The film tells the story of Luiz Antônio, a clumsy radio presenter who, unexpectedly, finds himself in charge of a bankrupt and falling apart radio station. Relying only on his passion for rock'n'roll and a crazy team, he created one of the most emblematic radio stations in the history of Brazilian rock, Fluminense FM. Between guitar solos and signal interference, we follow the adventures and misadventures of Luiz who, on top of that, falls in love with a married announcer.
Miguel is dealing with depression. Trying to understand this moment, he invites Rodrigo, a friend he hasn't seen for 15 years, to his house. On the day of the meeting, Leticia, his ex-girlfriend, shows up before the guest. The unpleasant mood intensifies when Rodrigo arrives with Carla, his fiancé. Banalities briefly mask the awkwardness, but libido rises, and shyness drops as alcohol kicks in. When Leticia jokes about Miguel's sexuality, he brings back an old memory that redefines the night.
На маленький летний фестиваль фолк-музыки в Австралии съезжаются люди самых разных взглядов и убеждений. Именно эта площадка становится местом столкновения их интересов. Однако музыка способна и сближать людей — она творит чудеса каждый год под тентом маленького австралийского фестиваля, доказывая, что все мы равны, когда ищем счастья.
Pedro and Fabrício are two young filmmakers who never got the chance to make their comedy films. Frustrated, they consider quitting the business, but decide, as their last attempt, to produce a low-budget drama and submit it to a local film festival.