A tenement house needs to have steam heating installed. The residents find the necessary workers to do it, sign the contract and pay them in advance. The workers show up and start their job, but disappear immediately. Panic-stricken, the residents set up to search for them, only to find the workers in jail. Totally desperate, their only chance is to come up with an ingenious plan how to bring the work to the end.
The day that the financial clerk Metodi Rashkov is getting retired comes. He is a shy and quiet man and he accepts all tasks given to him by his son and daughter in law without argument. With time, he becomes a housekeeper; he shops, cooks and looks after his grandson. In order to save his face in front of his friends he lies to them and falls in a number of uncomfortable situations. The "Expolsion" becomes imminent. The reason is insignificant but with great consequences. Rashkov leaves his home. Soon the freedom which he wanted becomes boring for him. The abandoned family begins to miss the grandfather. At the end everyone sees their mistakes and is ready to fix them. The birth of a second grandson is the event which brings everyone under the same roof again.
Исторический фильм о борьбе за независимость Болгарии в конце XII- начале XIII века.
В 1197 году, после убийства царя Петра, Болгарское царство возглавил его младший брат - Калоян. С юга и востока наступают византийцы, с запада - мадьяры, с севера - куманы. А внутри страны постоянные междоусобицы бояр мешают укреплению мощи государства. Выдающийся дипломат Калоян сумел в сложной обстановке международных отношений, среди интриг папского двора отстоять независимость Болгарии. Он заключил выгодные мирные договоры с некоторыми противниками, а внутри страны ему удалось с помощью народных масс разбить предателей - бояр.
Стамен, инженер-строитель, получает новое назначение. Ему предстоит покинуть столицу и своих друзей и уехать на стройплощадку огромной плотины. В поезде он встречает Катю. Он думает, что она актриса...