Marion Hänsel

Marion Hänsel

Рождение : 1949-02-12, Marseille, Bouches du Rhône, France

Смерть : 2020-06-08


Marion Hänsel (née Ackermann; 12 February 1949 - 8 June 2020) was a French-born Belgian film director, producer, actress and screenwriter.


Marion Hänsel


Все меняется в жизни пятнадцатилетнего охотника Лешки с появлением необыкновенной девушки «из компьютера», которая очаровывает его. Влюбленность главного героя в столь далекий для него образ, размытый силуэт прекрасной незнакомки, побуждает его на самый смелый поступок в жизни — пуститься в опасное путешествие через бурлящие воды Берингова пролива навстречу незнакомому миру, чтобы найти свою любовь.
Matisse voyageur, en quête de lumière
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Matisse's birth and of the exhibition at the Center Pompidou which will be dedicated to him in 2020, this art documentary brings us back to life of the journeys made by Matisse that influenced his art. And particularly his last trip to Polynesia in 1930 which will bring him to the threshold of contemporary art with the invention of his gouache cut-out papers.
In a village in Thailand, Pomm works in a care center for Europeans with Alzheimer's. While she is separated from her children, she helps Elisabeth during the final stages of her life, as Maya, a new patient, is on her way from Switzerland.
Par-delà les nuages – Le cinéma de Marion Hänsel
On the basis of conversations with Hänsel and some of her permanent crew members, a remarkable portrait is created of a filmmaker who is also her own producer, i.e. boss. The relationship between characters and their natural environment plays a major role in her work that is often based on novels.
There Was a Little Ship
A woman, hospitalized for a relatively long period, observes what surrounds her. She has time to dream, to revisit certain moments of her life. These memories, like small bubbles begin with her birth in Marseille in 1949 and bring us to Antwerp, Paris, New York, England… to end in Flanders in 2015, after she gets out of the hospital. There Was A Little Ship is a filmic-biographical essay, sincere and poetic.
There Was a Little Ship
A woman, hospitalized for a relatively long period, observes what surrounds her. She has time to dream, to revisit certain moments of her life. These memories, like small bubbles begin with her birth in Marseille in 1949 and bring us to Antwerp, Paris, New York, England… to end in Flanders in 2015, after she gets out of the hospital. There Was A Little Ship is a filmic-biographical essay, sincere and poetic.
There Was a Little Ship
A woman, hospitalized for a relatively long period, observes what surrounds her. She has time to dream, to revisit certain moments of her life. These memories, like small bubbles begin with her birth in Marseille in 1949 and bring us to Antwerp, Paris, New York, England… to end in Flanders in 2015, after she gets out of the hospital. There Was A Little Ship is a filmic-biographical essay, sincere and poetic.
¡Ay, Carmen!
Self - Filmmaker
The personal and professional story, told in first person, of Spanish actress Carmen Maura, director Pedro Almodóvar's first muse and a brilliant artist in her own right.
Homer and Joé trace the rivers of Croatia aboard a small boat. In spite of being fifty years old each one, none of them knew of the existence of the other until the recent death of the father of both. Now, however, they are half brothers. During the voyage, they meet Sean, an enigmatic Irish adventurer who will join them on the journey.
Homer and Joé trace the rivers of Croatia aboard a small boat. In spite of being fifty years old each one, none of them knew of the existence of the other until the recent death of the father of both. Now, however, they are half brothers. During the voyage, they meet Sean, an enigmatic Irish adventurer who will join them on the journey.
Homer and Joé trace the rivers of Croatia aboard a small boat. In spite of being fifty years old each one, none of them knew of the existence of the other until the recent death of the father of both. Now, however, they are half brothers. During the voyage, they meet Sean, an enigmatic Irish adventurer who will join them on the journey.
La tendresse
This is the first film by Hänsel based entirely on her own script and gives a wise and loving significance to the concept of personal and anecdotal. With beautiful leading roles by Canto as mother and Gourmet as her ex. Together, they drive to a ski resort to fetch their son, a ski instructor with a broken leg.
La tendresse
This is the first film by Hänsel based entirely on her own script and gives a wise and loving significance to the concept of personal and anecdotal. With beautiful leading roles by Canto as mother and Gourmet as her ex. Together, they drive to a ski resort to fetch their son, a ski instructor with a broken leg.
La tendresse
This is the first film by Hänsel based entirely on her own script and gives a wise and loving significance to the concept of personal and anecdotal. With beautiful leading roles by Canto as mother and Gourmet as her ex. Together, they drive to a ski resort to fetch their son, a ski instructor with a broken leg.
Черный океан
Художественный фильм рассказывает как под видом простых учений в океане испытывали атомную бомбу во времена холодной войны. С 1966 по 1995 год Франция провела более 170 ядерных испытаний в Тихом океане.
Черный океан
Художественный фильм рассказывает как под видом простых учений в океане испытывали атомную бомбу во времена холодной войны. С 1966 по 1995 год Франция провела более 170 ядерных испытаний в Тихом океане.
Цирк «Колумбия»
1991 год. Небольшой городок на юге Герцеговины. После многих лет коммунистического режима настала очередь демократических перемен. В стране произошли свободные выборы, к власти пришли новые люди. Все это означает, что беглецы, проведшие многие годы вдали от Родины, могут вернуться домой. Один из таких политических беженцев, Дивко Бунтич, по возвращении в город детства начинает осуществлять личную месть своим обидчикам. Он вернулся не с пустыми руками: новая, на сорок лет младше его, жена, новый «Мерседес», черный кот и внушительный банковский счет. Первым актом отмщения для Дивко становится вышвыривание экс жены и сына из их старого дома. Благодаря деньгам Дивко побеждает во всех своих делах и, кажется, что ничто не помешает достичь герою полной сатисфакции. Но жизнь бывает полна сюрпризов: надвигающаяся война рассудит по-своему.
Sounds of Sand
On the one hand, there’s the desert eating away at the land. The endless dry season, the lack of water. On the other there’s the threat of war. The village well has run dry. The livestock is dying. Trusting their instinct, most of the villagers leave and head south. Rahne, the only literate one, decides to head east with his three children and Mouna, his wife. A few sheep, some goats, and Chamelle, a dromedary, are their only riches. A tale of exodus, quest, hope and fatality.
Sounds of Sand
On the one hand, there’s the desert eating away at the land. The endless dry season, the lack of water. On the other there’s the threat of war. The village well has run dry. The livestock is dying. Trusting their instinct, most of the villagers leave and head south. Rahne, the only literate one, decides to head east with his three children and Mouna, his wife. A few sheep, some goats, and Chamelle, a dromedary, are their only riches. A tale of exodus, quest, hope and fatality.
Париж, наши дни. Софи, Селин и Анна — три взрослые сестры, утратившие родственную связь. Их жизнь — запутанные отношения, их собственный, но очень разный выбор. Удастся ли им вырваться из цепкой власти прошлого?..
Gilles' Wife
Gilles' wife, Elise, who smiles when she thinks of him, cooks and scrubs and cheerfully makes love to him, suspects during her third pregnancy that he is having an affair with her coquettish younger sister, Victorine. Elise suffers, usually in silence. She listens to her husband rave; she asks her priest; she breaks picture frames; she weeps. She decides on a strategy to keep him. Will she succeed?
25 Degrees in Winter
An Ukranian woman enters Belgium illegally and hides in the van of a driver abandoned by his wife. He ends up helping her to find her husband who had emigrated long before. They are joined by his wacky Spanish mother and cute young daughter.
Ничья земля
Взвод боснийских солдат заблудился в ночном тумане и к утру, к ужасу своему, обнаружил, что оказался прямо перед сербской передовой, под огнем противника. После завязавшегося скорого, но жестокого боя, в траншее на нейтральной полосе оказались три раненых — серб и два боснийца. Один из боснийцев лежит на мине: если попытаться снять его с этой адской машины — она сработает. Что делать заклятым врагам, оказавшимся в такой абсурдной и жуткой ситуации?
Clouds: Letters to My Son
Marion Hänsel directed this personal meditation on the joys and responsibilities of parenthood, in which a narrator reads Hansel's philosophic musings on raising her young son on her own, while carefully shot and selected footage of different cloud formations from around the world provide a striking visual backdrop. Catherine Deneuve read Hänsel's text in the original French-language version of Nuages; Charlotte Rampling did the honors for the English-language print, while Barbara Auer, Carmen Maura, and Antje De Boeck respectively lent their voices to the German, Spanish, and Dutch editions of the film.
Clouds: Letters to My Son
Marion Hänsel directed this personal meditation on the joys and responsibilities of parenthood, in which a narrator reads Hansel's philosophic musings on raising her young son on her own, while carefully shot and selected footage of different cloud formations from around the world provide a striking visual backdrop. Catherine Deneuve read Hänsel's text in the original French-language version of Nuages; Charlotte Rampling did the honors for the English-language print, while Barbara Auer, Carmen Maura, and Antje De Boeck respectively lent their voices to the German, Spanish, and Dutch editions of the film.
Почти ничего
Associate Producer
18-летный Матье приезжает из Парижа на побережье, чтобы провести там лето. Он знакомится с Седриком — они ровесники, им интересно друг с другом. Более того, они понимают, что влюблены друг в друга со всеми далеко идущими последствиями. Но семейные проблемы и неуверенность в собственных духовных силах мешают им быть вместе.
The Quarry
This thriller investigates the mysterious assassination of a gay pastor in rural South Africa. Without witnesses or explanations, the crime appears to the police and others as a jigsaw puzzle without enough pieces. The police then suspect and arrest people based on the usual prejudices, black and coloured people who plant marijuana in this case. Meanwhile, the true assassin not only goes his way unpunished from the very beginning, but becomes one of the rural town's most respected citizens. The sheriff at one point does begin having certain suspicions, and from there on the bulk of the plot is played out. The location is a very arid part of South Africa, so with so much desert rock, there are bound to be quarries. Some may reveal important secrets.
The Quarry
This thriller investigates the mysterious assassination of a gay pastor in rural South Africa. Without witnesses or explanations, the crime appears to the police and others as a jigsaw puzzle without enough pieces. The police then suspect and arrest people based on the usual prejudices, black and coloured people who plant marijuana in this case. Meanwhile, the true assassin not only goes his way unpunished from the very beginning, but becomes one of the rural town's most respected citizens. The sheriff at one point does begin having certain suspicions, and from there on the bulk of the plot is played out. The location is a very arid part of South Africa, so with so much desert rock, there are bound to be quarries. Some may reveal important secrets.
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Delegated Producer
A Greek-Irish sailor becomes friends with a 10-year-old sampan girl while his freighter is docked in Hong Kong.
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
A Greek-Irish sailor becomes friends with a 10-year-old sampan girl while his freighter is docked in Hong Kong.
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
A Greek-Irish sailor becomes friends with a 10-year-old sampan girl while his freighter is docked in Hong Kong.
Between Heaven and Earth
Maria Garcia (Carmen Maura) is a television journalist and she's about to be a single mother. Her career foremost in her mind, she doesn't slow down even for a minute, despite her pregnancy. She is, however, taking Lamaze classes and is quite competently coping with the romantic attentions of a man she's not very interested in. It's not at all irrelevant that her news beat includes stories on terrorism, the greenhouse effect, pollution and genetic engineering, because when her baby's due date comes and goes, she starts hearing from her infant from in the womb. It is telling her that it and many other babies are refusing to be born into such a horrible world. She learns that this is true, and that the children born through induced labor are dying.
Between Heaven and Earth
Maria Garcia (Carmen Maura) is a television journalist and she's about to be a single mother. Her career foremost in her mind, she doesn't slow down even for a minute, despite her pregnancy. She is, however, taking Lamaze classes and is quite competently coping with the romantic attentions of a man she's not very interested in. It's not at all irrelevant that her news beat includes stories on terrorism, the greenhouse effect, pollution and genetic engineering, because when her baby's due date comes and goes, she starts hearing from her infant from in the womb. It is telling her that it and many other babies are refusing to be born into such a horrible world. She learns that this is true, and that the children born through induced labor are dying.
Hostel Party
Blueberry Hill
Associate Producer
Antwerp in the fifties. Robin de Hert grew up in a Catholic parochial environment; on the one hand there is his authoritarian father and the sadistic secretary of the Catholic boys technical school, on the other hand there are the 'Grieten' and the French teacher with whom Robin is getting a good band through a secret they share. If the secretary finds out about this secret, this has major implications for both the teacher and the students ...
Il maestro
A renowned conductor suddenly pulls out of an evening rehearsal of Madame Butterfly. The opera director senses something is going on and forces the musician to explain himself.
The Cruel Embrace
Nicole gives birth to a mentally challenged boy after she is gang-raped by American soldiers at the close of World War II in this grim dramatic tragedy. Young Ludo is hidden in the attic of the family home and continues to yearn for his mother's affection. Nicole enters into a loveless marriage with an older man who agrees to adopt Ludo, but her deteriorating mental health leads her to sloth and alcoholism.
The Cruel Embrace
Scenario Writer
Nicole gives birth to a mentally challenged boy after she is gang-raped by American soldiers at the close of World War II in this grim dramatic tragedy. Young Ludo is hidden in the attic of the family home and continues to yearn for his mother's affection. Nicole enters into a loveless marriage with an older man who agrees to adopt Ludo, but her deteriorating mental health leads her to sloth and alcoholism.
The Cruel Embrace
Nicole gives birth to a mentally challenged boy after she is gang-raped by American soldiers at the close of World War II in this grim dramatic tragedy. Young Ludo is hidden in the attic of the family home and continues to yearn for his mother's affection. Nicole enters into a loveless marriage with an older man who agrees to adopt Ludo, but her deteriorating mental health leads her to sloth and alcoholism.
The Cruel Embrace
Nicole gives birth to a mentally challenged boy after she is gang-raped by American soldiers at the close of World War II in this grim dramatic tragedy. Young Ludo is hidden in the attic of the family home and continues to yearn for his mother's affection. Nicole enters into a loveless marriage with an older man who agrees to adopt Ludo, but her deteriorating mental health leads her to sloth and alcoholism.
Магда живёт с отцом и двумя чернокожими слугами на затерянной в южноафриканском вельде ферме. Страдая от неуравновешенности, она ревнует отца к молодой служанке, и во время очередного такого приступа стреляет в него из охотничьего ружья. Теперь молодая женщина остается с умирающим стариком на руках и с двумя свидетелями её преступления. Между тем, деньги, оставшиеся от родителя, кончились, платить слугам нечем, и рассчитывать на их лояльность не приходится. Но самое страшное — подступающее безумие, бороться с которым Магде становится всё труднее…
Магда живёт с отцом и двумя чернокожими слугами на затерянной в южноафриканском вельде ферме. Страдая от неуравновешенности, она ревнует отца к молодой служанке, и во время очередного такого приступа стреляет в него из охотничьего ружья. Теперь молодая женщина остается с умирающим стариком на руках и с двумя свидетелями её преступления. Между тем, деньги, оставшиеся от родителя, кончились, платить слугам нечем, и рассчитывать на их лояльность не приходится. Но самое страшное — подступающее безумие, бороться с которым Магде становится всё труднее…
Mauvaises réponses
Marion Hänsel was cast for this story of a man's job interview for an important position in a company that doesn't go the way he expected.
Mauvaises réponses
Marion Hänsel was cast for this story of a man's job interview for an important position in a company that doesn't go the way he expected.
De stille Oceaan
Unrelenting pessimism dominates this slow-paced, dark film, the debut feature from director Digna Sinke dedicated to an archetypal born loser named Marian (Josee Ruiter). Marian is a journalist who has been working in Latin America and who arrives home just after her father dies to find out that the man she had married for purely political reasons might be deported because the authorities found out he was not living with her. Meanwhile, Marian is upset that her mother and sister are keeping her mentally handicapped brother in an institution, and she goes there to get him released into her custody -- a mistake it turns out. He is actually worse off with her, and vice-versa. On top of everything, Marian cannot break away from the depression she feels over a tragic incident that happened while she was in Latin America -- and anything she does is colored by that moment from the past. These burdens become almost too much to bear, both for Marian and the viewers.
Le Lit
Martin (Heinz Bennent), a sculptor, is dying in his bed on a barge that floats along a fog-shrouded waterway. As he agonizingly descends into a final oblivion, his second wife is at his bedside, comforted by his first wife -- also present.
Le Lit
Martin (Heinz Bennent), a sculptor, is dying in his bed on a barge that floats along a fog-shrouded waterway. As he agonizingly descends into a final oblivion, his second wife is at his bedside, comforted by his first wife -- also present.
Le Lit
Martin (Heinz Bennent), a sculptor, is dying in his bed on a barge that floats along a fog-shrouded waterway. As he agonizingly descends into a final oblivion, his second wife is at his bedside, comforted by his first wife -- also present.
Одна поет, другая нет
La funambule enceinte
Франция 1970-ых гг. Помм и Сюзанна встречаются, и одна женщина помогает другой прервать уже третью беременность. Позже они теряют друг друга, но встречаются снова десять лет спустя. Помм стала певицей, а Сюзанна соцработник. Несмотря на контраст, они остаются близкими друзьями.
A silent teenage girl who works as a tightrope walker tries to keep her balance while crossing Paris.
A silent teenage girl who works as a tightrope walker tries to keep her balance while crossing Paris.
A silent teenage girl who works as a tightrope walker tries to keep her balance while crossing Paris.
La servante
Berthe, a pretty young woman, has suffered from a mental disease since she was a child. A doctor has tried for years to understand her behavior and to teach her some basic notions such as those of time and emotional expression. But he also tends to use her as a guinea-pig and does not oppose her parents when they decide to marry her as a way to solve her problems. Unfortunately the cure proves worse than the disease as Berthe's husband, who soon tires of her, abandons her and leaves her more helpless than ever... —Guy Bellinger
Village girl
"Palaver" tells us the day of three Congolese students (Albert, Victor and Marcel) who visit Bruges for a tour of the city, and end up on the beaches of Ostend. During their trip, they cross a beautiful blond on the arm of an equally superb African.