. Anyone who does not want to submit is turned into an animal and locked in a cage. Magus kidnaps the girl Hanna, whom he wants to marry. But Hanna refuses, and her lover, the shepherd Elias, goes to the castle to free her. He learns from Magus' servant Pravos that a mirror gives the king magic power and immortality and that he can only be defeated by water from the Moon Lake. Elijah sets out on his journey to the Moon Lake. Will he withstand the dangers and finally achieve victory over the king? Wrid he be able to free Hanna and the whole kingdom?
Hezký Štědrý večer
Sólo pro starou dámu
Des Drachens grauer Atem
A Major Role for Rosmaryna
The director of films for kids called Bonzurka together with her loyal assistants Drahuska and Honza are looking for the actors for a new movie "The Knee". Children for this movie should not be afraid and shy and they must have talent for acting. Thus the scouting is quite difficult. The most difficult is to find an actress for a main character who lost her hair after a serious illness and now has to spent the whole holiday in the countryside with a bald head resembling a knee. Although the makeup artist does his best an artificial baldness does not solve anything. From the selected little girls only the self-assertive Rosemary has the guts to let her long hair to be cut and shave off her head.
Tichý Američan v Praze
Kufr plný nadějí
Stín létajícího ptáčka
Almost King
Dům Na poříčí
Jak se ševcem šili čerti
Boty plné vody
(segment "Silvestr 1948")
Three short stories ("Zelenáči 1945", "Silvestr 1948" and "Zimní vítr 1951") about members of the SNB units guarding the Šumava border in the post-war years. Ivo Toman had artistic supervision over the debutants. The theme of the third short story was made in 1959 for the film "Entry Forbidden" by František Vláčil, who was also starting at the time.
King of the Yellow Sea (voice)
Русалочка, одна из дочерей морского царя, увидев принца на палубе роскошного корабля, влюбляется в него. Но во время бури корабль разбивается о скалу, и все его пассажиры оказываются в воде. Русалочка, не раздумывая ни минуты, бросается на помощь и спасает своего возлюбленного от гибели. На берегу лежащего без сознания принца находит другая девушка. Придя в себя, он решает, что эта девушка и есть его спасительница. Но любовь Русалочки к прекрасному принцу так сильна, что ради нее она готова пойти на любые жертвы — боль, немоту и даже смерть…
Маленький сержант
Krótkie życie
Мальчишки есть мальчишки
Замечательная веселая комедия — абсолютно вольное переложение марктвеновского «Тома Сойера» на чешский лад. Соответственно, тут Тома зовут Томашеком, его друзей — Губерт («аналог» Гека) и Йожка (марктвеновский Джо Гарпер), а Бекки Тэтчер — Бланка. И дело происходит в Чехии в 1900 году.
Prodaná nevěsta
Romance for a Crown
A musical comedy about a date between boy and girl which started badly but continued very unexpectedly...
Za volantem nepřítel
1974 Czechoslovak drama film directed by Karel Steklý.
My Brother Has a Cute Brother
Honza Pavelka (Jan Hrusínský) wins the junior motorbike speed races. His thirteen-year-old brother Martin (Roman Cada), his assistant and biggest fan, answers the questions of his schoolfriend Pavlína in a superior tone. Student Zuzana (Libuse Safránková), who gave her scarf to Honza to wear around his neck for the races as a talisman is Honza's girlfriend. He met her when he came to her parent's home to repair the TV set. Honza declines an invitation to celebration with his friends. He goes off with Zuzana instead, but she refuses his intimate advances. The offended young man, who is about to serve his two years in the army, tries to blackmail her emotionally and the couple breaks up. Martin tries various schemes to bring them together again.
Na startu je delfín
Police Officer (voice)
Případ mrtvého muže
В 1942 году в городе Бузулуке на территории СССР был сформирован чехословацкий батальон под командованием Людвика Свободы. В районе Соколово под Харьковом чехословацкий батальон в составе Третьей танковой армии генерала Рыбалко принял боевое крещение.
Night of Orange Fires
Petr Rynes (Svatopluk Matyás) is celebrating his forty-fifth birthday in the company of his friends. He is happy with his wife, and his abilities at work have been rewarded with the medal For Outstanding Work. But a few short seconds are enough to change his life when he makes the ill-judged decision to take his car to bring a friend's wife to the celebration, and hits a pedestrian on the way. He has of course been drinking at the party and is consequently sentenced to sixteen months in prison. Being in jail is not an easy thing for a honorable communist. He soon gets into conflict with several violent inmates, who think they can break his spirit by violence.
Great Sorrow
Jana is forced to live in a foster home and always dreams about family reunion.
The Fair Is Here
Referee (voice)
Children from the village Bystrá are awaiting a nice and thrilling weekend. On Saturday they will play the championship football match with the nonresident boys from the village Skuhrov, on Sunday there will be the funfair with merry-go-round, swings and stalls with dainties. The members of the family of the merry-go-round man are brother and sister Janek and Zaneta Mareks whom the children have known since the last year. At that time Zaneta made friends with girls and Janek, an excellent football player, has been a welcome support of the football club.
The Fair Is Here
Children from the village Bystrá are awaiting a nice and thrilling weekend. On Saturday they will play the championship football match with the nonresident boys from the village Skuhrov, on Sunday there will be the funfair with merry-go-round, swings and stalls with dainties. The members of the family of the merry-go-round man are brother and sister Janek and Zaneta Mareks whom the children have known since the last year. At that time Zaneta made friends with girls and Janek, an excellent football player, has been a welcome support of the football club.
Wie füttert man einen Esel
Due to his profession, Fred, an easy-going and charming long-haul truck-driver, sees a lot of the world. Along his routes he enjoys the company of a lot of girlfriends who sweeten his spare time. One day, he suffers an accident in Prague which puts his co-driver Orje out of action. The beautiful Hungarian Jana persuades him to make her his new co-driver and does her utmost to take care of the stressful job. The more time the uneven couple spends on the road together, the more Jana feels attracted to Fred.
Horká zima
Jakou barvu má láska
SSM Chair (voice) / TV Announcer (voice)
Cyril Dadák (Václav Postránecký), a TV reporter falls in love at first sight with a young engineer Milena (Jaroslava Obermaierová) while he makes a reportage in a chemical factory. Milena has been dating for several years with a test driver Pavel (Rudolf Jelínek), however when she meets Cyril she feels that he might be the Mr Right. She accepts Cyril's invitation for a date and she spends a night with him. In the morning she finds in her flat Pavel. She wants to explain to him everything but Pavel makes coffee with a smile and gives her back the keys from the flat.
Die Hosen des Ritters von Bredow
Miss Golem
It is the 1920's. The good-looking hostess Věra demonstrates household robots to visitors of the Futurum exhibition. Young inventor Petr comes to her rescue when she tries to flee from two men wanting to take her away. Věra confesses that she has fled from home because her father, a factory owner, wanted to profitably marry her off. Petr is fascinated by the emancipated woman and shows her round his laboratory, where he plans to create a robot of his own - but one that would be far more advanced. Věra cuts herself on a broken test-tube and a drop of her blood gets in the solution. In the morning, they are taken aback to see Věra's double. This lucky chance has helped Petr create an artificial being, Miss Golem. She has a single motive for her actions: to take care of Věra and allow her to do only what is good for her.
Legenda, the Robber
It is 1905. The police director gets Jindrich Legenda (Eduard Cupák) shadowed as, yet Legenda had served his sentence for a burglary, the jewels have not been found. Russian revolution encouraged also Czech workers to fight for their rights. Radical anarchists are followed by Legenda's friend Karel Wohryzek (Vladimír Mensík) who was forced to collaborate with the police as he was convicted of pornography distribution.
The Devil's Elixirs
Young seminary student Franziskus (Benjamin Besson) has been ceremonially ordained. He wants to escape the harshness and injustice of the world and devote himself to the service of God in the quiet seclusion of a monastery. He is also hoping to forget the beautiful lady Aurelie (Jaroslava Schallerová), whose life he saved in a flooded brook and with whom he spent an amorous night. He knows that her father would never allow her to marry him. But the devil dressed in a monk's habit and under the name Viktorin (Andrzej Kopiczynski) intervenes in Franziskus's destiny and attempts to lead him astray. To do so he first uses the diabolical elixirs kept at the monastery as a rare relic. When the young monk gets expelled from the monastery, Viktorin prepares another trap with the help of Aurelie's stepmother Euphemie (Milena Dvorská).
Bitva o Hedviku
About Show-White
Katèin otec
Sixth-grade pupil Katka daydreams during a math class about being Snow White and being freed by a prince who looks very much like Dzery from the eighth grade. Katka, her girl friends Lenka and Martina, and her fellow-pupils Franta, Joska and freckled Vrabcák, have spent five years going to the same little one-class school in their home mountain village of Pastvina. Their kind teacher Smetácek was very understanding about their games and fantasies, but he didn't teach them much about arithmetic. They are now laughed at for their ignorance by the strict Bidlo, their new teacher at the near-by little town. As he does every year, Smetácek is preparing a theatre performance with the local children. Katka suggests the fairytale about Snow White
Svatba bez prstýnku
Velikonoční dovolená
Honza Marek
Принц Баяя
Герой народной сказки является молодой принц, который после смерти родителей, отправился путешествовать. В своем путешествии узнал магию лошади, и встретился с прекрасной принцессой Slavěna. По совету своей лошади закрыл повязкой один глаз, и устроился в замок, где жила принцесса, садовником. Сказал принц, что зовут его Баяя. Но однажды появился дракон, и сказал, чтобы ему в жёны отдали принцессу, или он уничтожит целое королевство. Принц Bajaja одел броню на себя и своего коня, и поехал спасать принцессу. Он спас принцессу, но с поля битвы уехал не узнанным. Об этом узнал Черный рыцарь, и под угрозой применения силы взял клятву, что тот, кто спасёт принцессу, станет её мужем. Победу принца Баяя выдал за свою…
Women Offside
Kastl is a hairdresser but his real passion is his second job as football referee. This job takes all his free time and makes his wife very nervous.
The Key
Jan Zika is the legendary hero of the communist resistance movement during World War II and leading functionary of the second underground Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.
Squandered Sunday
A day in the life of Arnošt, a soldier staying in Josefov. A sense of desperation permeates the environment as well as the mind of the protagonist. It is sunday, and saturday left just a hangover. Days go by, nothing changes. A metaphor for the political situation in the Czech lands at a time where depicting a soldier as a drunk was considered out of place to say the least.