Poppy Field follows the struggle of a young Romanian gendarme, Cristi, who tries to find the balance between two apparently opposing parts of his identity: that of a man working in a macho hierarchical environment and that of a closeted gay person who tries to keep his personal life a secret. While his long-distance French boyfriend, Hadi, is visiting him, Cristi is called in for an intervention at a movie theatre, where an ultra-nationalist, homophobic group has interrupted the screening of a queer film. After one of the protesters threatens to out him, Cristi spirals out of control.
After an incident in a bar, Laurentiu dies due to a serious head injury. The film accompanies him through his last living day and offers a glimpse into his last moments. Based on a real life story.
Ваши лучшие друзья - это те самые люди, которые вынудят вас совершать самые безрассудные поступки. После расставания, Рокси, Ясмин и Ана воссоединяются, заключив пари, которое изменит их жизнь: кто выйдет замуж через три дня?