Alfonso Rojas

Alfonso Rojas

Рождение : 1916-03-05, Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Andalucía, Spain

Смерть : 1996-01-20


Alfonso Rojas


Героиня фильма оказывается в ловушке в прачечной, расположенной в самом конце улицы. В ловушке устроенной ей серийным убийцей. Ей предстоит пережить несколько часов нападок со стороны не только маньяка, но и крыс, в изобилии там водящихся.
И твою маму тоже
Construction Manager
Двое друзей, не обремененных моральными принципами и мучимые подростковыми гормонами, ищут под жарким солнцем Мексики приключений. Ищут - и находят. Познакомившись на празднике с испанской красоткой Луизой, чье сердце безнадежно разбито, они приглашают ее отправиться в поездку на мифический пляж с романтическим названием «Небесные уста» - в мир фантазий и грез, где исполняются мечты. Луиза, решив развеяться и заодно излечить свое разбитое сердце, принимает приглашение мальчиков. Они еще не знают самого главного…
Divorcio a la andaluza
Reverend's Colt
Colonel Charles Jackson
Reverend Miller arrives in Tucson where he wants to build a church. But on the very day of his arrival a gang carries out a raid on the bank and the people of Tucson, who are suspicious of the new reverend because he carries a gun, immediately blame him for the robbery. The sheriff saves him from lynching by putting him in jail. Then he asks the priest to find the gang and the booty; thus Miller becomes the Reverend Colt. His exceptional skill means that he can shoot hats off people's heads and their pistols from their pockets, but he never kills.
Sabata the Killer
After giving a ride to a man who recently ripped-off his thieving business partner, Sabata and his buddy are unaware that a group of men have been hired to kill them and bring back the loot!
«Штуки» над Лондоном
English officer
Картина описывает драматические события 1940-го года. Фашистская Германия несет угрозу всему миру, Англия противостоит ей, но постоянные вражеские диверсии и провокации противника истощают силы страны. И на фоне всего этого — нормальные человеческие взаимоотношения…
Dead Are Countless
Coronel (uncredited)
Johnny was mentally traumatised when he witnessed as a child the killing of his father (a deserter) by a group of soldiers. As an adult he randomly kills every soldier he gets hold of, so that the army sends out the brutish Lieutenant Garringo to stop Johnny.
A Bullet for Sandoval
After his girlfriend dies in childbirth, Confederate deserter John Warner travels to Mexico, where the woman's father, Don Pedro Sandoval, grudgingly hands over his child. But with no locals willing to provide milk, the baby dies. Rounding up a group of rebels, Warner goes on a rampage through northern Mexico, with the ultimate goal of taking down Sandoval in this gritty Western.
Quinto: Fighting Proud
A gang of outlaws gather at a desert saloon after robbing a bank. However, the loot is missing and paranoia sets in, as the outlaws start knocking each other off
One by One
Capt. Jack Hawkins / Mr. Stuart
Bill learns that his father, during the American Civil War, was accused of theft and killed. Convinced of his innocence, Bill discovers the true robbers.
I Do Not Forgive... I Kill!
Julio Alvarez
Don Ramon, a wealthy patron, receives his son back after he has sent him away to medical school, only to have him fall in love with his new young wife.
A Ghentar si muore facile
In order to overturn the government of some exotic country, the rebels decide to hire an experienced American diver (George Hilton). His risky mission: recover from the botton of the sea a treasure, which would provide financial support to their endeavor.
The Man Who Killed Billy the Kid
Paul Powers - Tunstill's Foreman
This spaghetti western presents a fictitious version of the often filmed legend of Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid. Billy becomes innocently an outlaw while protecting his mother, but then turns into a trigger happy killer. When he falls in love he tries with the help of Pat Garrett, a fatherly friend, to change back. However, circumstances force Billy to become violent again and it is Garrett who is credited with the killing.
Джанго, эта пуля для тебя!
Amos Brownsberg
20.000 долларов — именно на такую огромную по тем временам сумму ограбила одну уважаемую компанию банда Джима Нортона. Сразу после дела хитрые налетчики разделились, и взять их не удалось. Когда уже казалось, что им удастся уйти, в дело вступает знаменитый «охотник за головами» Риган. Он выясняет, что главарь банды Нортон был убит в городишке Пико, правая рука его некто Фриман тоже, и вообще из шести грабителей в живых пока имеются только трое. Да еще Риган вдруг узнает, что у покойного Джима Нортона был братишка-близнец, который живет в Монтане. И тогда Риган отправляетя в Монтану, хотя отлично знает, что там «охотники за головами» считаются такими же бандитами и объявлены вне закона…
Ringo and Gringo Against All
IL Generale
Two bumbling southern soldiers are still trying to fight the war well after its conclusion. Source: SWDB
Password: Kill Agent Gordon
A tough CIA agent is called in to put a stop to a shipment of weapons to the Viet Cong from an arms smuggling ring in this intercontinental spy thriller.
Gunman Called Nebraska
Sheriff Bart
A drifter helps a ranch couple fend off the approaches of a ruthless landowner.
Django, a Bullet for You
Sam Foster, a bounty hunter, is wounded during a shootout and took refuge at the home of Jimmy and Mary, two brothers who live in a small farm. She cared for and healed him, explaining the concern he feels for his brother to the company he keeps. Sam discovers that Jimmy is one of the outlaws pursued and, despite their friendship, goes on his quest to catch a bandit.
Django Does Not Forgive
Sergeant O'Neil
A halfbreed seeks revenge for the death of his sister, who kills herself after being raped by an officer of the Canadian Mounted Police. He gets involved in the historical revolt of halfbreeds and Indians led by Louis Riel in 1885 against the Canadian government.
Левша Джонни Уэст
Одинокий стрелок Джонни Уэст ссорится с нехорошими парнями на золотом руднике. После чего ему приходится собирать команду, чтобы справиться с негодяями ...
Espionage in Tangiers
RCX aka Hassler
A secret agent is assigned to capture a criminal gang that is threatening to destroy Earth with a death ray.
Double Edged Crime
Andrés, son of a famous pianist, discovers the corpse of a tuner killed in his shop, located in the basement of his house. Then a suspect leaves, but in the fear of possible reprisals he doesn't tell anything to the police, only to his wife Laura. From that moment on, Andrés feels threatened and persecuted.
Ад в Манитобе
Poker player
Сюжет вращается вокруг торжества в городе Славы, в котором традиционно проходят поединки. Судьба сталкивает Клинта Бреннера и Риза. Двух соперников, однако, они объединились против общего врага, бандита и злодея Джека Виллайна со своими друзьями, который терроризирует местных фермеров, отнимая у них землю. Финальный поединок в городе Славы приведет к неожиданной развязке.
Seven Hours of Gunfire
Colonel Carr
When he was 12 years old, Bill Cody, later knew as Buffalo Bill, is rider for "pony express" carrying the mail through the wilds of America. It becomes later caravans guide. When driving one of them meets Luisa, the niece of a priest who tried to evangelize the savage tribes accompanied by a converted Indian. It is a dangerous time because, before the advancing white man, the Sioux tribes are buying weapons from unscrupulous dealers...
Mi canción es para ti
Saul and David
David of Bethlehem slays the giant and becomes a rival to King Saul.
Twins from Texas
western movie
Black Angel of the Mississippi
sheriff Eric
Early Spanish western. Ramon Torrado’s westerns remain among the most obscure ones. Of his four westerns, all shot around 1964.
Aquella joven de blanco
The Betrothed
Renzo Tramaglino and Lucia Mondella are two poor farmers who are in love, but they are hampered by the wickedness of the powerful Don Rodrigo, who secretly loves Lucia. The two run away from Lake Como where they live, and take refuge inland.
Relevo para un pistolero
A stranger from Boston offers a notorious Arizona outlaw a job he can’t refuse.
La carga de la policía montada
Sergeant Custer
Two men pretend to the same woman in a fort located in the wilds of Canada. Also, one of them will be the object of desire of an Indian girl.
Sword of Zorro
Captain Gonzalez
The masked avenger of 1830s California leads his two swashbuckling children into battle against a tyrannical governor.
Il terrore dei mantelli rossi
Autopsy of a Criminal
The Sign of the Coyote
Sergeant Hogg
California, 1847. The territory is about to be incorporated into the United States. Parker, the new governor, is a cruel man who believes that the time has come to get rich regardless of the means, but he will soon find a mysterious opponent driven to end his tyranny.
Cristo Negro
After witnessing the murder of her father, the little Mikoa flees the plantation where he works as a slave. Janson, master of the plantation, and his daughter Laura, found lost in the jungle and decide to present to the Father Braulio, a missionary who welcomes him like his son. The young native is raised and educated in the mission, becoming a good man in love with his childhood friend, however, still has much hatred for the person who killed his father, Charles, a cruel white overseer who now at the service of revolutionary blacks.
Two Against All
Dice Croupier
Two brothers, Bull and Jonathan Bullivan, witness the murder of bandit Black Boy who had been terrorizing Golden City. The bandit had been put in place by the city mayor, who wants the local residents to leave so that he can keep their land, where there is oil. The two brothers eat a chicken that has been fed with a strong tonic and they become sort of invincible for a few minutes. The mayor, pressured by the villagers, appoints the Bullivan Brothers as sheriffs and tasks them with the arrest of Black Boy.
I motorizzati
A guy is about to become the millionth citizen to buy a car in Rome. Frightened, he decides to remain pedestrian, and recalls several stories, with new car owners as protagonists. Episodic comedy.
The Savage Guns
This Western is set in the Mexican valley of Sonora not that far south of the state of Arizona. It's just after the American Civil War, and a former Confederate officer, Mike Summers (Don Taylor) has taken refuge in a small town in the valley. He has married and is hoping to live in peace the rest of his life. Instead, he and his wife and the rest of the town are suffering the depredations of a brutal gunman, Danny Pose (Alex Nicol), and his gang of outlaws. Summers holds off picking up a gun because of his personal vow of non-violence. But the situation deteriorates and a new ally comes into the picture, Steve Fallon (Richard Basehart), a wandering gunslinger who may not be able to handle the bad guys alone.
Fray Escoba
La bella Mimí
El indulto
Spain, 1906: in a small village and pregnant after having been raped, Antonia is forced to marry the brutal Lucas to save her honor. But the mother of the girl pays Lucas 20,000 reales so that the man will never get any closer to Antonia or the child to be born. The man's bad temper will take him to jail and Antonia will try to remake his life with Pedro, Luca's brother. However, despite how far they may go, the couple are distressed at the prospect of Lucas being pardoned and seeking them after leaving prison.
Pasa la tuna
Duelo en la cañada
Andalusia, Spain, 1890. The feelings of the famous Creole singer Soledad Chacón are divided between an abusive ex-lover and a new love who is willing to marry her, ignoring the fact that she keeps a dark secret…
В испанской деревне Ронда против войск Наполеона борется вооруженная группа под командованием Антонио, в которого влюблена Микаэла. Но Антонио страстно любит красивую цыганку Кармен. После кровавого противостояния с французскими солдатами Антонио находит убежище у Кармен. Сгорая от ревности, Микаэла предаёт любимого и сообщает о месте его убежища французам. Антонио попадает в тюрьму. Тем временем сержант французской армии Хосе влюбляется в Кармен.
Vargas Inn
¿Dónde vas, Alfonso XII?
Alfonso de Borbón and his cousin María de las Mercedes de Orleans fall in love and, although both families do not maintain good relationships, young people marry when Alfonso became king of Spain.
Невольничий караван
Wächter beim Mudir (uncredited)
В верховьях Нила на караван, с которым путешествуют друзья Бен Немзи и Хаджи Халеф Омар, нападают работорговцы Абу Эль Мота. Приятели попадают в плен, но Немзи чудом удаётся бежать. В пути он встречает чудаковатых учёных, профессоров Линдсэя и Протенхауэра, которые, не подозревая о грозящей им угрозе попасть в руки Эль Мота, занимаются своей непонятной наукой. Пока Немзи строит планы освобождения своего друга, тот встречает в подземельях работорговца сына свергнутого эмира, Хамида, и его возлюбленную Сеницу, с которыми Эль Мот связывает зловещие планы.
Héroes del aire
Acompañante del médico (uncredited)
Year 1860. Rosa Maria, daughter of a wealthy Cuban landowner, is studying at a convent school in Cadiz and requests to return to Cuba after spending many years in Spain. But now the economic situation of his father is disastrous and therefore he tries to delay the return of his daughter, hiding that fact. Rosa Maria knows nothing and, at the refusal of his father, she runs away from school, embarking as a stowaway on a ship bound for home.
Torero por alegrías
A village teacher, in love with the same girl as a bullfighter, is challenged to kill a bull.
Ambush in Tangier
An American police detective's investigation into a series of murders leads him to drug smugglers in North Africa.
Fedra, the Devil's Daughter
Estrella, a wild young woman, is lusted after by every man and therefore hated by the female community.
El fenómeno
A professor at the University of Frankfurt is mistaken for a Russian soccer player on his arrival at Madrid airport. There, he is received as a sports figure and the teacher, unaware of the confusion, take it as an extraordinary compliment. However, problems arise when, after discovering the error, the professor has to pretend to be the player until he appears
Afternoon at the Bulls
Amigo 2º (uncredited)
Right-handers Ricardo Puente, Juan Carmona and Rondeño II, which will take the alternative are advertised in the poster. The first is an old bullfighter, famous in the past, as now, bitter and full of rancor, lives with Paloma, a woman who is not resigned to continue to be the lover of a man who has fallen into oblivion. Carmona, the Bullfighter of fashion, has a major contract to fight in America, but his wife Isabel wants to reject the offer. Ana Maria, the sister of Carmona, hopes that his brother adopted its relations with Rondeno II; but Carmona was opposed because considers it it a bad Bullfighter
A tale of two families, the Mendozas and Alzagas, faced for generations by the water of a river separating their adjoining properties. Old grudges reappear when the two heirs fall in love.
The Devil Plays the Flute
When the pieces of a singular figure are unearthed and then joined together, a devil of the lowest category breaks into a small Mediterranean village. From that moment on, the demon will enter the life of a painter named Bernardino, in the affairs of a "modern" marriage, in the existence of a frightened gardener and, finally, in the day-to-day life of the Great Momo.
Imperial Violets
Aimless boat
Estrella de Sierra Morena
Spanish Round
Capitán 1º
Over a hundred members of the chorus girls and dance groups from the Spanish "Sección Femenina" embark to America to show the richness of their national folklore. The girls have left parked their daily tasks to enjoy this great adventure aboard "Mount Albertia". During the trip, the relationship between the girls and the crew is very lively and in all scenarios where they perform, success always accompanies them.