Laure Dahout


Gare au Fenwick
Delegated Producer
Alan, a withdrawn and solitary young man, usually finds solace in his inner world. Today is the big day: he’s leaving the family home to enter working life.
Те, кто остался
Ом Эль Хир - настоящий боец. Ее муж исчез. Однажды утром он отправился на лодке в Европу, и с тех пор она не получила никаких доказательств того, жив он или нет. Вместе со своими тремя детьми в своей пустой белой квартире в окрестностях Туниса она смело берет на себя ответственность за повседневную жизнь, навсегда изменившуюся из-за отсутствия мужа.
Rest in Piece
Midyan decides to run away from his war-torn home. He packs his bag with objects that remind him of his loved ones and embarks on a journey into the unknown. Soon he is starving and resorts to eating the objects he has packed. The effects are monstrous yet they give him the strength to carry on through the scorching desert. Eventually, he arrives half-dead on the other shore of the sea and eats the most precious of his objects: a family portrait. This gives him the strength to finish his journey.