Yuliya Kim


Didar is a poet, but he cannot live from his poetry. He has to write early in the mornings before setting out for his day job as a newspaper editor. Didar is surrounded by a sense of crisis, not just because of his economic situation but also due to discussions at work about the diminishing significance of Kazakh culture, dying languages, and the worldwide dominance of English. He is questioning whether poetry is still relevant in today’s world, but finds solace in contemplating a rebellious 19th-century poet, Makhambet Otemisuly.
The Horse Thieves. Roads of Time
The Horse Thieves tells the story of gangsters who murder the father of a young family and steal the herd of horses that belonged to the village.
Тренинг личностного роста
Обычный банковский клерк Канат переживает кризис среднего возраста. К сорока годам он перестал мечтать и не видит смысла в своей жизни. Но все меняется с появлением успешного Даника…