Luka Zunic

Luka Zunic


Luka Zunic


My Soul Summer
A shy 17-year-old girl playing classical piano discovers soul music through a strange friendship with an old rocker in a summer that will change her life.
Summer 2006. The World Cup final is upon us. In a wealthy suburb, Marcello, a handyman who is busy installing a satellite dish on a roof, notices a boy sunbathing in the garden nearby. Something clicks between them and they embark on an aimless journey. Between unexpected events and family reunions, the two protagonists will discover their confused identity.
На страже зла
Два подростка пропадают после рейв-вечеринки в секретном месте. Один из них — сын начальника местной полиции. Вскоре начинается масштабное расследование.
The Girl Flew
Nadia is an apathetic 16-year-old girl living in Trieste. She has no friends of sorts, in or outside school. One day, she takes a walk with local no-good Brando, and the boy rapes her. From that moment on, Nadia's life changes forever.
All Star - Ritorno al cinema
A short movie about coming back to the cinema after lockdowns.
A mother wants to play with her son who won't speak to her. A boy wants to find out what his friend is giving to a girl who is more slender than him. A cat has disappeared. But these are only games.
Не возненавидь
Симоне, хирург еврейского происхождения, становится свидетелем автомобильной аварии. По иронии судьбы он оказывается единственным, кто может спасти жизнь мужчине за рулем, но узнав, что тот является сторонником фашизма, не делает этого.
Bene ma non benissimo