Marek Kuboš


In this partly autobiographical documentary, the director traces the history of Generation 90, a group of Slovak filmmakers who studied in the 1990s. Kuboš conducts interviews with his contemporaries, including Jaroslav Vojtek, Peter Kerekes, and Zuzana Piussi, which he intersperses with their work, while at the same time placing both in a broader cultural and political history. A playfulness and respect for documentary film as such shines through the film.
Да будет свет
Second Unit Director
Словацкая деревня готовится к Рождеству. Сорокалетний Милан приезжает из Германии, где работает, чтобы побыть семьей. Праздничную атмосферу нарушают подозрения о том, что его сын, член военизированной молодежной организации, может быть вовлечен в преступление.
Posledný autopotrét
Taká malá propaganda
Director of Photography
The portrait of the former news editor of STV, who created a "positive image of Slovakia" during the reign of Vladimír Mečiar, reveals how the post-totalitarian mechanisms of television manipulation worked.
Taká malá propaganda
The portrait of the former news editor of STV, who created a "positive image of Slovakia" during the reign of Vladimír Mečiar, reveals how the post-totalitarian mechanisms of television manipulation worked.