Maéva Ranaïvojaona


Bergmanesque ghosts appear at the bedside of Edward Weki, a 75-year-old Sudanese man suffering from the final stage of Parkinson’s: Alma, the nurse of Ingmar Bergman’s film Persona, and a female version of Death from his The Seventh Seal help the old man recover lost memories of his life on the island of Farö.
Are even the best and brightest revolutionary movements doomed to inevitable compromise, betrayal and failure? That question haunts this documentary, a biography of Angolan-born Mário Pinto de Andrade (1928–1990), a key figure in African revolutionary and anti-colonial struggles.
Zaho Zay
A young woman works as a prison guard in a hopelessly overcrowded jail in central Madagascar. She passes the time daydreaming about her father, a murderer, who abandoned her as a child after killing his own brother. In her imagination, her father becomes a mythical killer, wandering the countryside and rolling enchanted dice to decide the fate of his victims. Secretly, she yearns for the day her father will turn up amongst the prisoners. When a new inmate arrives claiming to know her father, her fantasies begin to turn to nightmares.
Когда созревает хурма
В азербайджанском селе пожилая мать ждет своего сына. Когда он приезжает, их разговоры кружат вокруг вечных вопросов и новостей издалека, тревожных и загадочных. Беспокойный мир остается за дверями дома. Мать и сын сближаются, тишина растворяется в их словах, и жизнь струится между ними. Сын уходит, в древнем доме наступает зима, прошлое и настоящее снова сливаются в едином ритме.
Behind the locked doors of his apartment, a man faces troubling phenomena, straddling the thin line between fantasy and psychosis. His apartment seems to mutate uncannily as it is incrementally invaded by strange drawings. Painfully, he retches up a creature as black as the ink on the pages… A new union is coming. The creature starts to explore her new surroundings, a place she will eventually make her own.
Behind the locked doors of his apartment, a man faces troubling phenomena, straddling the thin line between fantasy and psychosis. His apartment seems to mutate uncannily as it is incrementally invaded by strange drawings. Painfully, he retches up a creature as black as the ink on the pages… A new union is coming. The creature starts to explore her new surroundings, a place she will eventually make her own.