Stefan C. Schaefer

Stefan C. Schaefer


Премьеры и награды фильмов Шефера состоялись на таких фестивалях, как Берлинский и SxSW, а также успешно прошли в кинотеатрах и на таких каналах, как NetFlix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, HBO, PBS и Sundance Channel. На его счету более пятнадцати фильмов в качестве сценариста, режиссера и/или продюсера, среди которых "Мой последний день без тебя", "Удивительная правда о королеве Ракеле" Олафа Йоханнессона и "Упорядоченное". В этих и других проектах он работал с лауреатом премии "Оскар" Мелиссой Лео, Эли Лартер, Зои Листер-Джонс, Николь Бехари, Майклом Империоли, Кеном Дюкеном, Дэвидом Харбором и многими другими. Шефер разработал и продал телевизионные шоу таким компаниям, как Sony Pictures TV, AMC, The Weinstein Company, Big Beach и Mandeville. Его документальный фильм о поэте-лауреате и экологическом активисте У.С. Мервине под названием "Даже если весь мир горит" вышел в национальный эфир на канале PBS в апреле 2016 года. Шефер и его семья делят свое время между Хайку, Мауи и Бруклином. Переведено с помощью (бесплатная версия)


Stefan C. Schaefer


Отель Алоха Сёрф
Бывший профессионал по серфингу вынужден устроиться на работу в пляжный отель, обучая отвратительных туристов серфингу. Вскоре он станет профессиональным теннисистом, инструктором по йоге, разнорабочим - возможно, он даже станет ключом к спасению этого семейного гавайского отеля.
A Vietnam vet suspected of murder in '71 Maui must rediscover the Hawaiian warrior within to protect his family, defend their land, and clear his father's name.
Even Though the Whole World Is Burning
A documentary on the life and work of Poet Laureate, two-time Pulitzer winner, and environmental activist W.S. Merwin.
Polite People
Executive Producer
A desperate city slicker engineer cheats his way into a small farming community, pretending to know how to save them by re-financing their slaughterhouse not knowing that he's walking into a local world war of small-town politics and general misbehaving.
The Roundup
Set in the Old West, a young Sheriff sets out to find the notorious outlaw 'Lawless' Jack Jackson. After a shoot-out, Sheriff gets custody of Lawless. Unclear is whether either will survive the trek back to town.
The Roundup
Set in the Old West, a young Sheriff sets out to find the notorious outlaw 'Lawless' Jack Jackson. After a shoot-out, Sheriff gets custody of Lawless. Unclear is whether either will survive the trek back to town.
My Last Day Without You
On a one-day business trip to New York, a German business executive falls in love with a singer-songwriter who exposes him to her Brooklyn world and emotions he's never experienced before.
My Last Day Without You
On a one-day business trip to New York, a German business executive falls in love with a singer-songwriter who exposes him to her Brooklyn world and emotions he's never experienced before.
The Hungry Ghosts
A New York City-set drama of interlocking stories which occur over a 36-hour period.
The Hungry Ghosts
A New York City-set drama of interlocking stories which occur over a 36-hour period.
Welcome to world of the Circledrawers - lowly janitors of the Almighty's imperfect system, angels living among us and performing the most mundane of tasks. Oleg, a special emissary has arrived at transmission central in Iceland to do the semi-centennial report on the efficiency of the Circledrawer system.
Welcome to world of the Circledrawers - lowly janitors of the Almighty's imperfect system, angels living among us and performing the most mundane of tasks. Oleg, a special emissary has arrived at transmission central in Iceland to do the semi-centennial report on the efficiency of the Circledrawer system.
Welcome to world of the Circledrawers - lowly janitors of the Almighty's imperfect system, angels living among us and performing the most mundane of tasks. Oleg, a special emissary has arrived at transmission central in Iceland to do the semi-centennial report on the efficiency of the Circledrawer system.
The Higher Force
Ashamed for being a debt-collecting thug, David believes that he is an ugly duckling waiting to become a swan. Through an unlikely mentor he finds out that life has indeed something very special in store for him.
The Higher Force
Ashamed for being a debt-collecting thug, David believes that he is an ugly duckling waiting to become a swan. Through an unlikely mentor he finds out that life has indeed something very special in store for him.
The Amazing Truth About Queen Raquela
Raquela, a trans woman from the Philippines, dreams of escaping the streets of Cebu City for a fairy tale life in Paris.
Две молоденькие преподавательницы, Назира и Рахель, начинают свою учительскую карьеру в одной из бруклинских школ. Назира с детства воспитывалась в строгих религиозных правилах мусульманской семьи, а Рахель – ортодоксальная еврейка. Не смотря на различные вероисповедания, девушки вскоре становятся лучшими подругами. На самом деле, между ними много общего, но главное – их семьи занимаются активными поисками достойных женихов для своих дочерей на выданье…
Две молоденькие преподавательницы, Назира и Рахель, начинают свою учительскую карьеру в одной из бруклинских школ. Назира с детства воспитывалась в строгих религиозных правилах мусульманской семьи, а Рахель – ортодоксальная еврейка. Не смотря на различные вероисповедания, девушки вскоре становятся лучшими подругами. На самом деле, между ними много общего, но главное – их семьи занимаются активными поисками достойных женихов для своих дочерей на выданье…
Act Normal
Robert T. Edison was born and raised in Nottingham, England. When he was fourteen years old he began to practice Buddhism. Eighteen years old he became a monk and went to Thailand where, for a decade, he spent his time in monasteries around the country. He became the first Buddhist monk in Iceland when he moved here in 1994 and founded a Buddhist sect. Five years later Robert decided to "derobe" and get married. After sixteen years of celibacy Robert had to deal with being "normal" - getting employment, paying his bills and dealing with the needs of his partner. After four years in "the real world" Robert travelled back to Thailand to become a monk again. Act Normal is filmed from 1994 to 2006 and is a unique exploration of one man´s twelve-year search for some kind of love.
A young ex-hacker, disgruntled with his life, lashes back at those deemed responsible, uploading unfavorable video footage of them on the internet.
A young ex-hacker, disgruntled with his life, lashes back at those deemed responsible, uploading unfavorable video footage of them on the internet.