Susana Campos

Susana Campos

Рождение : 1934-08-31, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Смерть : 2004-10-16


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Susana Campos (1934-2004) was an Argentine actress. She starred in the 1950 film Arroz con leche under director Carlos Schlieper. Description above from the Wikipedia article Susana Campos, licensed under CC-BY-SA,full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Susana Campos


Cómo pasan las horas
Renee returns home one Saturday after giving an early morning piano lesson. She lives in the provinces with her husband Juan and their five year-old son Santi. Over breakfast, they discuss a possible move to Buenos Aires but rule it out after Juan provides a reasoned argument against it. He suggests a family trip to the beach. Renee proposes for Juan alone to take Santi to the beach while she takes her ailing mother Virginia to the country. The film bifurcates as the narrative alternates between the two excursions. Renee picks up Virginia at an assisted-living facility; they drive to a rustic cabin, sit by the fireplace and later take a walk in the forest. Juan and the inquisitive Santi travel further, to an almost empty beach, walk down a pier, build a castle out of sand, and meet two fishermen who entertain the boy with sea tales and teach him how to gut a fish.
Elisa Dominich
Cristina's life is thrown into turmoil when she is suddenly escorted from her strict Catholic school in Buenos Aires and told that she is really Sofía Lombardi, the daughter of activists who disappeared in the '70s. Questioning everything she once thought true, Cristina embarks on a journey to find her true identity. Meeting others like herself, the young girl soon discovers the real-life horrors of Argentina's relatively recent past and the nightmare that claimed tens of thousands of lives during the country's "dirty war."
Loraldia - El tiempo de las flores
Romanza final (Gayarre)
Biography of Julian Gayarre (1844-1890), one of the best tenors of all times. At 19, a professor at the Conservatory of Music in Madrid heard him singing for the first time and offered him a scholarship to continue his studies. His artistic life runs between continued success, becoming the world's greatest tenor. But in 1890, while singing at the Teatro Real in Madrid, a failure in his voice is like a cruel reminder of what would happen a few days later: his death at a young age. The doctors gave a diagnosis, but his friends know that Julian Gayarre died because he could not sing anymore.
El orden cómico
One of the presidential candidates whose main campaign promise to end crime. When a day come back home with his wife, found the lifeless body of her son who had come to steal. The young man was a drug addict, just with what the candidate wants to end. So he decided hide his body until elections are for the matter not to spill his candidacy.
The Fridays of Eternity
A prostitute tries to communicate with one of her lovers who died in a duel, but who appears to him is his other lover, greater than the previous one, died in the same duel.
Así es la vida
Eloísa Castañares
Tells the story, in the key of comedy of customs, of a typical bourgeois home in Buenos Aires for three decades.
Los chicos crecen
Bodas de cristal
Vamos a soñar por el amor
A 1971 film.
El bulín
Employees of an office use for love dating the apartment of a single co-worker.
El día que me quieras
Andrea (la madre)
Yesterday's Boys Didn't Use Hair Fixers
La rubia Mireya
The romance between a young man from a wealthy family and the dancer from a place of fun.
Coche cama, alojamiento
Villa Cariño
A comedy in which several couples indulge in passion inside their cars while parked in the area of Palermo baptized as "Villa Cariño".
Del brazo y por la calle
Economic difficulties separating a young couple who, after the attempt to survive, decide to meet again.
Django Does Not Forgive
Helen Patterson
A halfbreed seeks revenge for the death of his sister, who kills herself after being raped by an officer of the Canadian Mounted Police. He gets involved in the historical revolt of halfbreeds and Indians led by Louis Riel in 1885 against the Canadian government.
Double Edged Crime
Andrés, son of a famous pianist, discovers the corpse of a tuner killed in his shop, located in the basement of his house. Then a suspect leaves, but in the fear of possible reprisals he doesn't tell anything to the police, only to his wife Laura. From that moment on, Andrés feels threatened and persecuted.
Le sette vipere (Il marito latino)
Lorenzo is an industrialist married in Argentina to a cruel woman who manages to have all her husband's assets seized, to throw him out of the house and to be awarded the two children born of the unhappy marriage. The desperate industrialist repairs in Italy, where he takes with him the children he has kidnapped and the affectionate secretary. But even in Italy the law is against him.
Rueda de sospechosos
A woman is found murdered in her house the day after a party. The police begins the search for the killer asking questions to all the people that attended the party.
La boda
A man whose wife was murdered on the wedding night returns to town to marry another and is resisted by the locals.
Como dos gotas de agua
The lawyer Angela Goñi is working in two cases at once: an man that wants to take to Pilo, a young orphan, tp a protection child school. And Mili, another young woman neglected by his father, a businessman, whose aunt Teresa wants to claim through the courts. Taking advantage of the amazing similarity between the girls, the lawyer makes many things to try to resolve the situation as happy as possible.
Piedra de toque
Ensayo general para la muerte
A playwright boasts he can commit a perfect crime in front of his friends, a police chief, a physician and a theater owner. Later, when the playwright's wife disappears, foul play is suspected. Did he murder her?
Una tal Dulcinea
A history professor is married with a beautiful woman but she is intellectually not able to follow her husband. Therefore she seeks her own pleasures and amusements without him.
Los culpables
A businessman whose company is bankrupt decides to fake his own death with the complicity of his wife and her lover, a doctor who will be responsible for signing the death certificate. So he can collect a life insurance of five million pesetas, and the lovers will have the free way to get married.
Cena de matrimonios
School of Seductresses
Three friends in love, are ignored because of their lack of gift to conquer. After learning of the existence of a school of seduction, are enrolled as students.
Accidente 703
Hector travels with Luisa by the road linking Madrid with Barcelona. When another car suddenly crosses his path, his vehicle leaves the road and plunges into a tree. Hector dies and she is seriously injured. The other car was occupied by Jorge and Paula, her lover. Several vehicles cross before the car crash and do not stop, each for a different reason. Among them is Julio, a truck driver who does not stop in order to reach his destination on time, not knowing that at the wrecked car travels his old girlfriend.
Man on Pink Corner
La Lujanera
During a local festival, a mysterious stranger appears in town, heading towards a violent confrontation.
El bruto
A woman realizes her husband's brutality while he's away and other men are after her.
Usted tiene ojos de mujer fatal
Siempre es domingo
In a sector of Madrid inhabited by families of a well-off class, a gang of boys and girls has continuous fun, sleep and drink, while their parents ignore practically everything. However, each of these young people has, to a greater or lesser degree, a problem. The parties and parties enjoyed by a group of young people from the upper class are the basis of the story that explains this film. Among them we find the famous couple, once happy, formed by Carlos Larrañaga and María Luisa Merlo. Directed by Fernando Palacios, and with a script by Rafael J. Salvia and Pedro Masó, " It's always Sunday " has no greater intention than entertainment, despite giving history a certain sociological touch, for that of valuing the behavior of the Youth of the time.
La vida privada de Fulano de Tal
My Street
Life events around a city street and its residents are told along the years while time goes by, wars break out and end and life evolves.
091: Police speaking
A police inspector makes his service in a patrol car attenging emergency calls. A memory hauns him, the death of her daughter, who was killed hit by a car that fled. The car is located and the inspector goes there and confrontation will be violent.
Un bruto para Patricia
Patricia de Carvajal
Bombs for Peace
Professor Don Carlos is a scientist who, after much research, discovers a chemical compound that, in the form of bomb, is capable of making people become peaceful beings. Just before his death, Don Carlos reveals to his friend and collaborator Alfredo the secret of his discovery
Владелец металлургического завода
Sophie de Préfont
Молодой промышленник, владелец металлургического завода Филипп Дерблэ влюблен в аристократку из обедневшего рода Клару де Больё. Сделав предложение своей возлюбленной, он получает согласие. Однако после свадьбы молодая жена сразу расставляет все точки над “i”: она вышла замуж за нувориша исключительно, чтобы помочь своей семье обрести заслуживающее древности ее рода материальное положение. На самом деле она любит своего кузена Гастона де Блиньи, с которым давно была тайно обручена. Филипп, скрепя сердце, вынужден принять объяснение своей супруги, надеясь, что время и любовь заставит ее изменить свои взгляды.
За длинной стеной
История девушки Роситы, мечтавшей найти счастье в Буэнос-Айресе. Но в городе её ждали нищета и лишения, а не весёлая, радостная жизнь. Потеряв отца, которого убили бандиты, Росита, ещё более одинокая, сломленная горем, теперь мечтает лишь об одном — поскорее покинуть ненавистный город, где развеялись все её мечты и надежды.
Rosaura at 10 O'Clock
Rosaura / Marta Córrega / María Correa
Out of the blue, a meek, old painter begins receiving love letters from Rosaura. This intrigues his fellow boarding house tenants, so they involve themselves into his relationship until one day the mysterious Rosaura appears.
Todo sea para bien
A widowed man who has lived adoring the memory of his wife, discovers 15 years later that she was his best friend's lover.
Story of a rope
Two men and a woman that blackmail a woman will pay for their actions.
Ena Salgado
A small town girl arrives in the city to study literature and philosophy, she stays in a house inhabited by a family in decline.
Любовь с первого взгляда
Матильда, девушка из обеспеченной семьи, влюблена в кумира женских сердец певца и видного красавца Марио де Ляроса. Она знает наизусть все его песни и молит небеса дать ей возможность лично встретится с кумиром. Ее мечты сбываются — Марио должен раздавать автографы в магазине бытовой техники и грампластинок, Матильда вместе со своей кузиной спешат на эту судьбоносную встречу, которая в корне изменит жизни влюбленной девушки и самого Марио...
A tango singer is involved in the death of a lender.
When a concert pianist is crippled in a car accident, his wife turns to gambling and gets in over her head.
La delatora
Crime-picture dealing with car thieves.
La noche de Venus
A woman will do everything to achieve fame, using her physique and her feminine cunning to achieve it.
Vida nocturna
A cabaret in Buenos Aires on Christmas night.
Vida nocturna
A cabaret in Buenos Aires on Christmas night.
La cigüeña dijo sí
A mature couple happily receives the news of pregnancy while a young couple has the disappointment of a frustrated attempt.
To preserve the happiness of his home, a detective transforms himself into different characters: a brave mexican, a French compliment, a tough German and a smiling lady.
Descent Into Hell
Renata Brissol
For ambition a woman sacrifices her true love and marries a man of fortune.
Romeo y Julita
¡Ué... Paisano!
The story revolves around the relationship of Italian immigrants and Argentines. Nostalgia for his country of origin and life in a strange country. It is a call for the union of immigrants that evokes sentimentality. The film conveys the sensation of the musician, whom an Italian immigrant listens to, and feels "understood and unconditionally loved"
La niña del gato
María Elena
A girl commits a crime first by her father and then by criminals.
La patrulla chiflada
As stowaways, the "Big Five of Good Humor" arrive in Casablanca. There they will launch themselves in defense of four girls kidnapped by a man, about to be sold to the harem of an Arab sheikh.
Mi hermano Esopo (Historia de un Mateo)
El hermoso Brummel
A valet impersonates his lord and must face the difficulties of this deception in society.
Los árboles mueren de pie
For over twenty years, an elderly man convinces his wife that their long-lost criminal grandson has changed his ways to become a successful professional and loving husband. When he learns of his grandson’s death, he decides to keep yet another secret and arranges for a false couple to pose as their exiled grandson and his wife. As the couple enters, uncertainties arise. Will they be able to convince her?
Arroz con leche
A runaway bride poses as a married woman and mother of twins to woo a suitor who only falls in love with married women.
¿Vendrás a medianoche?
When My Husband Kisses
A high society woman discovers a fiery romantic letter in a raincoat pocket seemingly written by a rumba dancer to the woman’s doctor husband. He tries to cover by saying that the letter is addressed to a more conservative friend of his, leading to rumours of his friend’s (supposed) incredible passion becoming intriguing to the local women, even the Doctor’s own jealous wife.
La cuna vacía
The film begins with some sequences related to the youth of Dr. Ricardo Gutiérrez, his arrival in Buenos Aires from his native Arrecifes, his law studies and a double frustration, as a writer and in his crush on a young woman who loved another man.
The wife of a hypnotist lives in a state of uncertainty over whether she's with her husband out of love or if she's been a victim of his influence.
A married man usually has very bad luck until he wins the lottery.
Cita en las estrellas
A couple splits up and gets married to other people. After the man dies, the woman becomes delirious and thinks she's found him again in heaven.
La novia de la marina
El barco sale a las diez
La serpiente de cascabel
Juan Carlos Thorry is a police inspector who must solve the mystery of the death of the warden of a boarding school for young women, for which he goes undercover as a music teacher. The main suspect is the mischievous schoolgirl María Duval. A series of entanglements leads the protagonists to becoming romantically involved and to finding the culprit.
Novio, marido y amante
A young woman marries an older man on a whim; the marriage is not consummated. She falls in love with her husband's son.
An Ideal Husband
A woman forces a politician not to report a big scam.