After being sent to the country side during the cultural revolution, the chemist Meng Hua return to work at her old company in the city.
After being sent to the country side during the cultural revolution, the chemist Meng Hua return to work at her old company in the city.
A spy is shot dead at the border of North China. Investigator believe that there must be another spy crossing the border elsewhere at the same time.
The People's Liberation Army and the Nationalists battle over Longwang Island in 1947.
Rong Duo
О трудной и сложной борьбе, которая ведётся со всем старым в жизни китайского крестьянина, о помощи, которую оказывают этой борьбе солдаты и офицеры Народно-освободительной армии.